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Everything posted by 柿崎速雄

  1. GERWALK 04
  2. GERWALK 03
  3. GERWALK 01
  4. Fighter 05
  5. Fighter 04
  6. Fighter 03
  7. Fighter 02
  8. Fighter 01
  10. battroid 3
  11. battroid 2
  12. battroid 1
  13. just a little bit off topic : I think when the day the macross back to earth, all the people of macross are already dead during macross hit the sea surface...... the story was end there
  14. I THINK the real problem is: how many valks you will buy to make you get enough? just buy 1? which ONE? it's painful to me that can't collect all the color veriation but the reality is I have no room to place all of them!! SO- I don't want 1/18 VF-1 perfect transform come out this world forever -- untill I become a billionaire ......
  15. SUPPORT ~!!
  16. happy to here that ~! when you will build up the F14? IF finlish, take a photo and let me see the comparison between VF-1 & F14 ~
  18. 3. JOIN them
  19. 2. ( I think you can drill 3 to 4 hole for each parts to get a stronger bonding)
  20. hope this can help you : no too difficult method but must buy some tools 1.)buy modeling drill , which can use a very little drill head for thin prastic broad 2.)buy some thin metal rod the most difficult part is drill the very accurate grip for each little hold between the two parts I suggest use a ruler and ink pen to mark the grip first than drill it carefully than use the metal rod to join the two parts don't forget to use the super glue ~ here is some demo pic for you I think this method is suitable for your case (and sorry for my poor english )
  21. I try to cap it down tonight
  22. GREAT~ 100% reproduction~!!
  23. see the episode which hikaru still in training he using a brown VF-1J to going on a shooting training I'll also customize one of this in 1/48 later
  24. 柿崎速雄

    1/48 valk

    I don't know what the price at other country out of Hong Kong but in HK the price is good for example max vf -1a just $620 HKD convert to USD IS AROUND $ 77 The roy vf-1s I see now is $750 convert to USD is around $ 94 all of this is selling lower than the original price !! actually using original price 14800 YEN to buy a perfect transform valk with a perfect body is totally worth for me ~!
  25. really~!? thats great ~! i HOPE this roy VF-1S is the TV VERSION The arms of TV VERSION have a little different to the movie version ( like the VF-1J) if the body come in little bit gray that perfect !!
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