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Everything posted by 柿崎速雄

  1. don't read the "super" first, "Ostrich" mean the one who far away from danger and trouble, and the "VT-1 Ostrich" is just for training ,not suppost for real fighting, so that's the meaning . Super Ostrich is the VT-1 OSTRICH with super pack armed. just like the "super valkyrie" /"strike valkyrie"
  2. i don't buy sub par toys. there is interest in a vf-0, just not that sculpt. I will not give my hard earned money for a toy which is the worst toy to come from a company who until now seemed to be improving their game and products. If it takes a financial HIT to teach yamato to produce good quality products then let it be. I'm not yamato's keeper. IN addition. there is not presidence of yamato making bigger toy lines due to the popularity or sale value of the smaller toy line. If sellability had been an indicator of future releases we would have had the yf-19 fp years ago. ... the 1/48 vf1 was a speical case. this mentality will ruin macross products. agree~ you say what I think~!
  3. the max crooked slightly to it's left is not a QC problem, it was because of the "IMPROVEMENT".... the left hand of MAX and MIRIA was adjust to be more close to the control stick, that's made the pilot body seat slightly to the left. my MAX and miria also got this "problem".. I don't know is it good or not~ I said: 50/50
  4. No, you must buy it! If no one buys it, Yamato will feel no one is interested and not make us a larger one!!! J/k This is one I am going to wait to hear a review on before deciding to nab it. no~ don't buy 1/100 vf-0 ~! otherwise , yamato will think that people just satisfy in this crappy thing~ then no more high quality VF ~!!(JK) I will buy at least 10 display stand, no 1/100 vf-0s
  5. 柿崎速雄

    Part 2

    Your vendor probably just hasn't seen the Minmay variant yet. She comes in a normal-colored version and a second version in which she is painted in lighter colors. Apparently, the lighter colors are to emulate one of Haruhiko Mikimoto's painted illustrations of Minmay in that scene. "Portrait" Minmay Normal Minmay I'm pretty sure that the Hikaru cockpit diorama is still the "rare" figure though. actually, the illustration version is the NORMAL one, the un-paint hair one is a "clear hair "version, note that the clear hair set is not much people want....
  6. again... 1/48 6 hikaru 1A 3 MAX 1A 1 MAX 1A TV TYPE 1 CF 1A 1 KAKIZAKI 1A TV TYPE 2 hikaru 1S 3 ROY 1S 2 Hikaru 1J DX SET 1 Max 1J DX set 1 Miria 1J DX set 1 LOW VIZ 1A 10 set FP armor total 22 1/48 & 14 FP -------------------------- 1/60 1 hikaru 1A 1 MAX 1A 1 ROY 1S 1 CF 1A 2 Q-RAU -------------------------- 1/72 1 VF-11B 1 VF-11B FB 1 YF-19A 1 YF-21FP 1 YF-21
  7. 柿崎速雄

    Part 2

    Damn, that's expensive. I remember when the first set came out, the whole box + secret figure was about HK$850. Graham to hk base member: I found a shop at 188 selling $599 with full set total 11 's character, secret items included. the shop at top floor left side after upstair. I'm not sure if there have shop offer a cheaper price.
  8. Hong Kong: latitude: 22° 18' 59" longitude: 114° 10' 31"
  9. 柿崎速雄

    Part 2

    Already available in Hong Kong? ya, all the shop have been selling this tonight.....
  10. just do some little works on the Graham's scanning, enjoy *** To GRAHAM: would you like to replace this with the separate version on the magazine section?
  11. 柿崎速雄

    Part 2

    looking for it at 188 , whole box + SECRET.... $990HKD=$124USD.... hell~
  12. not just the chest shield, the transformation system must have a little bit change, since the battroid head will move more backward then a normal VF-1 when in fighter mode, the head will have no room to fit because there have a hip joint swing bar. so , if in this double seat cast, must add a slider on the head joint, let it move forward to fit in the place.
  13. I want a review please! And more pics! Thanks! Randy just leave that to graham, seems not everyone are qualified to make a yamato product review
  14. complaining? no~~ just state that the coloring different between the 2 M&M~ no one want to have a review?
  15. MAX 's
  16. YAMATO coloring the two 1j by random... see:
  17. question: click in the link, I can see a "I.H.P YF-19 transformable" , price 15000YEN in wonderfest 2002, but I very sure this is the same product as the secret pic about the yamato YF-19 FP.... can I say that ?-- the "secret pic." just a fake~!
  18. the original design is like that. and about the toys... oh god, yamato lead us back to the 80's~ the fighter head must take out and replace another parts to convert in battroid mode, and the feet landing gear also , must take out to close the gear doors.... too bad~~
  19. hey ~ you must be the winner I think I can't get it today, OT .... too bad
  20. toy shop call me the 1J arrived, I will get it tonight~ happy~
  21. the next generation of the prime no lorry anymore, it become a jp hot girl~ maybe the new transformer series is in that way~
  22. I think everyone interest in this set, most of them just focus on the MONSTER , include me. the monster give me a very good feeling, I love this. the size is good, big enough for a little figure, very impressive and about the other, most of them are good for me, except the VF-1A MAX, the posture is odd, I will do some minor operation on the two arms, make it look better. Let me take some photo tomorrow, all the set at my office, I haven't bring my cam today.
  23. Why is the quality not as good as the Hikaru 1J? Don't they use the same mold? Or did Yamato change factories again and got a bad one this time? it was because the VF-1J HIKARU didn't do any paint work on the body, except the red strip. It good for do a re-paint works on it, not like the max 1j, many place have painting on it, no good for re-paint.
  24. just my opinion: if someone have skill to customize 1/48 VF-1, I recommand buy a HIKARU 1J and change it to max / miria veriation. the qaulity of this max 1J not very good... altough I get this max 1J, I decide to re-paint it.... but I just think if base on a Hikaru 1J to do this is much more easy.
  25. why don't change your cool valks in gerwalk mode? you lovely bird must make friend with it~!
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