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Everything posted by Stamen0083

  1. That Aile pack looks horrid on it.
  2. Better articulation and proportions/styling. HG 1/100 is Okawaran, meaning it is an ugly POS. MG 1/100 is Bee-Craft, meaning it is infinitely better.
  3. Hah. That's very cool. Very sensible in keeping it mostly fixed posed, which solves the problem of flop and gigantic, ugly exposed polycaps.
  4. You just mean as far as planes go, right? Because Grumman builds a hell of a lot more than planes. Ships, for example.
  5. They're so cute! SELL THEM TO US! Complete with cast in joints, please. :-D
  6. If I have that set up, I would watch Azumanga Daioh on it. I would love to hear Osaka on surround sound.
  7. How do you figure? Intellectual property laws are important. They apply not just to engineers, but also artists and whatever else. Ever heard of copyrights? Patents? It's all meant as a tool for making sure whoever came up with the idea gets the credit and money deserved, rich or poor.
  8. No, it is not. While it is paid for by the people, the designs are still drawn up by companies and engineers, making them their intellectual property. What you say is true if and only if the people who pay taxes also draw up blue prints. It's kind of like any commissioned model project. Just because I pay you to buy the supplies and scratch build a model for me that you design and build yourself doesn't make it mine, does it?
  9. What do you mean, gripping arms? Ugly retro piece of poo.
  10. This is American releases.
  11. Change in Zeta's ending was rumored when the movie news was first released, and it's been discussed elsewhere since. Maybe you can check Gunota.
  12. What are you talking about? Where are you getting the idea that they would use SEED style animation and colors for the Z movies?
  13. They are animating new scenes, but they are keeping the old school look for consistency's sake. I, for one, look forward to fansubs.
  14. Marasai has more to do with the Kaempfer than the Zaku. In fact, the Marasai shares almost no parts with the Zaku, and converting one into another means a whole lot of work. However, there was a Kaempfer to Marasai conversion done some years back.
  15. I think those tail lights look incredible.
  16. How embarassing. I fixed the link. Thanks.
  17. ...about the GP01A? http://ic.ucsb.edu/~gundam/CoreFighters.jpg
  18. That, plus the fact that the Gundam ver. Ka. has so many distinctly different design elements that essentially places it away from the 78 line. It lives in what I'd like to call Ka-verse, where Integral designs are the standard mechs for 0079-0083.
  19. Damn, I did forget. Truth be told, the Gundam ver. Ka. is an entirely different design and doesn't fit the timeline.
  20. It IS a big deal. First MG Rx-78-2: Okawaran version. 1995 technology. Enough said. Second MG Rx-78-2: Gundam ver. 1.5. Fancy new PG style legs with 1995 technology arms. Cool legs, but everything else is WRONG. Third MG Rx-78-2: Perfect [sic] Gundam. Once again, enough said. Fourth MG Rx-78-2: Project Pegasus. New arms, new legs, new mobility. 21st century technology. It took Bandai ten years to make the right Rx-78-2. It IS a big deal. Ugly Zeta and CCA mechs can wait. PS: If they can't get the Rx-78-2 right, there's no way in hell they would get the MG GM Sniper II or anything else right. Look at the MG GM Kai.
  21. Did you guys look at the picture carefully? This is a brand new kit, save for quite possibly recycled 1.5 internal frame. The Rx-78-2 has never had a decent representation in 1/100 scale. This is it, as far as I can see. It's a scaled down PG Gundam without the chunky PG proportions and more panel lines. I say it's about time. If it means I get a great Rx-78-2 instead of a GM Sniper II, I'll gladly accept it.
  22. http://s03.2log.net/home/gunota/mgrxpp.jpg Rejoice, all. Thank you, Gunota.
  23. Who are you kidding? That thing is hideous as hell. It's like an Okawara/Izubuchi bastard child with Aibo legs.
  24. Unimpressive. The movement is awkward and slow, the control system is jerky. This is almost amateurist. I saw the ASIMO and I thought "This is great. They're going somewhere." I see this and I think "Undergrad work?"
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