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Everything posted by Greyryder

  1. Three headed mutant cyborg biker chick? From the same guy who gave us Machine Girl, and Robogeisha?
  2. I'm right there, with you. I actually liked Tigh for a short stretch in the first season, when was sober.
  3. Also known as the Damned Fool Attack, because it gives every unit on the board a valid line of sight to you.
  4. That's how the novel it's based on is spelled. The cemetery in question (there is no "a" in cemetery ) was made by kids, and they misspelled it on the sign they made.
  5. I actually saw a set of pin punches at wal-mart, the other day. I was looking for a cheap allen wrench set.
  6. I've not been banned from anywhere, yet. But, a few years ago some dipshit mod over at the simhq.com forums threatened to ban me. Guess that's what I get for civilly argueing against software piracy.
  7. Those arms are off of battle armored Cobra Commander. No idea about the chest gear. That cylinder doesn't look like either of the tanks on the Paraviper's back, to me.
  8. There are some user made levels out there, for MW4. I know I've got one that's actually a small campaign, with three or four maps to it.
  9. That Firefly is the Resolute Cobra Trooper mold, with a different head and vest.
  10. I know that they were available in Mech Commander 2. I don't remember what variant letter they were given in the game. I assumed the were actual variants from Battletech. Guess I was wrong. Still would have loved to have equipped a Bushwacker like that in MW4.
  11. My biggest problem with the MW4 weapon slot system, was that it prevented some official variants, like a PPC carrying Bushwacker.
  12. I saw an article on Sci-Fi Wire, that somebody's working on a new Remo Williams movie. I....I'm not sure how I feel about that.
  13. According to IGN, this is indeed Mechwarrior 5. I hope it has widescreen support, and that the new computer I'm building will run it.
  14. I know movie Meg's left arm is thin, but the leader class version's arm looks too thin.
  15. I don't have the leader, but the voyager's articulation is prettyy good. The head's a little restricted, but joint mechanism it sits on for transformation lets you fudge things a little, to have him look to the side. He has almost as much articulation as the Robot Replicas version. The voyager does have an awefull lot of back kibble, though.
  16. I still can't get past the leader version's polio arm. I just got the voyager, and I like him. Better looking vehicle mode, too. Depending on the light, he looks more blue, than green. He's deffinitly a candidate for for silver paint, and a heavy black wash.
  17. Still watching Shin Mazinger. Episode eleven was epic. Still waiting on subs of 12.
  18. Something about the Mac+ designs have never gelled with me. I couldn't tell you exactly what it is, I just don't like them. Personally, I find the VF-2s to be both sleek and intimidating looking. The Metal Siren? Yeah, I think I'd take a YF-19, first.
  19. That was actually pretty cool. (except for the music) All three Knight Rider series, both Vipers, and Streethawk.
  20. THIS! I still think that they're the best VF designs of any of the sequels, until Mac F. I know I'm in the minority, but I've never liked the Mac+ designs or their derivatives.
  21. The cars used on the show were probably base model V6s with a lot of body kiting, and custom interiors. The CG kept them from beating up cars, like the original series did. The show was really hitting it's stride, with the last handfull of episodes. Too bad that came after NBC played around with other shows in that time slot, and seemed to have dropped all advertising for it. They pulled a Fox.
  22. Recently watched Guyver: The Bio-boosted Armor, from '05. Is it just me, or did that ending lack closure?
  23. Sideswipe hates cops.
  24. Link? I couldn't find it, over there. EDIT: Nevermind. Found it.
  25. I've seen a lot of pictures where people are transforming Sideswipe's feet backwards, so that the little folding silver panel is his toes, instead of his heel. I tried it on mine, and it does seem to make him more stable, for posing.
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