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Everything posted by Greyryder

  1. Another vote for Alternators Smokescreen. It's not so much that it's mechanicaly complex, it's just a rip to get everything lined up right. The only other transforming toy I have that gives me any problems is Energon Starscream's arms. Between the tight fit of the design, and the overly stiff ratcheting, I'm surprised I haven't broken something on it, yet.
  2. Must be Kicker. Cool pic, Ali Sama!
  3. Ahh, okay. Thanks for the clarification. I'm easily confused.
  4. I go for whatever looks cool, and I can aford at the time. I tend towards the smaller stuff, as that's what I prefer, but I'll get something big if it catches my eye.
  5. Hold on. Wait a minute. Thor? As in Norse god of thunder Thor? Second strongest* of all the Norse gods Thor? Why would there be a Thor in something based on Greek mythology? I wasn't interested in tis move to begin with. Now I know to stear clear of it. *Thor's son Magni was stronger than Thor, but not as well known.
  6. There's also growing evedience that htere will be a Dodge Neon BT. My money is they'll paint it blue, put some flame decals on the hood, and call it Bumblebee.
  7. Like it's any different than the dust collectors, most people collect. Except, ours are cooler. (unless you're collecting veritechs )
  8. Ah think y'all just needs ta settle yaselves down, now. Ya here? *runs*
  9. At the end of Clone Wars, Grivious was featured in the final episode. It showed him basically pwning the ass of the Jedi council. (I think they all died) and he had force powers like any other Jedi. He took them all at once and they didn't stand a chance. So yes, he is force sensitive. That pecker killed Shaggy from Scooby Doo! Zoiks!
  10. I haven't had access to a UPN station since halfway through Voyager. It would have been nice if 28 would have warned people.
  11. We tried using File Savanger, and could only cover jpgs. PLEASE, someone, just tell me, does anyone have the Short version of the opening theme to Outlaw Star, Macross 7, and DragonBall GT? Anyone? I've got the Outlaw Star opening theme in MP3, but I don't know if it's the short version. Duration is listed as 4:13.
  12. Interesting. I've been wanting to get a strike, anyway. On my supers I managed to modify my arm armor and arms to actually engage one another. Mine wouldn't stay on at al, before that. Do the arms still pop off as easily?
  13. You dirty SOB, I was JUST about to hijack this thread with that same pic! Starscream may not quite be on the Masterpiece level, but he still looks pretty freakin fantastic. Here's a closer shot of Convoy, hope the gaps get fixed... I plan on getting that Convoy. If that's what the final version looks like, I will modify the arms. I'm willing to bet that there's a way to reduce that gap under the cab, too. EDIT: BoBe-Patt, just copy and paste the URL. There must be a script to prevent hotlinking.
  14. Set a pool on fire? I remember grafting an extra arm onto my Dr. Mindbender. I think it was from a Powerglide mini TF. Mostly I just smashed the stuff, but having been a rather odd child, I think that my Duke figure was lucky that I didn't have a Scarlet figure. Can you say "head transplant?"
  15. Do you mean Warduke? Kelek was the Mage, but Warduke was the evil fighter with the funky batwing-crested helmet. Of course...they made a rather crude figure (In my opinion) of Prince Melf Brightflame of Celene... Yes! That's the one! I thought he was about the coolest action figure I'd seen, when I was a kid.
  16. Hey, I've got the hair to play the part. Don't exactly have the build, though. Unless people want to see a 5'7" 120lb Conan. Yeah, didn't think so.
  17. Cool. Has been added to my comics bookmarks, and will be added to the comics links on my main page, when next I update it.
  18. I like this more and more. I wouldn't do too much with the top. It gives it a nice sleek look, as it is. Plenty of room for custom "nose art" too. Whether or not the cockpit visibility would really be need in space, pilots would really bitch if they couldn't see out.
  19. I had some of those D&D figures. The main one I remember was some evil type guy with a gnarly face on his shield. Actually had two of him, since the first one's rubber band broke, shortly after I got him. Think I have one of the shields around, still. The eyes have been drilled out, from me trying to put LEDs in them.
  20. I'm likin' that a lot. The version with the cockpit higher looks better to me. Dig the black paint job, too.
  21. Greyryder

    New picture

    It's a Banpresto. I can tell by the block on the arm, where the gun can be stored. It's also way to small to be chunky monkey.
  22. Much much better. I like it. *insert thumbs up smiley, here*
  23. Attack chopper cockpit is back to having a boxy nose section, unless you want to go with one of the KA-50-2 concepts. Keep in mind, that this is from a guy who keeps trying to make mech designs based on an RAH-66 Comanche. A side by side configuration might make it too wide, and throw off the proportions. The semi tandem idea might work, I've seen where those can be made narrower than a regular side by side configuration.
  24. And so it begins... Vostok 7 SO what else is new? You know that it had to be coming. Anyways, I have to agree with Eternal_D. I will not get it. I still havent bought the Q-rau. Needs more diecast! Or, was this supposed to be posted after the complaints about the scale?
  25. I was thinking of the side by side ones being a little further outboad, but I really like that tandem version. I'd just raise the tandem design's rear seat, and give the canopy more of an arched profile to acomdate it. Just continue that contour down the top of hull. The nose won't look so tacked on, the overall look will improve, (IMO) and the rear seat gets improved visibility,
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