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Everything posted by Greyryder

  1. The Ambassador was based on a rejected design for the Ent D. They took most of the forward sweep out of the pylons, and got rid of the bass mouth deflector the original concept art had. They wound up with a ship that looked a lot better than the show's hero ship. The Galaxy always seemed ungainly to me. It had that huge sideways elliptical saucer on that stubby little engineering hull, just looked awkward and unbalanced. I've called it a fat guy on a little bike, before. I'm not a fan of the Excelsior, either. It always looked unfinished, to me. And I much prefer the Constitution style saucer contours, to the bubble top look that the Excelsior ushered in. Now, the sovereign! That ship not only looks fast standing still, it's got a nice sinister edge to it, as well.
  2. Exactly when did they go from trying, but failing miserably, to make good movies, to intentionally making bad movies? I'm pretty sure it happened sometime before the name change.
  3. John Eaves, who designed the E, was never really happy with how Ent E looked on screen. The realities of film production had prevented him from overseeing construction of the model. There were supposed to be further changes made to it at the end of Nemesis, but the scene was cut. Some of those changes to the D were intentional. The original six foot and two foot models were built with the idea that deck ten spanned either side of the saucer rim groove. The windows just above and just below the groove, couldn't be lit on the large model, either. (no windows could be lit on the small model) The four foot model that replaced the other two had some minor tweaks made to it, to better match the sets for Ten Forward and to let those windows be lit up.
  4. I'm hoping this will be used as an excuse to fix the ship's proportions. Really, my only problem with the first movie was that the ship just looks weird from most angles. I don't have a problem with her "ample" nacelles, though. Matt Jeffries wanted the original to look like a hot rod, and the current ship pulls that off, well. Besides, anything is better than the boxes the refit got. This would be nice, too. The concept sketches they made for the engineering parts of the ship were fantastic. There's at least one that I remember could have been done with a small, open set, and a good digital matte.
  5. But, in Solid State Society, the Major had reconstructed the Tachikoma's personalities, from traces of them that had been left all over the net.
  6. Somebody sees one movie, likes it, wants more of that style, and goes to see the other one, too. At least, I assume they're thinking something like that.
  7. The Revolution's on the low end of the Iwata range. I think the new nozzle only cost 10 or 15 dollars. I was much more careful, when I installed it. I've since gotten one of their Eclipse airbrushes, and I've become quite adept at stabbing my fingers with the needle, when reassembling it.
  8. I have an Iwata Revolution. I hadn't had it long, when I sheared the nozzle off, when I was putting the thing back together. It's a tiny little brass piece, that threads in. I'm not what anyone would consider a big dude, but I have been known to damage bicycle parts, when putting things together. That poor little nozzle never stood a chance.
  9. That looks so much better. Looks like they've changed the shape of the neck, and extended the back of the secondary hull. I think it looks even better than if they'd just moved the hull backwards. It solves almost all of the proportion issues.
  10. As far as operating the mechs in this movie goes, it's been stated in the past that the two pilots are "locked in a neural bridge." Which sounds to me like their minds are synced up via technology.
  11. I'm really liking that Striker Eureka. Between it's overall aesthetics, very human like proportions, and melee weapons it's hitting on all cylinders, for me. Given this film's inspirations, I wonder if we'll see a live action Itano Circus, at some point.
  12. Not a fan of the stubby thighs, long calves look. In fact, I'd say the legs are just about perfect, on that Russian jaeger. It certainly has a fancy hat. Gipsy Danger has some proportion issues going on between the torso and legs, but I certainly don't hate it. Given that it looks like it's meant to operate in coastal waters, (salt water cooling intake) the longer legs kind of make sense.
  13. Not even counting the two made for cable movies, is there even any continuity in this franchise. This one feels like it completely ignores everything that's come before it.
  14. Dear Disney, can we please get the unmodified versions of the original trilogy on DVD, in a form that isn't hard letter boxed? I bet a lot of people would buy that up on Blu-Ray, too.
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