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Everything posted by Stamen0083

  1. Someone's out of touch with Bandai realities :-P Bandai makes unassembled toys. It's only a natural extension that these so-called models be made in ABS. Most of a Gundam's inner frame is ABS now. The styrene is reserved for armor pieces and things that don't rub against plastic. Does anyone recall the first Gundam model to have any form of ABS construction in it as we know it today? I can only remember as far back as the MG Alex and its shoulder joints.
  2. It's not that bad. The frame is mostly ABS, but the joints are all polycap based anyways. The knee joints are a little bit less tight than I would like, but it's nothing major. The thing that really pisses me off are the feet. Pathetic double ankle joint and split feet that drops the model on its face every other second. It's a good thing I don't have to worry about the Strike, seeing how it's Terpfen's model and not mine, but I hope the MG Freedom doesn't have the same problem. I swear, someone should kick Bandai's ass for the stupid moving knee gimmick. Dumbest dumbass gimmick EVER.
  3. David wasn't kidding when he said the Tomcat flaps are the most complicated in the world. I'm having a hard time deciding how to attach the flaps themselves to the wing. The slats are simple enough. The flaps, though...
  4. It's not mine. It belongs to Terpfen. I do have more pics, but I prefer to tease :-P Hack my posted picture ;-)
  5. The MG Freedom needs a head redesign. Something to bring it in line with this MG Strike:
  6. Everything's been cut up: And the cove doors closed: And this has nothing to do with VF-1 flaps, but I had to scratch build gear doors on my VF-0S because I misplaced a few of them. Of course, after building one, I have to build them all. Not a bad likeness, eh?
  7. Urgh. That's one tacky design. Red frame Astray 1/144, I love you.
  8. I'm not at the level of "brillaint" yet... And CEO's are usually so stressed out that they don't have a full set of hair. If they do, it's probably a rug. Duke Togo: I'm eleven and a half :-P
  9. You are perfectly entitled to your opinions. However, inciting a flamewar is something that should NOT be allowed. And your post was the perfect start.
  10. I like Fluffy. I would name my AIBO Fluffy if I had one.
  11. This reminds me of the classic Seinfeld episode, "The Serenity Now."
  12. These machines are flying in space. Stall is meaningless.
  13. Wow, John. That booster cone looks farting awesome! Question, though. I thought the flaps would look better (and somewhat more accurate) if they were a bit bigger than what you have there. What do you think?
  14. http://www6.airnet.ne.jp/f104/vf1/vf1s.htm Interesting.
  15. It's a best selling manga in Japan. Just because you're ignorant of it doesn't make it any less "best selling." And it DOES put Disney to shame. In my opinions, anyways, and obviously, in A7's as well. It sucks for your having to make a presentation to some people somewhere, but it's not an excuse to insult anyone's opinions like that. It's completely uncalled for. If you disagree with his opinions, say so. Don't call A7's reviews just an advertisement for Japanese pop culture just because everything he reviews just so happens to fit his taste.
  16. Closer than the ADV Manga's translation of "numbnuts." I. Love. This. Show. Best. Thing. EVER.
  17. Actually, I can't tell the TV version of the FAZZ apart from the Katoki version. Besides the proportional changes, the styling between the two is very similar. The head is probably the only really distinguishable difference. I was referring to the ZZ ver. Ka., which first appeared on (as far as I know) the HG ZZ Gundam manual. There are numerous styling changes between the TV version and the Katoki version, akin to changes between the Okawara 1979 RX-78-2 and the Katoki RX-78-2 ver. Ka., effectively making it a new design. It's still very much a ZZ Gundam, but it's very much a Katoki creation. For a great rendition of the Katoki ZZ Gundam, check this link: http://www5e.biglobe.ne.jp/~reckless/gallery/aeug/zz/zz.html As far as Katoki creations in GFF line, the GP01, for one, is very much a Katoki original, given that the Kawamori TV GP01 is worlds apart from the Katoki MG, HGUC, and GFF versions. GP02 as well, but the changes are much less drastic.
  18. :sigh: No. See the two ZZ pictured? The one on the left is the bare bones ZZ Gundam ver. Ka. The one on the right is the FAZZ. Probably ver. Ka. I can't really tell, since I'm not a fan of the fat ass in the first place. But the regular ZZ ver. Ka. is nice.
  19. It's not FAZZ. It's regular ZZ, and the one in the picture on the left is ver. Ka. On the right is the FAZZ.
  20. Interesting. A ZZ ver. Ka. I wouldn't mind seeing how this one turns out. If it's sculpted by Studio Reckless and match their 1/144 resin kit, I'm very in.
  21. I want a Hasegawa VF-11. I want a Hasegawa VF-11. I want a Hasegawa VF-11. I want a Hasegawa VF-11. I want a Hasegawa VF-11. I want a Hasegawa VF-11. A virtual model may be enough to tide me over until then.
  22. The kit retails for 2000 yen. $18.17 is the converted price. Yes, $18 for it is a very good deal. I would pick up several if I were you.
  23. I don't mind flying around with Roy, but only in a VF-0S. Maybe 0D, but my WSO would have to be a really hot chick who knows how to kick some ass. I had a dream once where I was a VF-1 pilot, and I was hovering around in Gerwalk mode. It was incredible.
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