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Everything posted by Greyryder

  1. bad guys go "squish" - check rocket punch + giant sword - check I loved the one pilot's reaction to using the rocket punch.
  2. I swear, that plane's lines never get old! Love that weathered finish.
  3. I would totally watch that. I'm just wondering how long until they decide to make Sharktopus Vs. Dinocroc. It's really only a matter of time.
  4. That's what is looks like to me, too. They took the super hero that was serious when Batman was campy, and made it.... campy.
  5. Only if the car has a Bankai form.
  6. As someone who never liked Flint, I'm enjoying having a Flint who's kind of a jerk, and placed in the role of secondary heavy. That said, I was never a fan of the original Lady Jaye, either. But, I like her Renegades incarnation. Most of the characters do a good job of being reinventions of the old school characters. The two glaring exception being Mindbender, and "breaker." Both feel more like randomly applying old names to completely new characters. Then, there's Major Bludd. I'll spoilerize this, for those who haven't seen the last episode or two.
  7. Got Terradive and Tomahawk last night. I really like both of them. Thought I was going to have to open up the instruction on Terradive.
  8. Hank's illegitimate son, back from the future. Yeah, probably not.
  9. I've had sinus pressure headaches like that, before. That shot did strike me as unusually gory, even by Fringe standards. It was right up there with the airplane scene from the premiere, just shorter.
  10. If the movie gets made, I hope they use more streamlined designs. Needs to be more Iron Man, and less Transformers. I'm not a big fan of that particular design style, to begin with.
  11. You dare question the infernal ice cream machine?
  12. We need a live action Mazinger trilogy, complete with Mazinkaiser bursting out of the side of an erupting Mt. Fuji in the third movie.
  13. Looks like a reject from Crimson Skies. Tomahawk looks pretty cool. I think I've seen his alt mode in a few different anime.
  14. Has anybody heard anything about the remake of The Gate. I stumbled upon a page for it on IMBD, but knowing what paragon they are of accuracy, I wasn't sure if it was real. I loved the original when I was a kid, but it's been forever since I've seen it. Not sure how I feel about a remake.
  15. There were those amazon women that lived in the trees. Was it ever explained where their men were?
  16. I still don't know what a samoflange is....
  17. I believe that was Aron Archer, who decided that "Wheeljack is not a heroic name." I have a custom Decepticon named Archer, just because of that.
  18. My mom has done One Stroke painting on glass with that type of paint. It takes 28 days to fully cure. I think hers might be a different brand, since I've never known it to stay tacky for so long. Might just have to give it a couple more weeks, or you may have to find a suitable clear coat.
  19. I vote for either The Kurgan, or Clarence Bodicker. Special mention goes to Lord John Warfen as the most entertaining villain.
  20. I don't read comic books anymore (no place local, and the big two can't stop screwing up their universes) so I have no knowledge of this franchise. Non of the trailers did anythingto make me want to see it. But then, Roger Ebert called the movie "morally reprehensible." Now, I want to see it.
  21. Wow. I thought I was the only one who didn't like Gundam 0080. So many problems with that show.
  22. Finally got me a Mk. VI, and almost immediately modified the neck for better head articulation. Anybody seen the new movie trailer? Suitcase armor FTMFW!
  23. Finally got some of these guys, tonight. Had to go an hour away, because the local wal-mart is useless. (they can't keep the grocery isles stocked, either) I thought I got the four figures I was most interested. Grabbed the wrong Mk. VI. Got the one with the stupid little light, instead of the one with the good articulation. Anyway. The detail is awesome on these little guys. Movie War Machine looks great, in this scale. I might have to pick up the helmetless one, when those come out, so I can have one with weapons on both hard points. The oversized gun/launcher just looks silly. Comic War Machine looks great, too. But, I'm not sure about the black washed gun-blue look. Debating repainting it. I haven't depackaged the Mk. VI, yet. Not sure what I'm gonna do with it. I'll either return it for a regular Mk. VI, or hold onto it until the Tony head version is released, and have swappable heads for the good body. If, I'm going to return it, I should probably stop playing with the stupid light....
  24. That's a huge b....ridge!
  25. I've got Dirge, and I have to say I'm not too impressed with him. His arms are really awkward, and his proportions are a bit strange. And, the conehead thing never looks good. His colors are pretty nice, though.
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