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Everything posted by TSP

  1. This link can be found on the "About" site. Also very nice WIP pictures.
  2. You guys really made my day. First I received a cancellation for a pre- ordered kit and now the that Dengeki Scale Modeler is no more. Well poo happens. Just like the Bandai VF-25 which I think doesn't look that awful. If you don't like to transform it into Battroid mode than just glue the kit in fighter position. The big gap between the air intake in picture 2 is only because the upper part isn't snapped into it's right position. They must have made these pictures in a hurry. In the first picture of the Hobby Japan scan you don't see that gap.
  3. That was Captain Harlock. I say the Sky Rai is a mix between FW190 and P-75
  4. Sorry dude, we wish Hasegawa would make a VF-11B. The the only Thunderbolt III Fighter in 1/72 scale comes from M-Club. BTW this is a thread about VF-22 conversion kits. Never heard of a VF-11 conversion kit for any existing Hasegawa model.
  5. TSP

    1/144 VF-171

    Sorry for the late update. I had trouble with my computer and the Internet connectivity. Upload processes are like in the good old days of 33k modems and my Shuttle PC don't like me anymore. At least I hope the connectivity gets better during the week. Back when I started this project there weren't much reference for the recon Valk and most of my build was only based of what I could see on the picture and my imagination. but now, after 15 episodes the whole thing look so wrong. Especially beneath. I'll try to correct some parts but I guess this build will only be a look-a-like Reconnaissance VF-171. I've made some screen captions to give you (and myself) a better picture of what I try to achieve. And this is what I've done so far. There's still a lot work to do down under. Good night and thanks for watching todays show. Edit: Added another picture.
  6. TSP

    1/144 VF-171

    Sorry I was busy with a lot of other things these last 6 months and am still alive. Also want to let everyone know that I resumed work on this project today. But I'm still not sure if its worth making a mold for this Valk since I still believe that Bandai will come up with a IP kit of this fighter. At least that's what my Hunger-O-Metre (belly intuition) tells me. Maybe that's why we don't see any GK previews/announcement for VF-171 kit on WHF or WF I'll post some progress pics tomorrow. Cheers, TSP
  7. Its depending on which version you plan to build. Movie or TV series VF-1S TV Series VF-1S: SDF-1 markings = First few episodes until the Prometheus docks with the SDF-1 after space fold Prometheus markings = After movinging the flight deck from SDF-1 to Prometheus because of residential area
  8. In the old days injection molds used to be made of steel because you could EDM the surface of your tooling. They used it also to re-new molds. The parts for the trees were hand made of copper, graphite or brass.
  9. Aaargh!!! 4 Sanka Mk-B's from 4 different brands.
  10. Oh, goodies, goodies, goodies, goodies!!! Now, how about a VF-171 ?
  11. Hey Cowie. I bought the same kit twice 3 years ago because I collect Area 88 kits. Have you noticed that the main body halves aren't symmetric? Well, mine weren't. Actually this kit was from Nichimo. Really would like to know what you'll do about the canopy.
  12. You're missing the Megazone 23 Maneuver Book. It's been released last year. Amazon Link
  13. That's a very nice paint scheme for a VF-4. Thanks for sharing the link and pictures.
  14. And they don't cost as much as EX model kits. Even if the Bandai kits will be ugly unassembled(hyper poseable, multi colored) Action Figures, some one will come up with a conversion kit or after market parts for it.
  15. TSP

    What are those?

    Kotobukiya Modeling Support Goods Minus Molds II might do the job. P111 2-6
  16. Convert mp3, mp4, 3gp add gracenoteID, etc. link The free Media Manager2.5 is available since December last year. But the software isn't that good. Heard people saying that some movies converted with the pro version are defective and/or not full resolution (272pix height). I use Winnydows XVid4PSP. Its a free and doesn't require all the Sony->PSP->PC registry(Why do I need to register my hand held console so many times?) stuff. The Media Manager is just a waist of time and HDD space. I deleted the prog after 2 days since I know which data belongs in which file. If you transfer the data manually your faster done than with the Media Manager. Even WindowsXP recognizes my PSP faster than this program. The mp3 features requires I tunes and Quicktime 7.2. which is already installed on my PC. I don't see a reason why I should use Sony's Media Manager to start QT or iTunes Library<_<. Recommend this only to people who don't know where to put their stuff to and are not able to find/install free media converters.
  17. Well some people are happy if they can get a character model glue kit. Ans some would prefer these rather than snap fits. But on the other hand it depends on how much time you would like to invest into your hobby. Snap fit kits are convenient and many are easy to build. There's just no challange in building those. I agree that for the price range of 3800Yen you could expect a lot more than only a few part with fitting issues. The Wave kit is not transformable and 1/32 scale. And it's the Proto Garland. My mistake. Guess I should pick up an Aoshima kit then. ...or both.
  18. The Garland kit is 1/24 scale. As far as I know Aoshima never said that this is a toy or snap fit kit. I'm planning to get the autonomous Army version of the Garland since that one comes with the Eve Tokimatsuri figure. If it's really that horrible as you said then japanese model kit are getting worse and worse. First the Vic Viper and then Garland. Actually I expect a lot from Aoshima. I liked their model kit line so far. And most of them were done with minor/none problems. I've noticed the problem with the front tire on the pictures from GA Graphics Kit preview before. But since I don't intent to transform it into Battle Mode I don't really care about that. Thanks for the review. I guess I should take a closer look into the box before obtaining it or wait for the 1/35 Wave kit.
  19. Kotobukiya announced they're making a kit of the plane seen in the 2nd trailer. Platz Hobby also show interest in this movie and it's designs. New kit announcement
  20. I thought so too first. But the interior is a lot more modern than in the Shinden.
  21. Double post! Sorry!
  22. More detailed pictures. Link
  23. Done!
  24. Just want to share your frustration. I started mine Yesterday. Worked on it the whole night and the only thing done after 6h is just a basic dry fit and the cockpit. At least I know why most hobby magazine Vic Vipers have opaque canopies. Unbelievable that Atelier Sai produced a kit equal to Bendi/Lee products. Don't want to know what awaits you behind Vic Viper kit No°2. I would rather wait for a kit review instead of ordering another major pain in the ass kit. although it might be as challenging as the kit I'm working on right now.
  25. Scratchbuild F.W. from Out Live(PC-Engine) and Out Live Zero(PSX). I added some scans from the PC-Engine instruction manual.
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