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Everything posted by Winkle

  1. That's obviously photoshopped. Anyway, they should call it Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. That would be cool, since Episode VI was Return of the Jedi... and the original name was supposed to be Revenge of the Jedi but they changed it because Jedi's aren't supposed to take revenges!
  2. This guy is pretty darn good. I think this is the best amateur stuff I've ever seen... and I love how he brought in Dexter as well. I also love how he puts in pencil sketches for action-filled panels... great effect.
  3. Yea, I saw the Snowbirds about 5 or 6 years ago (can't remember). Very impressive, they pulled off some crazy stunts that no sane person would ever do. At the same airshow I saw a CF-18 (Canadian version of the F/A-18) take off and do a barrel roll as it was lifting off... it was SO LOW to the ground that when it did the barrel roll, the plane's tail fins were only at most 10 or 15 feet off the runway when it was upside-down. That completely blew my mind.
  4. Oh yes, Jill looks quite nice in that photo... very hot. Glad they decided to go with the RE3 Jill look. Website's nice. Although the "lab" is actually the Toronto City Hall. I live near Toronto and I see that place quite often so its kinda weird to see it on a website for a major blockbuster movie.
  5. Courtesy of the Magicbox. Size comparison of the PSP to a standard PS/PS2 dualshock controller and the PSP in various colour schemes and various PSP accessories.
  6. Whoa... that X52 flight stick dealy looks mighty sweet. What is the company that makes that thing? Those shots have really perked my interested... I've been looking to replace my aging MS SideWinder 3D (it came with Mechwarrior 2... that shows you how old the thing is) for sometime now.
  7. Haha! Was today the last day? I know it's usually three days, but M/T/W seems wierd. Actually yesterday was the first day. E3 2004 runs from May 12 to May 14.
  8. LOL. Good eye. But I think "Universal" applies to the disc supporting multiple media formats. Unless you already knew that and was being sarcastic. The UMDs is essentially a data disc, it can hold software, movie files or music files.
  9. It could pop up... but that's kind of awkward placement... it's pretty low and you would have to shift your left hand to go from the D-Pad to the stick if you want to use it comfortably. And even then I don't think you can grip the PSP on the left side comfortably if you try to use the stick.
  10. One look a that BIGA$$ PSP and I thought: My gawd... it's a brick!!! You could hurt someone with that... PSP: entertainment and self-defence, all rolled up in one. yeah, I think Nintendo's gonna whup everybody in the portable market again. Um... the PSP weighs 260 grams... that's like two cell phones. And I wouldn't jump to conclusions... no one gave the PlayStation a chance against Sega and Nintendo 10 years ago... and look what happened.
  11. The design of the PSP looks very sweet indeed... although you can't ever judge a piece of hardware solely on its appearance. We haven't seen anything run on it anyways... so I would reserve judgement... and I'm actually a big fan of Sony. I'm surprised at the size of the PSP's screen... very wide. Its almost like Sony slapped on the widest screen they could find just to spite the guys at Nokia and their stupid n-gage with its ultra-narrow screen. The concept for the Nintendo DS looks pretty interesting... however that thing looks quite ugly IMO. It looks like it came from the 80's, very bulky, awkward shape and tons of enemy space on it. If it has good software and its cheap, it could offset its terrible exterior design though.
  12. I'm not terrified of spiders but I really don't like them... especially when they're so darned big. I'm glad I live in Canada... the weather's so cold here that all spiders we get are tiny and usually only show up in the summer.
  13. Yea what the hell is with all the croch-shots? I really don't need to see those. The new Storm-Clone Troopers looks pretty cool... I find them more bad-ass then the clone or storm trooper helments. And Anakin's face reminds me of the movie Outbreak... everyone who was infected with ebola had that similiar red-ring around their eyes and everything.
  14. Wonder how HG felt about the 60's version of War of the Worlds, or the newer 90's craptacular adventure known as Independance War Or how about the 2002 version of The Time Machine? I'm pretty sure H.G. Wells won't be too pleased to see his work butchered like that... especially when its by his great-grand son!! (Simon Wells directed the movie, he is the great grand son of H.G. Wells)
  15. Their goal is to recreate ten of the most memorable Chrono Trigger scenes for a Christmas 2004. I don't think its the full-blown game... and I am not sure if its even playable... they never mentioned if its a playable game or not. Those guys aren't stupid... they know if they remade it and released it Square would be on them like a horny monkey in seconds.
  16. Kate Rose? What the hell happened to Asuka? And is it just me or do the EVAs look even evil now? Sorry if this is old news but I haven't been following this and know nothing since the first concept art originally came out ages ago.
  17. Wow that looks great, love the stickers too. Does that thing have a gigantic coffee-can exhaust?
  18. Yea link doesn't work. But I am getting tired of Silent Hill series, the first one was great but it just started getting boring after that. It seems like they are milking the franchise for all it's worth. Sadly, it appears Silent Hill is going the way of Resident Evil.
  19. Okay, Street Fighter is amazing, and Zangief was the king in that movie. The best part was when they triggered that TV showing Chun-Li setting off that bomb-laden truck towards them, and Zangief yells "Quick! Someone switch the channel!" I am sorry, that line alone made the movie worth it. But really, how on earth did they ever get people like Van Damme, Ming-Na, and Kylie Minogue to sign on for that movie?
  20. Yea Kojima is involved in this one, although I am not sure on what degree. He stated earlier, shortly after the completion of MGS2 that he wasn't going to do another MGS game, or at least won't be more involved then a consultation role. MGS2 was great, but I agree in that he went a little overboard on the cinematic experience... although I still think that Xenosaga has the longest cutscenes ever. I'm looking forward to MGS3, Kojima hasn't done anything to disappoint yet.
  21. 2003 great? That's debatable but I am quite sure 2004 will be better. After all, this year in Canada we had: 1) SARS 2) Mad Cow 3) Blackout 4) BC Forest Fires It'll be quite tough to top that list Happy New Year!
  22. Bah that's too bad. It's a good thing I have the actual HK VCD release... so I can watch it in all it's original glory. BTW, I'm been a big fan of Stephen Chow ever since I was a kid... yea he's been around for ever but many of his films are incredibly hilerious (and stupid).
  23. According to imdb.com, Episode III is in post-production... does that mean all the filming is done and all they're doing is the cutting/editing and throwing in the special effects? The plot looks good, but I am weary to see how much of that will actually make it to the big screen. I agree, Natalie Portman CAN act, I've seen her in a number of other movies and she's very talented but for some reason she displays no emotion whatsoever in the Star Wars movies... and I'm assuming Lucas wanted her to be that way.
  24. Ah thanks, that helps clear it up. I know what it is now, they showed it in an episode of Great Teacher Onizuka and I always wondered what that was.
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