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Everything posted by Stamen0083

  1. It's actually TS-55, Tamiya Spray dark blue. The kit is Revell. I went through hell and back to get it to not suck, but even for a first kit, it's still not very good. It looks OK in pictures, but in person... bleh. Spend the money, save the grief, build Tamiya only.
  2. Yeah. This is my first car model: Can anyone tell what color it really is? Hint: It's not black.
  3. Anyone seen the photos from the Geneva Auto Show? As I predicted, the Ferrari F430 Spider made an appearance. Always a stunner. Unexpected was the Lamborghini Gallardo Roadster. The Maserati Birdcage concept is incredible. Of course, since it is a Pininfarina concept. And the Koenigsegg CCR...
  4. I know. It still warrants a repeat though.
  5. I've said this before, but it warrants repeating. Paint the goddamn thing.
  6. Half a year? All indications point to those kits being released at the same time. How is that half a year? I wouldn't place too much stock in a HGUC Hazel. Sounds like another rumor that won't ever pan out.
  7. Yes. Yeah, well, you still have to modify those cars, don't you? With Ferrari, you get the performance from stock. No, you're right. If I were to purchase a Ferrari, it is not because of performance reasons. I would buy it for the way it looks. Unless you do extensive modifications to a car, you don't get the look, the feel, the performance of a Ferrari. And showroom stock cars, as you put it, were meant for street driving, so they would be toned down. Putting them on the track would require that they be brought up to standard. In anycase, the whole pricing structure of Ferrari is a case in point: is it worth the money for a Ferrari? For most people, hell yeah. If there's a little prestige the car carries with it, it's just icing on the cake.
  8. Ferraris are faster, more powerful than typical cars. They are meant for racing, not for daily driving. Hundreds of hours go into wind tunnel testing to ensure the best aerodynamics for a body design. The Enzo is made from mostly carbon fiber for the body, which, as I understand it, is a hell of a lot more expensive and difficult to work with material than sheet metal, and the end result is lighter shell. Not to mention the hours went into designing, testing, tuning the engine, suspension, and everything relevant to performance. If I had a Ferrari, I would make sure no four year-old ever gets near it. And supposedly, the machine is handcrafted rather than mass produced. Since more people are involved, the price of production is higher. Even though Ferrari is owned by Fiat, Fiat does nothing more than give them a place to put their factory, so to speak. Fiat has nothing to do with construction of the car. You speak of a Ferrari, a race car, which has always been Enzo Ferrari's vision, not a symbol of wealth, as though it was a Honda Civic. You sure as hell can't compare an F1 racer to a daily car. You can't compare Ferrari (and Lamborghini, for that matter) to daily cars either.
  9. It's not so much a finance question. It has more to do with quality of the product. Is it good? Certainly. Is it good enough to be worth its MSRP? Definitely not. Would you pay the set price? No. Would you definitely buy it if it was a little cheaper? Hell yeah. The point is that contents of stuff has varying worth. Sometimes it's worth it, sometimes it's not. In the case of music CD's, definitely not.
  10. Hey, don't forget the problem of when something is not crap, and the contents is something I want, but the price is just too much that I cannot afford it. For example, I want the PG Strike Gundam kit, but it costs so much that I cannot afford it. If the price is lower, I would buy it in a heartbeat.
  11. Is he the guy with no face?
  12. Movies, books, music, etc... don't cost a lot of money because of the media it's printed on. All things considered, those things cost a few pennies to make, at most. What we are paying for is the intellectual property, the printed words, the filmed sequences, the recorded music. This is something authors, film makers, recording artists live on. They make these things to make money, which is the same reason any of us go to work everyday for. I won't comment on the pricing structure, but I will remind people that there are DVD's out there that cost $29.99, and then there are DVD's out there that cost $7.99. There are CD's out there that cost $19.99, and then there are CD's out there that cost $1.99.
  13. What of Totoro? Anyone else looking forward to that disk release? Any reviews on picture quality, sound quality, whathaveyou?
  14. Never, never variable kits. NEVER. Models are NOT toys. Models should not be toys. Besides, as far as Macross is concerned, much cheating is done in transformation so that one mode will not translate precisely into another, so compromises must be made. When it comes to my models, I make no compromises. I demand a fighter mode VF-11. I demand a Gerwalk mode VF-1. Long live static display models!
  15. For fart's sake. If you're too lazy to trim and sand sprue marks, you should not be allowed to build models. Goddamn snappers.
  16. Heh. He broke his hand recently. Again. So now he has time but not the health to model. Let me tell ya, the guy he's building the SV-51 for is getting pissed.
  17. That's the Bandai 1/72 Variable VF-1D kit.
  18. Well, Happy Christmas to you too. Oh, wait, you made a mistake. :-P It's Chuc Mung Nam Moi, or Cung Hi Phat Tai, which is the Viet Namese pronunciation of the Chinese greetings. And I would love it if people started to refer to it as Lunar New Year instead of Chinese, as almost all Asian countries celebrate it and not just China, each with distinct cultural traits. And the Chinese food line was first said, as I recall, by Matthew Perry's character Chandler Bing on Friends, Season 1, episode 23, where Joey encouraged Ross to "forget about Rachel, go to China, eat Chinese food," at which point Chandler says "of course, over there they just call it food."
  19. Y'all are pathetic. Without the French, the colonists would have had their asses whooped, you Americans would be British citizens or part of British territory, and I would be back in Viet Nam suffering the Communist rule. Before you go bash the French, think about what they have done for you.
  20. Because the site is NOT Gundamshopandmore. It's Gundamstoreandmore. I told you it was the 0080 version.
  21. Chris, your air brushing doesn't look bad at all. The Wing Zero and the Rick Dias look pretty smooth. Really, all you need is the ability to lay down a smooth coat. If you have an eye for color, you're set.
  22. :sigh: Chris, you would probably by a Bandai kitchen sink if they called it a Gundam. :-P
  23. That's not what I'm talking about. I meant did you get the old 0080 GM kit or the new HGUC?
  24. Wait, which version of the GM did you get, and which one are you comparing it to?
  25. So that's a no on the recast and sell?
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