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Everything posted by Greyryder

  1. The Colonial Viper from Battlestar Galactica (Mk II Viper in the new series) X-Wing Thunderbolt Starfury from B5 (The long nosed one) That's all I can think of off hand. It's not a fighter, but I always thought that the Betty from Alien Ressyraction was pretty cool looking. (in that form over function butt ugly kind of way) It's inspired a couple of my designs.
  2. The color scheme sure doesn't help them. Part of the reason I like the Gundam from war in a Pocket is the white and blue color scheme. It's not as garish as the regular Gundam paint job. I don't think anything vaguely like a Gundam would ever be seen on a real battle field, but I enjoy watching them blow the crap out of each other, when I catch a show on TV. I still prefer the close range small scale combat of the later Zoids series. I'm just a sucker for mecha melee.
  3. Extremely well rendered. As good or better than some proffesional work I've seen. The compositing is excelent. Judging by the way it moves, I'd say it's been motion captured.
  4. But will my divx player still work if I delete them all?Thats what I was wondering about.The k lite ++ works a hellalot better then my old kazaa version.I only use it (the divx player) off line. My experience from the one time I accidently installed the ad supported version is that the player will still work, it just puts all the adware back in everytime it's run. Offline or not.
  5. A lot of that stuff is probably what's giving you those errors. None of it's good to have on your computer. That Divx player has 2 or 3 ad delivery programs with it. Everytime you run the Divx player, it'll put that stuff back in. Unless you really need the features that the full version has, I'd recomend the free version.
  6. Thanks for the heads up. I'm catching the end of it, now. It's supposed to be on Animidnight, either this coming Friday, or the next. They'll also be playing Macross Plus on another friday. Yes, it's nice to Macross on TV, instead of that other show.
  7. I'm terrible with numbers... I think "retract" was the way I heard it phrased, but it was a long time ago, too. I figured you'd correct any mistakes I made in that post. It's long been obvious to me that you know way more about this, than I. I do rather wonder if the VF-1 wouldn't really need those fins. It's V-stabs are splayed out to function like a V-tail, but they always seemed a little small to me to give a lot stability. The ventral fins have a similar angle. Seems like the head and shoulders under the plane might cause airflow problems that would need extra surfaces to help counter. (Jeez, was that poorly worded!) But then, with fly by wire they can make just about any shape fly.
  8. That much would make sense. I know the YF-71 had retractable ventral fins. It couldn't take off or land with them extended, but the nose of the plane caused soem weird aerodynamic effects that necessitated them for regular flight. That plane never made into production, since the military decided that they really didn't need a fighter that break mach 3. The more streamlined nose on the A-12/SR-71 didn't cause any instability problems, so those planes didn't need the fins. (yes, the SR-71 started out as a fighter prototype)
  9. You know I downloaded and installed.And I got like 534 files...Thimg is. I'm preety dumb when it comes to these things...So I'm affraid if I delete them. I won't be able to acces my kazzaa, or my cookies will get messed up, or something like that. Any cookies it's found, you don't want on your machine. It won't hurt things like forum log ins. If you're running the regular version of Kazaa (bad idea) it probably won't be happy. Kazaa comes loaded with that crap. If you really want to use Kazaa, my suggestion would be to track down a copy of Kazaa Lite, or the K++ edition. Those versions have been hacked to remove the malwawre, and K++ has a number of other features, built in. Some meant to reduce the risk of the RIAA sueing you. Their websites been shut down, but you should be able to find it on freeware sites. I think The Screensavers also try to keep an updated list of places to find them. Probably where ever they keep the dark tips section stashed away.
  10. Sounds like some kind of malware. Go download Ad-Aware, install it, run it's updater, then scan your computer. Adware is software that likes to deliver advertisements to you, wither throu redirection, pop-ups, or replaceing the page's regular ads. It's often also spyware, which will track your surfing habits, and report it back to "home base." Most of this crap either comes bundled with other software, and tries to install on the sly with whatever it came bundled with, or will install itself automaticaly when you visit a page that has it built in. This all qualifies as malware. (malicious software) Ad-Aware should find it. EDIT: the regular freeware version is all you need. The pay versions have a few extra bells and whistles, but nothing you absolutely need.
  11. That Golem's cool. (I've seen it spelled both ways) I've been thinking about picking a larger sized Zoid from HLJ, and a couple extra weapons. I've been looking at the Liger Zero Pheonix. I'm sucker for animal like mecha, and that one looks like it could be detailed and weathered to look like something that's been hrough a couple of wars. The Energy Liger looks pretty nice too, but I'm not a huge fan of the color red. Either way, I'd probably customize it, somehow.
  12. That's cool! Gives me ideas for my Zip Zaps.
  13. That's the first Gundam I've ever seen that doesn't look all the ones that came before it. Wonder how much moustache wax it goes through...
  14. Well then, I won't be poo pooing a living thread when I ask this question. After twenty five years, are they finally going to design a new gundam, or just continue the grand tradition of tacking a few extra bits on to the existing design? I liked what I saw of the original series, but from what I've seen of the newer shows, all the gundams look just like the old ones. The only way I can tell any of them apart is if they've got some weird bits hanging off the back. Personaly I still like the gundam from War in a Pocket, best. Despise the series, but the gundam was cool.
  15. It sucks for those of us with limited funds. The extent of my Macross collection is comprised of two Banprestos, and a paper Monster model.
  16. Yeah, I remember that. I thought those little hexes were a pretty cool way to transform the car. Too bad they went to different shaped panels for Viper Defender2 in the second series. Sweet paint job, on that Valk. It almost looks like an urban camo scheme.
  17. I only had a couple of the little ones. Not that I would call most of the mini Autobots' vehicle modes realistic representations. I preferred the normal sized ones. My favorites that I owned as a kid were Sunstreaker, Trailbreaker, Soundwave, and Smokescreen. They were some of them with better proportions in robot mode, too. Not like Hound's stubby little arms. I always thought that the Go-bots looked way better than the mini Autobots.
  18. So am I the only kid that always thought "This is neat and all, but why can't I move the legs?" and "why don't the arms go anywhere other than straight forward and down?" Gimmick only gets you so far. The (lack of) articulation never really bothered me. They were nearly as articulated as all those Kenner Star Wars figures I had. So the legs didn't move, I didn't need to fit tme inside a vehicle, they tunred into vehicles. I also excepted that there was only so much they could do with something that turned into a fairly realistic toy car. I just always thought thatthe concept of the Transformers was cool. A toy vehicle that's a fairly decent representation of it's real world counterpart, that turned into a robot. It was the later TFs that started to throw me off the series. Most of them didn't look anything in the real world, and none of them bothered to hide the fact that they turned into a robot. The TF planes were always lacking in that regard, but most of the other early TFs had pretty good vehicle modes. That's why I don't care about any of the newer lines, except Alternators/Binal Tech. They don't have that realistic vehicle factor. Though, I still give Energon Landmine credit for it's Mad Max look.
  19. Looks to me like they'd pull out a little bit, then rotate around 180 degrees.
  20. Dude! That looks sweet. Deffinately looks feminine. I could easily see her painted pink, and called Arcee. Nice work. I can't draw straight into the computer. I've tried it before on my old tablet, but I just miss the feel of pencil on paper. So I just do clean up and coloring on the comp. I'm getting ready to try building my own Alternator out of a 68 Firebird model. I couldn't find an 02 Trans Am model (they were never made) so I decided to go for the irony of a muscle car that turns into a robot.
  21. I may be getting worse. Started with Valks, moved onto TF Alternators, now I'm looking to convert a model car kit into a home built Alternator. I've gone from buying transformable toys, to building my own. My name is Greyryder, and I'm a junky. Screw it! There are worse habits to have.
  22. One of the things that helped the bike manuever better in the anime was that it had two wheel steering. I do agree that it needs to be driven off of a couple of traction motors in the hubs. That's the best way to do two wheel drive on a mortorcycle. It also needs a hub steering setup, instead of trying to run conventional forks. I still give the guy mad props for even trying. He's gotten way farther than I ever could have. Personaly, I want one of these:
  23. Hey, thanks a lot! Those B joints look to be exactly what I need.
  24. Oh, you will, believe me. A colleague of mine, who happens to be a kick ass comic artist has changed his blue pencil for a Wacom for good. I'm not that good yet, but the Wacom handles pretty naturally. Feels kind of strange at the beginning, but after a day or two, you won't touch a mouse anymore. I've tried drawing with just the tablet, but I preffer the feel of pencil on paper. The tablet's for post scan clean up and coloring, for me. It really comes down to a matter of preference, I guess.
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