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Type R #126

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Everything posted by Type R #126

  1. No special "gifts" in 101 unfortunately. Oddly there are a handful of strike pack pieces in the last few issues before 100.
  2. And here I thought I was the only one who struggled with those damn landing gear doors! I spent hours fiddling with those things, lol.
  3. Man, another $1k for the Strike parts is too rich for my blood. They look great, but that's straight silly.
  4. You could also try using some Tenacious in your SLA mix. I've had really good success with all of the Siraya Tech resins. https://siraya.tech/products/tenacious-by-siraya-tech-for-lcd-resin-printers-1kg
  5. Loving this. My 3D modeling skills are crap, but I've also have FDM and SLA printers that I'm constantly tinkering with.
  6. Wow, has it been that long?
  7. Yeah, I don't think I have a Thoren, but I did pick up a larger 1/48 scale version of the original Takara kit. I went a little crazy and bought multiples of either the Robotech versions, or the original source kits.
  8. I'm pretty sure I have one (if not more) of these lying around. I went through the same thing a couple years back . Let me poke around when I get home today and see if I can find it for you.
  9. I think that's an awesome idea. I've always wanted a 3D printer, but they're just too cost prohibitive for a single person. I know I'd be willing to create some models if there was an avenue to have them printed.
  10. Wow, yeah seeing it next to the soda can for scale, it's huge!
  11. Is the current count accurate and there's just the one left unspoken for?
  12. Looks like $51.61 US.
  13. Well, you have to go with Moms on that. Maybe you can do 21 and make it a belated Mother's Day present. I'm ready with the deposit if you need it sooner than the 25th, just let me know.
  14. Wow, spendy, but I'm in.
  15. I'm interested in one of the factory kits and the Monster too!
  16. Raises hand in interest.
  17. I'd be interested in one of each for sure. Been following both of these threads for some time now.
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