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Everything posted by 柿崎速雄

  1. maybe I using wrong word, not recast, is scratchbulid by using blu-tack add some "AA" super glue on the surface, then the form will be fix, can easy to paint on it
  2. HI BAKE_ART where can I find this page? I never see it before~! Is amazing works! AND I want to see the full body of the all 3 mode ! can you help me? THANk YOU VERY MUCH~!!
  3. VF-11B MASTER~!!
  4. 柿崎速雄


    it seem BUY one more Q-rau have not much different to you~! GO GO GO ~ !!
  5. the pilot arms are have different between kakizaki and MAX kakizaki I just cut off his both arms than split the right arm into 3 parts and change the angle (need make some operation) and join it again but the max one ... because I lose his right arm, so I recast it by using " blu-tack" if I do this job again, I will take some photo for you
  6. Let me talk something about the customize work of the 1/48 VALK (SORRY, I write too long for this... but want to share something to everybody and sorry for my bad english) actually, I'm a newbie on modeling/coloring the max 1a custom is my first time using SPRAY CAN ..... so , I don't think about bump spray( I don't know how to write in english) but for a toy, I think it's ok~ the customizing works it's more easy than it's look's like when I planning to do this work's, I think for a week, I didn't know what level I will going on it At the beinging, I think do I make some shadow beside the panel line? the answer is no-- because I can't handle this at this moment, so I take the lowest level customize you can see I even don't coloring the gray parts such as the foot join , jet engine and the gun but it's still ok for me the first thing I do is decompose all the parts, some parts have black / gray color I use masking tape mask it first( eg. the NOSE) so , I just need to buy 3 color spray can -- blue , white and dark gray ( the dark gray is for the inside of landing gear base) white X 3 , blue X 2 and gray x 1 total 6 cans of color for 1 custom (the dark gray can use for next time) before coloring, use Mr.surfacer 1200 for background surface because the toys meterials not good for coloring( I think) and I want a good texture look's on it the most hard work is the foot part, take me 2 hours to do the masking..... and this first time job always need to re-do, use the sand paper remove the painting & background surface and do it again... what a painful works... anyway , overall still not a much difficult work, just take time & anyone can do this, just a minor custom other color for small parts I use gundam marker especially the pilot -- the pilot works is very funny I just use a cutter to cut off some parts of the pilot -- the shoulder , the arms and the chest, use sand paper do some surfacing works and the last , use gundam marker to paint it, after all, t he tv version pilot finish~ but the max make me sick... because I lose the whole arm of him~! so, I use BLU-TACK to make a new one for him... how it's look?
  7. I take a wood brown on KAKIZAKI, its look's darker then we see on the tv it's was because I want to have some different between CF and KAKIZAKI VF-1A and make a balance with the max 1A now I working on the CF custom, I choose TAMIYA AS-15 TAN(USAF) for the body color , simular to the TV CF color , I think it's look good~
  8. yes, in the photo the brown look reddish because I haven't do any lighting works on it and the light source is not enough so it looks so dim~ next time I 'll try do some lighting works went taking photo
  9. the panel lining I just use a 0.04 gundam marker & a eraser to do it is the most simple way to do this kind of job to myself but next time I want to try other method I find a water base gundam marker maybe better than that but must take more work load
  10. OK, I Try take more tonight if have free time~
  11. vermillion 05
  12. vermillion 04
  13. vermillion 03
  14. vermillion 02
  15. vermillion 01
  16. MAX 02
  17. MAX (PILOT) just modify form the ORIGINAL MOVIE ONE (ALSO KAKIZAKI)
  21. kakizaki 02
  22. kakizaki 01
  23. GERWALK 07
  24. GERWALK 06
  25. GERWALK 05
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