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Everything posted by TwinkiePlatter

  1. I've posted copies of the This is Animation Poster books to the site: http://archive-scans.blogspot.com/2011/07/this-is-animation-sdf-macross-poster.html
  2. I found copies of the This is Animation book covering SDF Macross online recently. I didn't think these had been posted here before. http://archive-scans.blogspot.com/2011/06/this-is-animation-sdf-macross.html
  3. Finished scanning my copy of Macross Frontier - 2059:Memories, it's a little rough but still quite clear. http://archive-scans.blogspot.com/2011/01/macross-frontier-2059memories.html
  4. I've scanned my copy of 'Macross Frontier - The False Songstress - Roman Album'. Ended up dissasembling the book to get good scans of it (poor book): http://archive-scans.blogspot.com/2010/12/macross-frontier-false-songstress-roman.html Enjoy!
  5. I've completed my scan of Junya Ishigaki Works- ROBO no Ishi today. A very nice book. It's got a good bit of lineart from Macross Zero and Frontier (maybe 25 pages total). http://archive-scans.blogspot.com/2010/07/junya-ishigaki-works-robo-no-ishi.html -Edit: I also got Macross Frontier - Official File 2 finished. http://archive-scans.blogspot.com/2010/07/macross-frontier-official-file-2.html
  6. Yeah, this does not look good for us. I've got separate hosting through an associate so at most Archive Scans will be losing a file mirror. Somehow my RS account ended up with enough of these 'Rapid' things to run for an additional 10 days, after that I'll probably be dropping them. Is it just me or has RS been going steadily downhill for the last 6 months?
  7. I just finished scanning Macross Frontier - Official File 1 (1 of 2): http://archive-scans.blogspot.com/2010/06/macross-frontier-official-file-1-status.html I'll probably get the other booklet scanned next weekend.
  8. I recently got and scanned a copy of the Macross 7 Sketchbook: http://archive-scans.blogspot.com/2010/06/macross-7-sketchbook.html Also, I've re-uploaded dead links and reorganized all of the Macross books I found online (many from people here I think): http://archive-scans.blogspot.com/2010/05/macross-part-1-of-2.html http://archive-scans.blogspot.com/2010/05/macross-part-2-of-2.html
  9. I kinda forgot about my blog getting posted here... I've got quite a few things that you all might like, though only a few I scanned myself: http://archive-scans.blogspot.com/search/label/Macross Macross Frontier Official File 1-2 - Misc Scan: Got a bit of the mechanical art scanned, though there isn't much to these besides character art and screenshots. http://archive-scans.blogspot.com/2009/06/...e-1-2-scan.html I got good quality scans of the VF-25f 1/72 kit and the Non-Scale VF-0s kit's box art: http://archive-scans.blogspot.com/2009/04/...-booklet-8.html Macross Frontier - Official Fan Book: Did a scan of this book, not a lot of mechanical / lineart but more than other sources. I haven't done the poster included though (I'll try if there's enough demand though) http://archive-scans.blogspot.com/2009/03/...an-book_12.html Shoji Kawamori's Design Works (the one with the foil cover): Quite a large book and well laid out too. I did a mediocre job of stitching the YF-19 spread in the front of the book. http://archive-scans.blogspot.com/2009/02/...sign-works.html Enjoy!
  10. Wow, I posted those only a few days ago. I didn't realize that those scans would spread so fast...
  11. Looks like someone followed one of my threads on /m/. I can upload higher res images of the Ex-Gear if needed.
  12. Thanks for pointing me towards them! I ordered a few of them and received them today. So far I'm quite impressed. Now I've got to get the binder and get caught up.
  13. Aww. Is there a book that has a good deal of mechanical artwork? I've got the Official Fan Book and it has very little. Oh, here's one of the books I was talking about, I don't know the publisher.
  14. Hey there. I'm looking at getting one (maybe both) of the Macross Frontier Sketch Books but I was wondering what the content is. While I do like character and setting art quite a bit, I'm more looking for the mechanical designs used in the series. I've heard that there is little drawn art of the VFs which I kinda expected but what of the other designs, like the Macross Quarter, the fleet support ships and many others we've seen. One site stated that there was NO mechanical art in these books. I tried to search the forum for more information but I couldn't find a whole lot (maybe my search terms). If anyone could help I would be very appreciative.
  15. I just uploaded the booklets to the M Zero DVDs. I should have uploaded this a while ago. It's got all of the covers and booklets but I'm not sure if there are images of the disks themselves. There is a book under the 'archive scans' tag that has some Zero art as well (Only of the VF-0 series and the SV-51 I think). Archive Scans
  16. Yay! My blog has been added to the server list. Visit at Archive Scans. Please note that only the posts marked with the tag 'Archive Scans' are books that I did myself. Everything else I found through various sources or others had me host. If anyone has anything that they would like to have put up on the blog (see below for some guidelines) please PM me here or email me at my MW and Blogger email account. Guidelines for hosting: -Nothing too explicit (yeah, I know, Intron Depot) -Try to keep the total size under 500mb -Go for similar content (Mecha, Sci-fi and the like) Enjoy!
  17. Hah! I wondered if my scans would show up here.
  18. Holy... Is that last Gouf yours? It's one of the best I have seen.
  19. Orbital Frame - Idolo (From Zone of the Enders)
  20. SYMBOL!!!
  21. My favorites (in no order) -FRS Mk.III Endymion (from Einhander - PSX) -Thunderbold (Upgraded ver. of Starfury - Babylon 5) -Rangnerok (Final Fantasy VIII - PSX) -TIE Defender (TIE Fighter - PC) -Black Pyro (Descent3 - PC)
  22. More than one person has suggested it, now... Virtual On: Oratorio Tangram Phantasy Star Online v.2 (very good even though the online part is down) Sonic Adventure Sonic Adventure 2 (Birthday Pack is cheaper than the normal US ver.) Chu Chu Rocket
  23. To the Kaiyodo-bashing: I own the Cypher, Temjin and EVA-01 figures and have never had any problems as to the figure's quality. Both of the VO-OT figs have been damaged (one severely), but this was due to small "model seeking" sibling projectile weapons. My PG EVA-01 was somewhat disapointing. Other than that, I don't have much trouble with my figs.
  24. I want: HyGogg GP03s Zeta Plus (with all of the parts, like the Fix figure) Gebera Tetra TR-1 [Hazel] Type-100
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