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Everything posted by 柿崎速雄

  1. good idea~! thankyou~!
  2. build it, sand it and trim it with surgical presition and then pray, and pray that the thin pieces doesn't crack on your hands... thanks for your advice, and I hope so~
  3. I get it for $2000 HKD =$250 USD and the original price is 25000yen I think this is resonable for a discontinue special product but I think I have not qualify at this moment to touch it I don't want to screw up like a mess I will take some photo of the package and content even the menu tomorrow, for who want to see it
  4. HI, I bought a VF-11 RESIN KIT TODAY, but I know this kit is for advance modeler to play with, and I just a newbie about build up resin kit. does anybody here have some advice for me before I start to build this Kit? thankyou very much
  5. do you want to know the truth is who inside the KAKIZAKI VF-1A? click here: http://www.sammy.co.jp/product/pachislot/hokutonoken/
  6. It is a custom in Japan to sell new products at ~ 80% off the suggested retail price during introduction. You also forget that Japan requires sales tax just like the US. It is vastly different there. I personally do not think Yamato use fishing tactics to gain customers at all. The price differences are set by dealers. It is NOT up to Yamato to tell dealers what they could or could not sell at. They "suggest" a retail price. It is not enforced. And again, I don't think the Q-Rau is worth 12800 YEN. It would be better at 100 or less USD. Dealers do the actual gouging, markup or whatever, but again, see my post above clarifying why things are so cheap in HK. A lot of what goes on in HK is not legal in the USA for instance. There are business protection laws whereas it may "seem" there aren't many in HK, maybe just not as enforced. BTW: I'm not attacking or picking Hayao out. He makes very valid points but I wanted to clarify how a toy business works and why each global market operates the way it does, and hence, affecting prices. DON'T WORRY, just disscusion I would not say all my point are right~! I just guess by what I have seen and thankyou for your point that let me know more something~! beside, I'm not jugde this worth or not by the selling price I get, even I get it by $599 , I still say it not worth it.... As my first post talk about this Q-RAU when the day I've got it, I think it just can selling $ 300HKD after I open the box, cheak it out and play it a while.
  7. Thank you for your imformation~! (but I fully giveup the 1/60 line)
  8. is that mean the back pack armor are using other method to put it on? I don't know...
  9. now making "little drama part II- MIRIA counter attack" wait and see~
  10. see this pic scan from HJ exactly as the same as what I said ..... and I note that there have something interesting ~ the 1/60 GBP ARMOR , offical price is 3900 YEN compare with the 1/48 FP 5800 yen... as I point of view , the GBP ARMOR must have a higher price than 1/48 fast pack, cause of the design & production cost and I think that which product have a larger market ? obviously is the 1/48 FAST PACK... because just have 2 1/60 VF-1 can wearing the gbp armor, the other side, all the 1/48 VF-1 can put on the FAST PACK, and seems every 1/48 owner must buy at least one set of it, but not all the 1/60 owner will buy this GBP-1 ARMOR. on the other member opinions, the market effecting the prices of the Q-RAU, it 's getting high because because the Q-RAU don't have too much market.. and so, why the smaller market GBP armor still can selling cheaper than the bigger market FP ARMOR? the truth is: YAMATO know which product can be sell and which can not be sell. so , use a cheaper price to attrack more people to buy , mark a higher price to make more money--- the truth is---this Q-RAU really not worth 12800 yen. this markup price just a test for a new product line after the success of 1/48 VF-1
  11. many thanks Neova~! let me collect all the imformation about the printer first~!
  12. Are you including the cost of design and tooling in that? Consider that based on market research (if any), Yamato probably doesn't expect to sell as many Q-Rau (all variants) as Valks (all variants). Which means the startup costs have to be amortized over a smaller number of units. Last time I checked, $105 was more than $100. Hayao posted that he saw that the Q-Rau was slated to cost a similar price to the 1:60 VF-1 considering that the Vf-1's had Die-cast metal with all the cost-increasing manufacturing problems that die-cast metal introduces, and that the VF-1 has a transformation scheme with all the design and development issues that also raise the price there... and considering that the VF-1 was released into a completely untested market (Yamato's first forray into Macross toys surely had to be MUCH scarier than their twentieth... ), the VF-1 surely had to cost at least as much to produce as the q-rau. The cost of the 1:60 VF-1 is justified. A similar price for the Q-rau would also have been justified, and according to Hayao's post, it looks like me getting a Q-rau for $80 was the ORIGINAL plan... the $100+ price tag (printed on the box) was added at the last minute because they KNOW (*cough/$60 fast pack sets/cough*) we would pay it. but sure, maybe the smallness of the initial run of Q-raus is the whole reason for the ludicrous price. are you thinking that if the Q-rau proves to be a success at this price, and Yamato makes lots more, they would lower the price? HA! everyone here who FEIRCELY defends the price of the Q-Rau is sending Yamato this message: Americans will pay ten dollars per inch (regardless of quality). Q-Rau measures (made of all plastic) 12" at tippy top of her anttena... $120. Release a 1:48 Macross plus valk (made of polystyrene) 18" long (or thereabouts) in fighter, and we'll pay $180 Release a 1:24 VF-1 (non-transforming, made of cardboard) 26" (approx.) in fighter, and (you guessed it) MWer's will be schooling me about the high cost of little companies making big toys from little licenses in defense of the $260 price tag. P.S. I'm not saying that the above pricing scheme is what I think Yamato will actually do, but it is clearly the message we are sending with our wallets. here is my observation about the yamato macross product price history: since the 1/60 VF-1a release, I found something interesting is, no shop at japan / HK sell yamato product at the official markup price-- except when the first release of 1/60 hikaru VF-1A. when the ROY FOCKER/ max VF-1a prepare to release, I can see the ad. on the HJ/ DH state that the shop markup the price at 6XXX YEN /5XXX YEN than the VF-1J , the price is drop to 7xxx standard- even the product still haven't release. we can see these happen continue till now-- 1/48 VF and the Q-RAU also the same. let us just concern the price on the "YEN" don't think about the USD / HKD for a while what's the story telling? it seems the official markup price since the 1/60 VF-1a release just a Ideal of YAMATO,not the truth, yamato can adjust the price as they wish, so- the official markup just the upper limit of the product, this make yamato have a wide range to adjust the price for different situation, such as once the product can't sell easily, or once the product become a best seller. why I can get the Q-RAU at $8619 YEN ? & why the Q-Rau can selling at the 9800 YEN standard in HK? is that the shop at HK don't want to make money so they give a birthday present to me ? I guess not.... I think the truth is, Yamato know what price can sell in hong kong, so they give what price to hK market-- and why they know that ? that just the market history direct feedback to yamato. so I can say, what the price we accept, that's what the price we get. If one day ,we accept a 1/48 Vf-1 selling at 49800 yen, than yamato will really going for that price, because we tell yamato "that's worth it".
  13. little drama 01
  14. First part says the figure can be removed from the cockpit, in reference to the current design. Second part says an entirely new figure is currently being designed/planned. as same as I told before : ) P.S. the figure is sell separately
  15. Cool! Is that 1/1 scale or an accesory for an existing figure? PS: Sorry for off topic. this is IN 1/1 SCALE , can adjust for different head size
  16. the head set is excactly a APPLESEED product~
  17. Scan from april 2004 HJ magazine:
  18. hey~everybody, don't be so sensitive the news state that the figure are still "IN PLANNING" absolutly without any prototype picture about that--just in japanese text.... Say it again , this article about new miria figure is come with the product introduction of the 1/60 Q-RAU, just a side-information that related to the 1/60 Q-RAU, did all you guy trust the Hobby Japan magazine and my translation? Yes I 'am~! just wait for the scan tomorrow, don't think I'm blowing please....
  19. sure, I scan it tomorrow , the HJ at my office~
  20. ME TOO ~! any japanese based member here can help me ?
  21. not really suddent, the new is come out during the Q-RAU still not release but I just found the news after Q-RAU release... seems Yamato are know what they done on the POOR MIRIA that come with that EXPENSIVE Q-RAU too bad~! edit: the news is come with the product introduction of the Q-RAU in april 2004 HJ, the words state that: " ...figure can be taking out of the Q-RAU. A brand new figure for separate sell are in planning. " (orgininal wrote in japanese)
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