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Everything posted by Greyryder

  1. That thing's even worse than the Banpresto knock off someone posted in another thread. I wonder if it was their intention to make someone's eyes bleed?
  2. Yeah, I noticed that too. I thought the Armada jets looked oddly Macross like.
  3. It's the promised land!
  4. I believe I've been schooled. Though I had understood low speed handling to be closer to stall speed. This is one of those subjects where I know just enough to be dangerous. (to my self) I was always more of an attack chopper guy myself, anyway. Always found it unatural to not be able to stop, before you land.
  5. Dog fighting is rapidly looking to become a thing of the past. The idea now is to build a plane that can shoot down the other guy, before he even knows that you're there. Engagement ranges are beyond visual, now. The main reason I've heard for the 22 being picked (and I'm not saying my info is infalable) is that the 22 was built by the company that made the F-117 ahead of schedule, and under budget. The 23 was built by the same company that made the B-2 behind schedule, and woefully over budget.
  6. Was a shame with the 23. It was better looking, and all around superior to the 22. As I understand it, the the only thing the 22 had on it was low speed hndling. The 22 won mostly for political reasons. Is it just me, or does the YF-21 Stealth Valkyrie look an awful lot like the YF-23?
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