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Everything posted by Stamen0083

  1. According to Gunota, these kits have been announced: MG Ball ver. Ka. (December, 2100 yen) HGUC G-Fighter (November) MG Wing Zero Custom (October) PG Strike I look forward to seeing the PG Strike's frame.
  2. Prestige points aren't actually money. I think a good way to think of it is as moving up in ranks. You can go back to an old vessel as you wish. The Intrepid class sure sucks at offensive, but its hull and shields are pretty damn powerful. I love the Steamrunner's multiple photon torpedo launches, but I miss the Defiant's phasers more. At least the Intrepid's phasers aren't too bad. I wonder what the Akira will be like.
  3. In the Bajora sector, up and to the left of Deep Space Nine is a shipyard. Dock there. The window will open up and you can switch to another ship. The best part is that after buying a ship, you still have your prestige points, so you don't have to start from zero after upgrading.
  4. Hah. Says you. I gathered 91000 prestige points, and am flying around in an Intrepid class. A few steps more and I'll be sitting pretty in a nice Akira class. To warp to other sector, you have to be going in warp speed. You can only warp one node at a time. You have to jump from sector to sector if you want to go some place far away. To find the planets, I find it best to set the scanner to maximum range (use the (-) button). The planets are represented on the screen as black dots surrounded by a blue circle. You'll have to fly over the planet themselves, or close enough, so that the name of the planet appears on the screen. On the map screen, you can view the planet names within each system. The best way to gain prestige points quickly is to liberate a sector. In the map screen, there are numbers, indicating how much more killing you have to do to liberate that sector. Each liberation nets you roughly 5000 prestige points. The higher the point count, the more powerful ship you can expect to face. If you have a dinky little Danube, don't wander into systems that are over 4000 liberation points and expect to be able to kill much.
  5. Use the arrow keys to move your ship. When you're at maximum impulse (Speed: 4), you can engage warp drive and move faster. Dock at Deep Space Nine to fix your ship, recharge your shields, and refill your torpedoes. Dock at the shipyard to buy better ships with your prestige. Navigate towards the red dots to attack them. You can't fire without a target, i. e. an enemy. Your ship is always the center of the scanners. Use the (+) and (-) keys to zoom in and out. When warping, use the map to move to another system.
  6. I've always liked my being able to use my Gunze glue to form a welded bond between plastic and plastic. No such luck with resin.
  7. I'd buy it. If and only if it's this version: http://www5e.biglobe.ne.jp/%7Ereckless/gal...ma/byg/byg.html
  8. That's the rifle from the PG GP01 kit. It's supposed to be the bullpup machinegun that the GP01, Powered GM, and GM C type carried in Gundam 0083, but redesigned so that with a few parts swap, it becomes the GM Custom's rifle. A cheapass cop out, if you ask me.
  9. The PG Gundam was the first kit I know of to feature the tab and the slot. I think the MG Dom might have established precedence, but I'm not sure, since I don't own the kit. The 1/60 Strike hands are most likely made of PS plastic, though, and not ABS like modern MG hands. Of course they will wear out.
  10. I think Hasegawa makes templates for rescribing rivets. They are etched metal plates with teeth evenly spaced. Basically, line up your drill bit with the tooth, and drill. As for scribing panel lines, this has been said more than once, and it cannot be said enough: Hasegawa scriber saws RULE!
  11. As previously mentioned, the 1/144 LOOKS better than the 1/100. For one thing, it doesn't have the pinhead syndrome. For another, the knee armor isn't rounded off and made ugly.
  12. The Wing and X 1/100's were explicitly marked as HG's. The 1/144 Astray looks much better than the 1/100 counterpart. Give me that anyday. Screw non-MG 1/100's.
  13. Millia, eat your heart out.
  14. http://www.bash.org
  15. Holy crap! Six hours! Heaven forbid I should spend my time building a model properly! It's not a race. Time is irrelevant when it comes to model building. Bandai has spoiled you all rotten. Next thing we know, B-Club will be releasing resin conversion kits molded in full color and is made for snap-fit.
  16. damn man, chill. why not be more constructive? How's this for constructive? Oh man like whoa man that looks so cool LOLOL!!!!!!111111!!!!!1111 That awesome dont look fake at all LOLOL!!!!111!!111
  17. That particular piece was created by Katoki. You're right, it's not our call what design is used. But it IS our call what design we buy in merchandise form, and guess what? Judging by this forum alone, a large number of people are going to buy a shitload of SEED merchandise because it's there. For example, wishing for a MG Providence Gundam. I don't follow that thread, so I didn't see your post. But no one's dogging the series here. In fact, I rather enjoyed what I've seen of SEED. I'm dogging the mechanical designs that will show up in it. "Forcing crap" is perhaps a little strong, but my point is that fanbase is supposed to create merchandise, not merchandise creating a fanbase, which SEED is the perfect example of the latter. SEED is a series made for kids. A new generation of Gundam fans, so to speak. The SEED fanbase today is comparable with the MSG fanbase of the early days. We're not kids, so we're not picking up on how the ugly mecha designs are drawing kids to the series.
  18. You miss the point. The merchandising blitz isn't due to fan demand. This is a case of Bandai forcing crap down people's throat. And this clearly proves the point: "If you make it, they'll buy it." The first one is a Katoki. The last ones are Okawara. Nina's expressions are hardly surprising.
  19. They suck because Okawara touched them. Case in point, the Astray Gundam. The original is gorgeous, and the cleaned up version, the so-called M1 mass production Astrays, SUCK. Bandai and Fukuda maybe tyoing Okawara's hands, but damn it, there are more than one way to let mechs have big backpacks.
  20. Will there be Jade?
  21. Stamen0083

    VF-0A kit

    These boxarts keep getting better and better. Too bad the kits inside don't. GIVE US A fartING VF-0D ALREADY!
  22. I rather like the Tenrack bomber. Vampire would be a fitting name. I like the hangar/launch bay of the carrier. I'm not fond of the nacelles and the arms holding them to the hull, though. I get a feeling that they would be ripped off easily in the middle of maneuvers. I think if the engine pods were attached to the body directly with a fairing around it would make it look pretty damn cool.
  23. That's an unusual side view.
  24. :snicker: Willing to release designs that never showed up in anime form. Right. Those two designs were probably first made popular by Studio Reckless, who took Okawara's over-the-top designs and Katokified them. With the game and manga series coming out, these kits were released as tie-ins and to also cash in on Katoki's brand name. Too bad they didn't go with the full-on Studio Reckless design, but chose to go with a bastardized, half Okawaran version instead. I can think of far more popular designs that were never animated that would have sold just as well, if not better. Blue Destinies come to mind. Gundam Pixy, as well. Of course, given that these were released as conversion kits, we're not likely to see them in the future. The Refined Barzam is a very popular Sentinel design. That is the one kit I would love to see right now. There are no conversion sets out there either, so my fingers are still crossed.
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