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Everything posted by Stamen0083

  1. For more information on landing a spacecraft: http://www.aerospaceweb.org/question/spacecraft/q0218.shtml And on orbital speeds: http://www.aerospaceweb.org/question/spacecraft/q0164.shtml
  2. EDIT: I'm totally off my rocker! If that much power is so readily available, launching and recovering spacecrafts wouldn't be so complicated. The short answer is no, there is not.
  3. The ozone layer has nothing to do with any interaction whatsoever, save the interactions already associated with the atmosphere, since the ozone layer is part of it. With no friction (i.e. air completely removed), there would be nothing bleeding away the kinetic energy from the Mach 25 descent speed, and the shuttle would crash to the Earth in a spectacular fireball right on top of Washington. The laws of physics are not easily broken. If one has excess energy one wants to get rid of, converting it into heat is easiest. There's not much else one can do.
  4. When anti-gravitons are discovered, we'll let you know.
  5. I see. So you're saying that the US can print lots of bills, trade them for natural resources, and everyone wins? Say those bills make their way around the world, then another country can use their equivalent of those bills to trade for the US' resources. What if the US has no resources of any worth whatsoever to trade for those bills, heaven forbids? Would not those bills ultimately be worthless? Currency has to be backed by something, otherwise it wouldn't work. Am I missing something? My background in economics is rather weak, afterall.
  6. Money IS an issue. Each country only has so much natural resources. The ones it doesn't have, it has to buy from others. No matter how much more money the government prints, if it doesn't have the gold to back up the currency, the money is worthless, and no country in the world is going to sell the resources to the country that has no money.
  7. You do know how inflation works, right?
  8. Don't get me wrong. The skills to do the shading is not overrated. It's the practice of shading itself. I think it looks bad, yet so many people still like it for some reason I cannot fathom. But really, you cannot make a kit out of the box with no sanding, puttying, etc... and expect to make it look respectable. When posted online with pictures of low resolution, all flaws are all but gone, but in reality, it still looks bad.
  9. What's so special about it? The kit was painted in the overused, overrated, overdone shaded style. The pose is available as is out of the box.
  10. You disliked the son, I hated the daughter. Goddamn, I hate Dakota Fanning's character. Every time she screeched, I wanted to jump into the screen and shoot the bitch myself. Totally ruined the movie for me, it did.
  11. I don't understand. As far as I can recall, Harry never seemed to have an interest in Ginny. Ginny, of course, has had a crush on Harry since the first time she was introduced.
  12. They are being held at gunpoint and forced to make SEED-D kits.
  13. It sure is. It doesn't have to. In that price range, I would prefer a Ferrari F430. :-P
  14. Urgh. These so-called luxury cars sure are ugly. Maybachs, Bentley.. Yuck. Anyway, rumor has it that the NSX replacement will get a V-10.
  15. I'm surprised there's no spoilers thread for this book already, so here goes. First of all, Harry and Ginny? What the hell is that? Was that not totally out of the blue? Secondly, the revelation of the Half-Blood Prince was... stupid, at best. All this tension was built up, and then... "I'm the Half-Blood Prince, Potter. You so stupid." What the hell? Dumbledore's death was not totally unexpected. What is unexpected is that he actually died. However, for some reason, I feel that when Dumbledore was saying "Please" to Snape, he wasn't asking Snape to help him. I think he was asking Snape to kill him. Why? Damned if I know. Maybe the last book will tell us. Anyone got a tentative release date yet?
  16. Because we are fans and we have been waiting a long time to find out who died and who lived and we don't want to have to wait until after our friends have finished it and we want a complete collection. Are there people who don't HAVE to have something unnecessary? I doubt it. I am one of them. Indeed, I wasn't a Potter fan in the beginning. It wasn't until I read Sorcerer's Stone that I was hooked. The world is magical and a little silly, the characters are lovable (the evil dude is downright evil for no other reason than to be evil. What's with the burning hatred for Muggle-born wizards?), and the story is intriguing. I don't understand how some people go out of their way to knock something wasn't intended for them in the first place.
  17. There's too much stuff that was just suddenly out of the blue, and there was at least one secret that just wasn't very satisfying when it was revealed. I don't remember why I didn't like the Order of the Phoenix, but I remember being disappointed with it. I'm disappointed with this one too. Frankly, it all went downhill after the Goblet. The next book will either end spectacularly or crappily. I hope it's the former. I'm still waiting in line at midnight on release day to get it.
  18. You are out of your mind. Crazy JR. Silly JR. Here, have a Katoki foot.
  19. No. The Revenge of the Sith space battle is about one of the most boring space battles I have ever seen in modern day. The images look amazing, but the ships and everything else moved like they couldn't break the 25mph speed limit. A New Hope's space battle is very fast-paced and is much more exciting. If Return of the Jedi used the same CGI animation, it'll look incredibly stupid.
  20. Alright. We talked Batmobile. Now, let's talk Batmobile models. Anyone savvy with the plastic offerings? I understand there was the old 1989 kit of the 1989 Keaton Batmobile. What of the more recent model I've seen on the shelves? Is it a reissue or is it a new set of molds? I love my 1995 Kilmer Batmobile kit.
  21. Well, those raptors would probably be disposed of rather quickly. Wouldn't make for a very exciting book, would it?
  22. Bandai is going to release a 1/35 scale kit of the Tumbler.
  23. Batman Forever Batmobile, hands down. I love those curves. Was it designed by H.R. Giger? The Tumbler is pretty cool, but it's a military vehicle, not a Batmobile. I have the Revell model (the Batman Forever one). It's not bad at all. I can't wait until I have time to build it.
  24. The Hasegawa kits do not replicate this variable weapons orientation feature, if such a thing existed on the VF-1, which I assume it did. The Panavia Tornado has variable weapons orientation. The F-14 works around this engineering headache by not carrying weapons on the wings.
  25. Dooku and Maul can never exist at the same time, as there can only be two Sith lords at once. Somehow, I get the feeling that Dooku wouldn't have been a Separatist if he wasn't a Sith apprentice, and then Dooku and Maul would not battle Anakin and Obi-Wan.
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