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Everything posted by 柿崎速雄

  1. yamato want to save the painting...
  2. because the left one is a release product that fully follow the original design, the right one just a test product , you can see the white strip on the leg, it suppost in red.
  3. I remember I read a "macross history" in the Mcross 7 trash comic book . it state that about the movie version " do you remember love" , was finalize as a movie that was shoot at 2031 in the Macross History. as the same years as Mylene Jenius Born. so, we can known that dyrl not a real story, all the story are continue from the TV story. as we see Miria wearing a old TV pilot suit and her re-paint VF-1J (have few different with the original one ).
  4. You deserve the rest! Great pictures! Another quality piece of work. How's your 1/48 GBP Armor coming along? ha ha, please forget the GBP armor, that's not my job~ leave that to the professional modeler
  5. yes I know, so I don't say"wrong" just say "odd" this coloring in animation still ok, once it become a toy product, it'll seen like forgot to do a paint work on it.
  6. OK I will take some group shot with other valks & wearing FP set on CF tomorrow. too tired tonight
  7. I just took the HIKARU 1J's pilot to re-paint it. turn the red to green not much work to do and the movie pilot I have been modify to become a TV HIKARU. because I love the MOVIE head sculpt. about the stickers, I mainly use the original yamato stickers. and some takatoy TV version sticker.
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  21. 柿崎速雄

    CF VF-1A

  22. Thanks for the review, but can you be more clear about the heat shield? What do you mean that it has a "ugly, blur panel line on it"? originally, every VF-1 HEAT shield must have a panel line on it. but all the yamato 1/48 DYRL VF-1 are miss this. just TV VF-1J have this panel line. the hikaru's one made by solid white plastic, have a thin & sharp panel print on it ,but have some off position problem. The max's one use clear plastic again, and the panel line too blur and thick. there have two picture: kakizaki's one was added panel line by myself, (sorry, I haven't got the pic of hikaru 1J here) the max's one I tuned the level, now you can see this clearly.
  23. newest update : 1/48 6 hikaru 1A 3 MAX 1A 1 MAX 1A TV TYPE 1 CF 1A 1 KAKIZAKI 1A TV TYPE 2 hikaru 1S 3 ROY 1S 2 Hikaru 1J DX SET 1 Max 1J DX set 1 LOW VIZ 1A 7 set FP armor total 21 1/48 & 10 FP -------------------------- 1/60 1 hikaru 1A 1 MAX 1A 1 ROY 1S 1 CF 1A 1 Q-RAU -------------------------- 1/72 1 VF-11B 1 VF-11B FB 1 YF-19A 1 YF-21FP 1 YF-21
  24. the content of the box are 100% same as hikaru SUPER VF-1J, so you can get everything you expected.
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