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Everything posted by 柿崎速雄

  1. I love the story & the mecha design --- but just the classic series and the movie after that such the M2, M7and PLUS..... I don't care~~ but I interesting in all the VF in whole Macross world Hope YAMATO THINK ABOUT other 1/48 VF don't stop at VF-1 at lease complete the 1/48 VF-0, and the 3 in M PLUS
  2. I've seen that before, looks like he is trying to adapt a set of 1/55 Chunky Monkey GBP armor. That stuff was hideously inaccurate, so I hope not.... i think he just use this for the base or reference he should have "SENSE" to judge the proportion
  3. THX NEOVA, I've also got this but I think the base 1/48 VF-1 can't make the proportion much beautiful as HASEGWA one..... while considering the transformation factor
  4. the posibility is -- 0.2%
  5. YES~! BUT only if YAMATO firmly not release this product
  6. just A rough drawing for testing the proportion
  7. THX god~~ sithlord show me how normal I'm~!! I'm not crazy enough at this fans site
  8. hey ~! you're right MAN~ get a job than buy anything you want and no need to think worth it or not ~~ yeah~~! hard working for a month than the boss pay for you just easy money ~~ right~? p.s. I just want to say is: worth it or not is a very personal feeling I think this forum is for member to told what he feel with anything about macross, but not with other member~ even no one here recommand other member don't go for it (Q-RAU)~ worth it or not, just for yourself~
  9. I think transform or not transfrom not the main point but --- I seems this Q-RAU just like a big scale " first grade " gundam model kit sale at $120USD if this really worth $120 USD then the 1/48 VF-1 must selling at $240USD
  10. HA HA, I also wait for factory made Vf-1D. VE-1 & VT-1 IF YAMAMTO don't made IT, NOTHING I can do~~ so I worry about that
  11. fresh custom~!! GOOD WORK GOOD LOOK~ LOVE IT~
  12. 柿崎速雄


    I think the body shape is very good, very great but the problem is the join design. I don't see any point that show the designer have working on the joint design for example, the knees joint , why don't add a rotate joint on the knees like the 1/48 valks? I don't think this will take alot of cost on this and other one is the foot base joint, actually, there have space to make this joint move much more but they even don't think about it the last , also the foot base, have a joint that can fold the foot, but totally useless with this joint, no suitable / meaning posture can do by this joint , because the foot base still can't fold backward with this..... if the price can drop half is much more resonable , and I will have no complain anymore~
  13. 柿崎速雄


    I feel angry with this product don't worth 12800 YEN to buy it 1. not much action can do, seem just a still figure at all~ although it have movable part at foot and arms, but nothing can do with this.... 2. really nothing can do with the miria 639 figure, if she don't stand in the suit, she is nothing~!! even can't stand alone!! her posture just like taking a sunlight bath..... THERE IS NO POINT TO MAKE A SEPERATE FIGURE IF IT CAN'T DO ANYTHING~!!!! 3. no sticker come with, really no need to detail up? I don't think so~!! 12800 YEN not a CHEAP PRICE this grade of product don't worth this grade of price half price is just resonable~!!!!!!!!!
  14. 柿崎速雄


    GET IT .... $599 HKD totally disappointed picture upload later~!!!!!!
  15. actually, when the day yamato release the 1/48 valks, I willing to do one thing: collect all the offical color of the VF-1 series so, let me count the total veriation of the VF-1 series first .... [TV] VF-1A: 1. CF 2. KAKIZAKI 3. MAX 4. angel bird NO.1-5 (x5) 9. ALASIKA U.N.SPACY H.Q. GUARD (GREEN) 10. unknown color in the EPISODE 5( that SKULL-1 CUSTOM one) VF-1J: 11. ICHIJO 12. MAX (with fp) 13. MILLIA with fp) 14. BROWN VF-1S : 15. ROY (with fp) VF-1D: 16. VT-102 17. VIRGIN ROAD 18. angel bird NO.6 [MOVIE] VF-1A: 19. ICHIJO (with fp) 20. MAX (with fp) 21. KAKIZAKI (with fp) VF-1S: 22. ICHIJO (with fp) 23. MAX (with fp) 24. ROY (with fp) 25. VT-1 26. VE-1 & THE EXTRA UNOFFICIAL: 27. MINMEI GUARD VF-1S (with fp) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the original plan just 20 at the begining , but now become 27.... because after some research, found many I have miss but there have few things I worry: 1. no place to fit all the lovely valks with box 2. my parent maybe want to kill me (although I'm 27 now.....) 3. yamato don't release 1/48 VF-1D, VT-1 & VE-1 4. I DIE ON MY WAY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hope I can make it success & wish ROY & KAKIZAKI bless me~!!
  16. SEEMS yamato will release the FP version of YF-19 I'm think it's in MPLUS COLOR HAPPY to hear that? edit: sorry for you, but if yamato really don't release that there have a final hope: buy a blue YF-19 than re-paint it if you really want this, make it by yourself is a wonderful experience
  17. 柿崎速雄


    cool~ I also live in tai po, but work in wan chai I think I will order one from tokyo station at TAI PO plaza hope $620 is a OK price~
  18. 柿崎速雄


    GRAHAM, are you come from HK? I know TAI PO and all districk will release tomorrow, and the price at tai po shop give me $620 HKD what do you think?
  19. why don't buy the DX set 1J? this TV fast pack it different to the movie fast pack and can't buy separately~ if you want to get it... oh~no~~!!
  20. 柿崎速雄

    Jm Regult

    LOVELY~ & SO CUTE~!!
  22. who is mr. chow?
  23. SUPPORT! seeking for your photos ~!!
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