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Everything posted by Stamen0083

  1. This looks like a photo of a real plane. Where did the idea of a model come in?
  2. Yeah, right. The HGUC kit is a flop, sales wise, given that it's so expensive. The GFF version would offer nothing new, besides markings and a $500 price tag. The G-System decal sheet is just like any other G-System releases: limited. They may do a reprint in the future, but you're better off e-mailing G-System distributors, such as http://www.mechadream.com or http://www.childofmecha.com and let them know you are interested.
  3. So it IS going to be Jessica Alba for the Invisible Woman? Fecking awesome.
  4. Don't thank me. Thank HugeDom over at the CoM message board. :-P Hikuro: Ver Ka!
  5. What, what? What did you do?
  6. What properties as far as bond strength and fogginess can we expect?
  7. I would like a Gunpod, but I would rather have the VF-0 Gunpod. The VF-1 pod is too plain and boring.
  8. I'm sure your snap job will be better than my snap job. :-P
  9. I've never liked the Wing Zero Custom, and this new MG kit is no different, but I'm going to get it anyways just to spite you.
  10. Ivanov's called DD because apparently, DD is his abbreviated first name, or something. His SV-51 is no different from Nora's, save the colors. The VF-0D is the blue VF-0 with the delta wings. Happy days. Happy days indeed.
  11. The Strike Rouge came with a rubber figure. That's Bandai's justification for the 200 yen increase. MG Strike in Phase Shift Down mode. About time. I doubt that it comes with both Sword and Launcher packs, though. One or the other, at best, not both. Blue Frame Astray Second molded in red? Stupid.
  12. On the contrary. The fact that a propulsion system may use plasma alone brings magnetohydrodynamics into play, since the plasma can only be contained by magnetic fields. Perhaps that was the extent of the application of the theory. Still, it has everything to do with propulsion, if, in fact, the propulsion system relies on plasma in any way. Ahh, but see, I've explained the word, so I don't think you can make that claim anymore. I said that magnetohydrodynamic is the study of the interaction between magnetic fields and electrically conducting fluids. You left out the critical "interaction between", which explained everything. I never challenged its dealing with propulsion. I merely questioned your knowledge of the word's meaning. Here's my take on magnetohydrodynamics as applied to propulsion: Use the magnetic field to expel plasma, much like using compressors to expel hot gases in a modern engine. If not, use magnetic fields to inject plasma into whatever else the propulsion system might need plasma for. Whatever it may be, it's still just uneducated speculation, especially on my part, since I no next to nothing about propulsion. I don't single anyone out. You just happen to be the target because I got the feeling that you didn't know what you were talking about. And as I've pointed out, the term is NOT broad. It makes perfect sense to me. It just feels broad because it can be applied to different contexts, like propulsion, or the Earth's magnetic field, but in whatever case it's used, its meaning is still the same. Yeah, about that. How would plasma be released? Manipulation of the magnetic fields holding the plasma in. Lo and behold, there's the 'M' word again! From what I gathered from the PDF file, the MHD device is merely a small part in a larger engine. It's not the be all, end all propulsion system. It's a small piece that makes the system work. The PDF simply didn't explain what MHD is, or how it helps make the system works, which is what we are after. And yes, pair annihilation is matter-antimatter reaction.
  13. I will direct your attention to my post three or four posts up.
  14. I dream of the day when cold fusion becomes a reality. No more energy crises. Last I looked into fusion, which was... two years ago (?), scientists have reached economic break-even. In other words, they've gotten enough energy out of the reaction that they put in so that using it won't make or lose money. How they did it? Muon catalysis fusion.
  15. Let's address this logically. You threw the buzzword "magnetohydrodynamic" around, and you didn't even attempt to explain it. The PDF file you linked to didn't explain what it is. So you've tried to explain, but you've failed. I would rather not provide any information that I don't know than to provide false or incorrect information. You know what they say, "it's better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt." I'm not saying you're a fool, mind you. Hell, my accusing you of not knowing what magnetohydrodynamic is is unfounded. However, you didn't even try to explain yourself. All you've done is get defensive. Prove me wrong, and explain to us the entire premise of magnetohydrodynamic and its application towards propulsion, because to be honest, I'm just a simple person, and technical words in fields I know little to nothing about tend to throw me. So please. As for my demanding that certain people answer certain questions, I was peeved that Nanashi quoted the man's ENTIRE post, then linked to the Compendium and expected the extremely vague post to answer ALL of his questions. I don't demand anything more than if you're going to quote everything the man asks, answer them. Assuming, of course, the ambient temperature is enough to strip the electrons from their orbits. Practically speaking, this is extremely unlikely. Of course, fires are enigmatic creatures at best, and who knows what the hell is going on at the quantum level.
  16. That explains nothing. Nuclear fuel means anything that can be used for a nuclear reaction. This refers to really light elements like Hydrogen for fusion, or really heavy elements like Uranium for fission. Non-nuclear fuel would be something like iron; Too light for fission, too heavy for fusion. Now, address the rest of the man's questions.
  17. Not necessarily. Plasma is the state of matter where enough energy was absorbed by the electrons that they float free of the nucleus. As long as enough energy is being pumped into the system, you can generate plasma. You don't need a nuclear reaction to create it. But yes, hydrogen plasma would basically be free protons and electrons. Of course not. Your PDF file doesn't explain what magnetohydrodynamics is. I'm not sure if you know what it is. Magnetohydrodynamics: The study of the interaction of magnetic fields and electrically conducting liquids and gases. In other words, the interaction between magnetic fields and plasma or molten metal.
  18. Jinnai is the type of person to incur damage to himself while doing everyday things. :-P And he works and has school, so this project isn't likely to be complete any time soon.
  19. Psh. Do you really think those satellites we put up in space is used for navigation and communication? No way man. Those satellites were put up there to get a jump on the rest of the world when aliens try to contact us.
  20. I've got to learn better use of the emoticons. Most Gundam fans have mastered the art.
  21. Best. Collector's. Piece. EVER. I love stuff like this. It shows you are truly a fan. Way to go.
  22. http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?BAN36371
  23. We don't even need to see Roy thrash Shin's Valkyrie with no scratches to see that it's tough. The fact that the entire plane can stand up on its tail pipe is already pretty farting amazing, if you ask me.
  24. MS pilots are real pilots too. It's not like the Federation is going to hand over a very expensive piece of destructive hardware to any yutz out there. Newtype children excepted. Besides, MS pilots during 0079 were basically making the transition from conventional fighters to MS. However, I've always thought that piloting an MS is more like piloting a tank, anyways, so it's really not fair to compare a fighter to a tank. Honestly, comparing Gundam and Macross is pretty stupid, especially when it comes to versus battles, but if you want to go hypothetical, where the ASS-1 also crashed into the Gundam universe, there's no reason why Gundam couldn't benefit from OverTechnology like the Valkyries did. While Lunar Titanium is already tough, OverTechnology boosted Lunar Titanium could probably crush hypercarbons into hyperdiamonds without even trying. The point is, we can't know. Who else's opinion would it be? Close range fighting with a beam saber or with guns is still dogfighting. Heh. Should have known better than to utter Robotech at a Macross board, where the former is regarded as an evil bastard child and should have burned in hell along with Macek, and both should never have allowed to leave the womb.
  25. That would be very weird. Afterburners inject fuel into the stream to burn up the excess oxygen that wasn't consumed during combustion. Injecting fuel into a plasma stream really doesn't do anything.
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