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Everything posted by Greyryder

  1. Yup, those are great episodes. That second with the Ash-bot also a bot that looks very much like a VF-1 batroid, even has the skull and crossbones heatshield. I don't think it's on screen for even a second, but it kind of catches your eye, since it's red.
  2. I need to get that Kmart two pack, so I can have a Prowl. I've repainted my regular Prowl into G1 Mirage. Plus, I like that paint scheme for hte Rodimus mold. I gotta say, I don't like the mold on it's own, but both of it's combined modes are good. Very poseable, too. I modified mine to have tight smooth joints. Right now I've got him as pants for Tow-line. Makes for a very poseable combined bot, with complementary colors.
  3. You should make an animated gif of that head-banging action! That would be sweet! I was thinking the same thing.
  4. Greyryder

    Question. . .

    Going with a full size U.S. style nuclear carrier, the 1/60 scale one would end up being around 20 feet long. (going off of a 1200" long deck, in case I'm totally wrong about the size of the real ones) Not sure how tall the superstructure would end up being.
  5. I never thought of Zoids for this. I'll have to go with the Liger Zero X, with X armor. It somehow manages to look like a samurai lion. A very angry samurai lion.
  6. Go to the last page on that link, and tell you that it isn't real. They were just having some fun with it. Personally, I was a little frightened by all the duct tape in that one picture of a howitzer.
  7. YES! To lock it down to a some specific toys, I always thought that the standard mode head for Powermaster Prime/God Ginrai is one of the best Prime face sculpts. Too bad there's no back to the head. Robotmasters G1 Convoy head is a close second, and I still think that Armada Supercon Prime's (Bendy Prime) head is pretty kick ass. The VF-1J ranks right up there, too.
  8. New adaptation. Dahl hated the original movie, and if I remember right, Burton doesn't think highly of it, either. They're trying to stay closer to the book, this time.
  9. I've never waited to wipe an oil wash back, before. I just wipe very lightly if I don't want to remove too much. I'd say that your mineral spirits in your oil paint are probably eating away at your clear coat. I can't really help you on this, since the oil paints I use were originally intended for ceramics, and can be thinned with water. There's nothing in it to attack the lower the coats of paint.
  10. The Valks. The VF1 is still my favorite mecha. I finally got to see Mac+ and Mac 2, they didn't have the valks I liked, but they were still interesting shows, and held me over untill I could finally see DYRL. Now, I just need to get the DVDs of the original series...
  11. Anybody see the Megas episode with T-bot, and the return of Magnanimous? When all of the robots started dropping down from nowhere around the Megas, one of them looked like a VF1. It even had the skull and crossbones on the heatshield.
  12. Is there any place this thing is actually available from? The torrent refuses to connect today, and I don't have a clue how you're supposed to get anything off of IRC. Usenet appears to cost money, so that's out. What ever happened to FTP servers, for this kind of stuff? Oh yeah, greedy ISPs... EDIT: Got it. Watching it now. Nice to finally be able to see the first Macross. (Yeah, I know, it's not the series. But still)
  13. Super glue. Shoe Goo or Goop would work too, as they're both a souped up version of rubber cement, with with a solvent base.
  14. Didn't know there was a curse rumor attached to it. I remember seeing a show on it a while back, but I missed the beginning of it. Didn't know that they'd used real cadavers. Strangely enough I saw a show earlier tonight where they talked about how they'd used real skeletons in the first Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie, because they were cheaper than the plastic ones. I know they had trouble making that third Poltergeist, and what happenned to that girl was just tragic. You'd think diagnosing am intestenal blockage wouldn't have been that difficult in the 80s.
  15. There's just not enough people seeding.
  16. I'm still downloading it. my hatred of Bit Torrent is being reafirmed.
  17. I only hang out at the TFW2005 boards. The mods lock threads that start turning into insult slinging, to prevent rampant flaming. My favorite one is that everybody complains that the animation company doing the current TF show sucks, and now that it's been confirmed that GONZO are doing the next series, people are complaining that their mech shows suck. I only have Vandread to use as a comparison, but I thought GONZO's mech animation looked pretty damn good. Good show, all the way around, actually.
  18. Yeah, that was deffinately a WTF kind of ending.
  19. If you look close, it's basicaly just a flying wing. I'm sure the sidepanels give it some yaw stability, and I'll bet that the handle does have some control sufaces.
  20. Don't give anybody any ideas. We have enough trouble with the whole trukk not munk thing. Then there's always the G1 purists who argue over which continuity is canon. The Cartoon, the Marvel comics, the Dreamwave comics, or hte Japanese cartoons. *is a card carrying member of the organic TFs suck club*
  21. I loved that original Johnny Quest. You never see that kind of body count in cartoons. Especially, these days.
  22. Most of Cartoon Network's originally made Adult Swim shows Family Guy (this is just irritating) Superfriends (this show just sucked out loud, and I can't believe what they did to Batman) Captain Planet Ghostbusters (flying car, what!?) Post movie Transformers (go ahead, kill off ALL the characters I care about. TFs lost thier coolness with their realistic alt modes) Mobile Suit Gundam: War in a Pocket (I don't care about the boring annoying kid. Show me the damn robots! I so want to see this kid get the crap kicked out of him by the kid from FLCL) I'm sure that there are others, the memories of which I've long since repressed.
  23. Yup. I've even got a mecha in my webcomic that was pretty much inspired by a GERWALK. I was trying to get a Glaug pod/Maruader stance to it, but it ended up looking like the bastard offspring of a VF1 and a Comanche helicoptor.
  24. Greyryder

    Yamato SDF-1

    The real question is: How long after they released a Macross, before somebody painted one up in Minmay Guard scheme?
  25. Greyryder

    Scale Pref.

    Can't help you. I prefer smaller scale toys, anyway. Loves me Bannies, I does.
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