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Everything posted by Greyryder

  1. Tracks always had a red face. Probably embarrassed to be released at the same time as Skids. I still don't like sculpt. I've seen photoshopings of Tracks repainted with a new head to look like Wheeljack. That one I'd have to get, despite not liking the sculpt. (Though, I still rather see WJ as a Ford GT)
  2. Art and office supply stores should both carry it.
  3. I've got the Skyline. (no longer yellow. Thank you very much.) I've heard they've been a bit inconsistant from the factory. Some cars seem to suffer from excess binding. Most of the complaints I've seen out of the cars, just need a little mechanical trouble shooting.
  4. Mine's been a blast. *shrugs*
  5. Don't waste your money. The XMODS are pretty crappy. If you're comparing them to a Mini Z they are. They're pretty good for the price, actually. I'd suggest the steering and suspension mod, as well as the AWD kit. Bearings are always a good idea.
  6. Anyone have one that doesn't just display the text "PLAYER"?
  7. I deffinately preffered T3 to T2. The first one is still the best, but T3 ain't bad. I still haven't figured out how the T1000 and TX could travel through time. I don't care how much it looks like skin, liquid metal ain't organic.
  8. Cardstock is the only way to go. "paper" model is a bit of a misnomer.
  9. I'm looking forward to seeing more predator weaponry. They've always given the different predators different weapons. The only things that the preds from the first two movies shared were the wrist blades, and wrist computers. The first one had an energy cannon, with the targeting lasers on it's helmet, and the second one's shoulder cannon fired those little blade things, and had the laser right on the gun. The first one didn't have the disk, or the spear. The Alien franchise has been screwed up since Cameron turned them into glorified ants, and called in the space marines. I don't see how that part of it can get any worse. I can't wait for this movie to hit cable.
  10. Yeah, they've actually got a pretty good mold to them, they mostly just need their joints tightend up. Nice if you like small valks.
  11. I stand corrected, there have been F1s dual rear axles. I kinda see the point behind the Tyrell, but for the two rears. Eaither way, it's probably better to just design a superior suspension.
  12. Never seen one with two rear axles, but there was an old F1 with two front axles. It's one of the few F1 cars I've seen that stood out to me visually.
  13. Better traction for steering and braking. Some people think it looks cool.
  14. We should buy one and send it to Hong Kong, so we can get an affordable knock off.
  15. The F-15's speed brake always struck me as being disproportionatly large. I've seen speedbrakes on other planes that weren't nearly as big as the F-15's in relation to the size of the plane. It looks cool, though.
  16. Actually, I like the sculpt. It has a nice lean look to it, just like on the show. I seem to recall seeing pictures of the lions, and they looked better than the Matchbox big head lions, too. All they need to do is sell it for a reasonable price. I won't pay $60 dollars for a 20th anny Prime, (though I oculd probably be persuaded) I sure as hell won't pay 150 bucks for Voltron. For $50, I'd snag it.
  17. I'll have to start checking the Meijers around here. I've heard that the Red Miester is going to be somewhat limited, but that Takara is treating the two versions the same. They're basically trying to make the red one a chase figure. I imagine once they have the stock in hand, that most on line stores will make them seperate items for order. I stick with the Alts, because I don't care enough about die-cast to pay the extra for the BTs.
  18. I've only seen it on one of the Imacross servers, and it consistantly crawls.
  19. Tell me about it. It's gonna drive me nuts when Meister comes out. I've started picking up some of the Energon figures, my local Wal-Mart only has the first wave toys, and they're not restocking them. I had to go all over Colombus before I found someplace with Arcee. I've heard that wave 2 hasn't made it to the Dayton area, yet. I don't think Siverstreak has been seen anywhere in this state.
  20. Seems to me like they didn't want to change G4 too much, they just wanted the Tech TV name. Guess they didn't realize that Tech TV was more popular because it didn't suck. Nice to see that Screensavers is still there, but hey seem to have nixed Tech Live. We need a good technology channel. Something like Tech TV used to be.
  21. There's talk about it here.
  22. I just find it amusing that they seem to put more effort into the packaging than the toy.
  23. Looks like Millia parked in the Macross's landing spot.
  24. It's a new version of Smokescreen. They're updateing him to look like the 2004 WRX rally car. Basicaly just a minor repaint, but it should have a new roof and front fascia.
  25. The more I see of Robot master Prime, the more I want him. This is the toy we needed in the 80s.
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