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Everything posted by Stamen0083

  1. Squadron Green sucks when it's not thinned. When it IS thinned, it doesn't stick to plastic. Please, for your sake, buy Tamiya. When it comes to modelling, the Japanese really know what they're doing.
  2. I wouldn't complain about the 90K NSX. It's worth it.
  3. Reminds me of the Nissan Z.
  4. I've fallen in love with the 350Z myself. I find it to be quite cute, and the relatively low price tag means I may actually be able to own one someday, because, hell, despite what I think, I just don't see myself driving a Murcielago Roadster to work.
  5. I did. Ms. Garner should have been made to prance around in the red suit more. I did not pay ten bucks to see the suit in only two scenes, damn it! But I did see her walk. Yummy.
  6. Too many... dirty... comments... Must... refrain... (Note to self: Stop talking to >EXO<. Dirty bastard tainted my innocence.)
  7. It is precisely this sort of thinking that prevents them from making a VF-11. I say we all buy as much Hasegawa Macross as we can. Indeed. He's not even a modeller.
  8. The Ferrari F430 isn't special enough to get Tamiya's attention like the Enzo. At the very least, though, it will get a kit, and if the Ferrari 360 Modena and Spider kits were any indication, it will be incredible. Just not as incredible as the Enzo kit. I can't wait to see what the F430 Spider version looks like. My dream right now is to see Tamiya make Lamborghini kits. The Lamborghini license in Fujimi hands is such a waste. Pathetic models for way too much money. I want Gallardos and Murcielagos and Diablos and 25th Anniversary Countaches to face off against my Ferrari 360 and F40 and F50 and Enzo and Mythos, damn it!
  9. Nothing like Italian exotics to make you wish you have lots of money. The F430 is beautiful. The Murcielago Roadster... What hasn't been said already? I can't wait for the kits. The Ferrari Super America... That looks like a Ferrari 550 convertible.
  10. Good job. I much prefer the Hasegawa sculpt, though. The details seem much sharper and the shape much sleeker. There's no doubt about the craftsmanship though.
  11. Those don't transform. The modeller built separate modes.
  12. Assembly needs no instruction. It's a left half, right half, snap, arms, legs, snap situation. It's not a complex military or car model with hundreds of tiny parts. It's a Gundam. If you have ever had one of those cheap SEED kits, this is exactly what you're looking at.
  13. Gundam: 3.8 million. Macross: 922 thousand. Muahaha.
  14. Been thinking about getting that gun recast and offer it to people, though to be honest, I think I want to keep this particular one as a one off special piece. Maybe in the future. I want to build all three, after all.
  15. Cutting grooves for rods is not all that difficult. Given that the typical saw blade is fairly wide already, all you would have to do is lean the blade at a 45 degree angle on both sides to cut a channel. Metals have different properties depending on manufacturing. As for this case, stiffness would probably be better than springiness, as you want the wings to not appear sagging, not to be able to spring back into straight wings after the missile boxes are removed.
  16. Brass rods might even be too soft to hold the wings, especially at diameters small enough to fit inside the wings properly. If you can find some stiff steel wires, that would be best. Good luck.
  17. Carve a channel in between the wing halves and stick brass rods in there.
  18. It was along the line of a FG SEED kit. Nothing HG about it. We don't know what the sculpt of the HGUC will be like. I'm hoping it will be like the freebie kit. I would say, though, that knowing Bandai, they will reuse the 3-D model, and we'll get a HG version of the freebie kit.
  19. Worry not. TR-1 Hazel coming to a HGUC box near you. Bleh desu, says I. I want a farting GM Sniper II.
  20. Who the hell are you and what did you do with Shin?
  21. So many companies merging nowadays. This really mucks things up. I want a decent F-22 Raptor kit, and between the Tamiya, Italeri, and Revell Germany offerings, I'm still facing the same damn kit, with the same damn inaccurate cockpit and everything else associated with Italeri. Too bad. I wish Tamiya would make their own 1/72 fighter line instead of reboxing Italeri.
  22. I think that's a Sparrow. I'm more interested in the smaller, Sidewinder looking thing in the background. What the heck are those?
  23. Super Sylph Yukikaze has very nice mechanical designs, but the stupid story and ugly character design really kills it for me. Long live Macross Zero. Long live the VF-0 series.
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