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Everything posted by Stamen0083

  1. Nah. I meant the voice.
  2. This is why Revenge of the Sith rules the prequel trilogy: 1. General Grievous has four lightsabers. The most any Jedi ever wields is two (that I know of). He wields four of them. farting FOUR! 2. Anakin versus Obi-Wan duel. It was all blades. It was lightning fast, and that bitchass Anakin got the rest of his limbs cut off at the end. 3. James Earl Jones makes a cameo. Any of the other prequel movies have those? Huh? Huh?!
  3. What version, A New Hope or Empire Strikes Back? Mine was vaguely inspired by the Vader saber in New Hope, but there really is no easy way to machine the damn shroud. I would love to make an Anakin from Episode II, EL blade and all.
  4. Why bother taking inflation into account when we can just look at the number of tickets sold to see how well these movies do against their old counterparts? It seems like except for Attack of the Clones, Star Wars films consistently sell more tickets than the previous movie. If George were to make the sequel trilogy, it would break every records and hold them for a long time.
  5. That's how Sith work. There can only be two Sith at any one time, and when the pupil is ready to become the master, the pupil slays the master and takes an apprentice. If the pupil fails, the master slays him/her and takes on another apprentice.
  6. Solid Works 2K4. I've been looking for Pro/E Wildfire for a long time, too. ;-) Yes! The blade doesn't even collapse all the way, so what is the point of making it collapsible? I'm going to make a second prototype, and hopefully the blade will look better for me. Mine right now looks pretty bad when lit. Looks like an EL wire inside clear tubes. ' EDIT: I'm going to save up for a Master Replica FX saber. I want to build a Vader saber, but there's no easy way to machine the emitter shroud. EDIT Mk-II: Here's the kit I built mine out of:
  7. I own one now too:
  8. Isn't that in kph? 110 kph is like 60 mph.
  9. So men who drive Mini Coopers have 18-inch cocks? Whoa... Why is the Abrams more hyped than is needed?
  10. What am I listening to? My anthem: Sir Mix-A-Lot's Baby Got Back.
  11. Why is light gray plastic with dark gray plastic greeblies always more interesting than the painted model?
  12. The Buddhist symbol is the mirror image of the Swastika.
  13. I will buy that VF-0A off of you.
  14. well done It doesn't work. :-(
  15. farting piece of farting poo, you farting motherfarter.
  16. Don't get your hopes up. The Launcher and Sword packs are HJ scratch builds. They are using those to see if they can gauge interest.
  17. Yuck. Where is the TIE Bomber? Where is Vader's TIE fighter? Damn lightside scum.
  18. Organic propaganda from the organic rebel scums. Bah!
  19. Some of the predefined avatars in the board's default pack are 80 X 80.
  20. Mine arrived a few days ago. This thing is honkin' HUGE. The box is even bigger than the Polar Lights NX-01, and the NX-01 is pretty big already. Speaking of which, I'm trying to get rid of the NX-01 kit. Anyone interested?
  21. I have three: http://www.ic.ucsb.edu/~gundam/Xmods.jpg http://www.ic.ucsb.edu/~gundam/Xmods2.jpg http://www.ic.ucsb.edu/~gundam/Xmods3.jpg Doesn't look like much, but there's not much I want to do to the appearance of these cars. I'm waiting for some funds so I can by JGTC bodies for these babies. Endless Z, Esso Ultraflo Supra, Arta NSX... Oh man, I can't wait. And they've seen a fair bit of action. Upgrades: All three have metal bearings. The two Skylines have six cell mod, but the extra weight makes the upgrade seem pointless. I'm looking to get Li-ion upgrades, and stack the FET's to prepare for some of those extra hot motors. What I need in the immediate future are metal parts for the steering knuckles and tie rod. The other metal parts seem pretty pointless as well.
  22. Gambit is rumored to be in the next movie. If I recall, I read that the rumor came straight from Singer himself.
  23. Ah, don't waste your time with that piece of poo King Arthur. Not even Keira Knightley was enough to save it. I have been interested in this film ever since I saw Legolas, excuse me, Orlando Bloom, on the cover of a catalogue I received dressed in armor. I want to see it when I have time. PS: Who here knew that the Mongol army in fact did not capture ALL of Asia? There's a small strip of land south of China that repelled the Mongolian invaders not once but three times, and sent the prince of Mongolia home hiding in a cannon? :-D
  24. That would be too easy.
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