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Everything posted by TwinkiePlatter

  1. Just finished up another of Boinger's books: This is Animation The Select - Macross - Do You Remember Love
  2. ...And the second book is up! Thanks to Boinger again for lending me these wonderful books! Macross - Do You Remember Love - Special Preview
  3. Another book scanned! Best Hit Series - Macross Flashback 2012 - Graffiti And I'll have another one up in a bit.
  4. That's for letting me know, it should be good now.
  5. Got another one of Boinger's wonderful books scanned: Macross 7 Dynamite - Establishment Materials List
  6. Speaking of the books you sent; here's the first one scanned: Macross - Do You Remember Love? - Movie Program
  7. Got the last of Boinger's current set done: This Is Animation - Macross 7 - Animation Materials. Enjoy!
  8. I've finished another of Boinger's books: Macross Plus - Game Edition - Official Cheats File. Enjoy!
  9. Hopefully now that I've got Google Translate more or less figured out I'll get the titles closer to correct in the future. Still a pain to draw kanji on a touchscreen with my finger though. Here's another book: This Is Animation The Select - Macross Plus - Movie Edition.
  10. I may have drawn the characters incorrectly into Translator, it came out a bit odd and I guessed on that part. Thanks for letting me know, I'll update the info on the post. Edit - There we go, I've changed the filenames in the torrent.
  11. Another one completed. Macross 7 - Moving Picture Collection - Mylene Edition.
  12. Just got This Is Animation Special - Macross 7 scanned. Thanks again to Boinger for lending me these great books!
  13. Here's another Macross 7 booklet: 'Macross 7 Fire Book - Thanks Everyone!'
  14. 3 books in 3 days, even for small books I think that's my record. I've gotten the scan of This is Animation - Macross Plus done. It's a really nice one.
  15. I'm glad we could help! Torrent is pretty easy to set up and use, it helps if you're behind a router with UPnP and/or know how to configure network stuff. I've also gotten another booklet scanned: Macross 7 - Fire Bomber Book.
  16. Got the first book of Boinger's 2nd batch completed: Macross 7 & Macross Plus Movie Program. Enjoy!
  17. Yet another of Boinger's wonderful books: Macross - Do You Remember Love - Data Bank (aka The Gold Book). Really an incredible book, not just the content, even the print on the color pages has such high print quality that they turned out great. Thanks again Boinger for making this possible!
  18. No problem at all! I'l going to get all of the content transferred over to a Seedbox today and will set up the torrents throughout the week. All future books, as well as all previous ones, will be run through torrents rather than Mediafire. The first few torrents may be a bit shaky until I can get everything figured out so please bear with me. Edit - all content has been transferred and is online. Archive-Scans now runs using a dedicated Torrent server.
  19. Another of Boinger's books, Super Dimension Fortress Macross - Memorial DVD Box. Enjoy!
  20. Here's another of Boinger's great books, This is Animation - Macross no. 2! Edit 2 - I've re-uploaded to a free account. The links should work properly now. Edit - I'm having technical difficulties with MF, please stand by.
  21. Archive Scans is back up! (For the moment, at least) I've gotten an account set up on Mediafire, I've got no idea if this will work long-term but it's working for the moment. I'm kinda worried that visitors downloading books from my site burnt through 50+GB of bandwith in 4 days though.
  22. Well, it looks like my hosting has been pulled. I'm looking around for other places to put the books but I'm expecting everything to be down for a while. The person who gave me the hosting space sent me a letter to post, it's at the top of my site. I've got backups of everything, once (if) I get a new host everything will be back, I'll just have to replace all the links.
  23. I've finished scanning another of Boinger's great books: This is Animation - Macross no. 1. I'm hoping to get more of the books done a bit quicker, work should be calming down a bit.
  24. I've finished scanning the book 'Macross - Perfect Memory' which covers the SDF Macross series. This is part of a batch of books that Boinger kindly sent to me to scan. http://archive-scans.blogspot.com/2011/12/macross-perfect-memory.html
  25. -Edit: Link removed.
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