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Everything posted by Stamen0083

  1. Urgh. This is so lame. The VF-0A and VF-0B boxarts were so much better. Hell, even the VF-0S boxart is still better than this boring POS. Blah.
  2. This looks decent. Now go make it. The red face and chin is a nice touch. I'm still not sure about the white on the shoulders, but whatever.
  3. Heh. Better. If you want intimidating, make the dark gray darker, and make the gray dark gray. Intimidation needs some grace sometimes.
  4. Sort of. Getting better. The white areas on the shoulders look out of place. Try dark gray there. The black chest vents should look better in white. The outer white parts of the wings would look better in dark gray. The green parts.. Lose them, or make it a darker shade, or add more gray. The center part of the V-fin would look good in dark gray with the white fins.
  5. This is just me speaking, but I would lose all the red and replace it with blue. The green shouldn't be there in the first place. The black... way out of place. Try white instead. Look to the ZetaPlus C1 if you want to do a gray mech. If you want red trim, the mech should be white.
  6. That's an atrocity. An insult to Katoki. I hope you don't go through with it.
  7. BHop? Are you here? They've just been busy with life and work, that's all. They will pick it up again eventually.
  8. Sprue rods from polycap trees. http://www.1999.co.jp/asp/GoodsDetails_e.a...hop_right_e.asp
  9. Even if Tamiya offers a 1/72 Tomcat, I would recommend staying away from it. As far as I know, all Tamiya 1/72 airplane kits are reboxing of Italeri kits. In other words, they suck.
  10. Isn't things like this better done over PM? Anyways, Puss-in-Boots have always seemed... extraneous to me. I don't think he was necessary. Sure, the thing is cute, and there's some fun stuff happening with him, but I don't think taking him away would have made the movie any less enjoyable. The thing I have a real problem with is his joining Shrek and Donkey. That was just too convenient.
  11. A painted VF-0B! Thank heavens. Good job. What's with the missing tow bar though?
  12. Hrm. Yes on all count except the durable bit.
  13. Yes on all counts. Except the joints are polycaps, assuming you're talking about knee/elbow joints and not the finger joints.
  14. Are the 'l' and 'o' keys on your keyboard worn out?
  15. "Hoard", with no 'E'. :-P
  16. Whoa. Have you forgotten that my sense of humor is rather twisted, JR? I never said anything about whether you created the model. I meant I'm surprised that you didn't know about Peck's work in the first place.
  17. Yeesh, JR. You suck. That's Peck's Gouf. Everyone, bookmark this: http://members12.tsukaeru.net/peck/
  18. Every drill bit is a spiral drill. I don't think spiral is the keyword we should be concentrating on here. I'm curious whether this thing is powered. If it's indeed smaller than a pin vise and is powered, we have something here. Otherwise, it's just a small scale pin vise. Oh. My. Gods. Wait for the VF-0D and build that! Build a VF-0D! VF-0D! Or an SV-51, so you can build it now and not have to wait until December to start work.
  19. It's quite thin when it's a new bottle, but I've left mine open overnight more than once, so my current sample is a tad thicker than before. But it's not stringy at all. I've heard good things about Tamiya's extra thin cement, so I think I will get a bottle of that and try it out next time. Thin glue is always very nice. The reason I love the Gunze so much is that it actually works like plastic cement is supposed to, i. e. it actuall melts the plastic and bonds them together. The Testors crap is very weak in that regards. It does the job, but not as well as the Gunze.
  20. About the glue... ditch the Testors and pick up some Gunze Mr. Cement Deluxe. I've used Testors for years, but once I've gotten a taste of the Gunze, I would never go back.
  21. Well, if you want to risk it, you could try it. I'd stick with a pin vise myself. I have much greater control over it than I would a hand drill, unless it spins at perhaps sixty RPM.
  22. Use the tip of the X-acto to make a guide point, then use a 1.5mm drill bit in a pin vise to drill. No power drill. That's much too fast and inaccurate.
  23. Best. Pixar. Film. EVER! So far. I wondered how Finding Nemo was to be topped. Now I wonder how Incredibles is going to be topped. I'm going to preorder this DVD.
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