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Everything posted by Greyryder
wow, your place only barely has silver streak? That's like some old @$$ stuff! Dude! I've been all over this part of Ohio, and Bluestreak, Hound, and Sideswipe, mock me where ever I go. I finally broke down, and ordered Grimlock off the internet. All so I can a stupid custom....
Don't know what that says, butI think that's an unpainted prototype for HBS-01. The hybrid system Galaxy Convoy. It's supposed to be a five inch tall super articulated figure made of mostly die cast.
Probably because Hatch wanted nothing to do with this new series. He absolutely hated the idea of a reinvisioning, untill he actually saw it. After he saw the mini-series, he really liked what they were doing with it. They would never have gotten him on board for the mini-series. I wouldn't be surprised if his character makes more attempts to "free his people." I'd still like to Dirk Benidict show up, for at least one episode. The big comeback.
That's true, but most of the guys that started out as cars have remained relatively the same type of car. Smokscreen is still a race car, and Sideswipe is still a high horse power sports car. Admittedly, Smokscreen and Bluestreak used to be two door sports coupes. Swerve just seams like a bigger departure from his G1 form, than the other guys that started as vehicles. I don;t know, now I'm confused.
Swerve was a mini-bot. I think he was one of the later ones. He was a repaint/remold of Gears. The Alt Swerve's head is very accurate to the original toy. It's just odd that he went from being a pick up, to being a sports car. I'm reserving my judgement of Prowl, untill I see pictures that I know are properly transformed. Dragstrip looks much better than the early test shots.
Those are way too angular and stylized. Snake Eyes looks like a Xevoz figure. Roadblock's kinda cool looking, but probably just because of "Old Painless."
Nice, but I'd rather have a colnial Viper. Preferably an original series one. Of course, I'd have to refit the cockpit for playing PC flight sims. Oops! I think my geek is showing.
Myself, I prefer internal mix. I'm pretty new to airbrushing, and all I have is a fairly cheap plastic bodied Aztek, but having just given it the once over, I didn't find it too difficult to make sure all the gunk was out of it. I've always considered clean up to a part of painting, anyway.
Wow. You guys are worrying me. I've got one of those $40 dollar kits from Wal-Mart with the internal mix Aztek airbrush. It seems like a pretty good beginner's air brush. It could have a little better action in the air flow controll, but the compressor I use has a good regulator on it. I haven't had any trouble with it yet, but I've only got the one tip for it.
As to other plausible mech designs; what about some of the smaller quadrepedal Zoids? They have a small frontal area, for their overall size, are a lot more stable than a bipedal design, and if built right, should have pretty good mobility/agility. They'd be able to move laterally, and getting up from a fall shouldn't be too much trouble.
Megas XLR! If I were going to build a giant robot, I'd deffinately use a classic musclecar for the head. Seriously, I always liked the Bushwacker from Battletech. It's designed to provide as little frontal target as possible. It's also armed to the teeth.
The Cylons have become organic (or techno-organic). Boomer and Six are almost entirely organic, and I suppose capable of bearing children.
I doubt I'd want to do one as a comission. I've got comissioned drawings that were paid for a year ago, that I haven't finished yet. I feel bad enough about those. For the record. I picked up one of those $40 airbrush klts from Wal-Mart to paint him. I used Model Master paints, because they thread into my airbrush. The cadmium yellow I used really needed thined down, since it's a figure paint. It looks a little odd under some light, though. I'd suggest Blue Angel Yellow. That airbrush may have been the best 40 bucks I ever spent. Bendy Prime looks much better with his grill painted silver. I cheated on the stripes! I used Monokote dark red trim strip. I used chrome trim strip for the rear wing side damns, and the side pinstripe. Some of the corners don't want to stay down, though. I may have to spray more Future on the hood, to seal the stripes. I've found that a small amount of super glue applied with the tip of a scalpel works well, too. The autobot and Competition Coupe logos are decals I printed out with a Testors decal kit, and Paint Shop Pro. I used two decals for hte nose, and cut them both off center, do that they could wrap a little. Now, if I could just find a Grimlock. I've got a custom character repaint in mind....
Yup! He's based on the toy. Sunstreaker was one of the first TFs I had other than some of mini-bots. I kept the red trim for his alt mode too, since the original toy's red shoulders became his fenders. The chrome pinstripe on the side was just to break up all the yellow. Thanks for the compliment. I spent fair amount of time on this guy, and there's still a few things I'm kind of tweaking.
I'm still waiting on Grimlock to show up around here. I may mod the head, and repaint him into my own character, though. I haven't decided on that, yet. I will be getting Wheeljack. That much is a given. Swindle, Deadend, and Shockwave are going to have their hands full, in my collection. I don't really like Ravage or Dragstrip, and Sunstreaker has already joined the ranks of my Autobot forces.
I've never had a problem with the Testors acrylics. I find they spray well, right out of the bottle. I wish I could find a place that sells them individually. For individual bottles, I end up getting the model master paints. I tend to have to use the cans of propellent, too. The air compressor I have available is a big shop compressor, that you can run tools off of. Due to everbody here having different schedules, I can rarely use it, because it'll wake someone up everytime it needs to refill the tank. Local wally-woild sells the cans for about eight bucks a shot. FYI on the regular Testors acrylics: They're made by Pactra, and they will stick to Lexan. I've used them a few times to paint some bit of detailing, before spraying in the Pactra Lexan paint.
I've got hte Energizer quick charger. It works great, but you'll need to get AAAs seperately. Another good place for batteries.
Holy crap! I knew that Goo Gone would attack the clear plastic in TFs, but I never thought that paint thinner would dissolve the regular parts. Just for future reference. Rubbing alcohol (I use 91%) will take most paint off of Transformers, and not harm the plastic. Some paint takes more work, than others.
I love that Wheeljack. The colors are great, and those new Stangs are sweet. Love that head sculpt, too. Viagra Prime did a good job on his VetteJack, but I really don't like that mold for Wheeljack. It's also hard to make red and green look good together on a car. I'd have gone with red trim on the car, and green and red trim on the robot. My personal choice for an original Alt WJ mold would have been a Ford GT. There's a rumor going around that Alt Sunstreaker might be seen as a store exclusive, sometime in the future. Myself, I decided not to wait. I'm painting my own. Even bought an airbrush for the project. Having the base painting finished, I think I may have gone a shade or two too light. I may have to redo it.
Yeah, they're official. I know that there have been in package pics of Wheeljack. If I remember right, there have been in package pictures of Shockwave, too. I think the box calls him Shockblast, but the license plate reads "SHKWAV" or something similar.
Wasn't aimed at you, Exo. Your's was just the last post to quote that guy that keeps making up things to not like about the new BSG.
Alright, what about ST: TNG? Their special effect is way better than BSG. BSG just don't have the budget, that's why they have these cheap actors/actresses and lame special effect. That Fri. episode when starbuck fight against those 8 enemy space ships, the special effect quality dated back to the first star war in 1977. Just a couple of beam shots, when I was watching it, I just can't believe how plain that is. Talk about "lack of special effect." Even the setup of the interior of the ships, ST:TNG is many times better. I mean, is it even possible that in the time era of BSG, that they are still relying on analog clock? Next thing you know, they are using Energizer battery. Have you seen an analog clock (like the ones at Walmart) in ST:TNG? I can understand if you don't like it, but why are you trying so hard to convice the rest of us to feel the same way? Just a couple of beam shots... maybe he thinks they're really in space and those are real planets, so all the FX he sees are the beam shots... and for them to use real missiles out in 0G, talk about plain cheesy... I never liked the space shots in Next Gen. It always looked CGed, to me. I was pretty surprised to find out that the actually used physical models. BSG looks soo much better. What beam shots? They don't have directive energy weapons on BSG. Starbuck was shooting at them with autocannon. They use bullets. Particle effects in CG are incredibly common. The weapons choice has nothing to do with budget. It's probably harder to do the bullets, than to do a standard sci-fi energy beam. They're not going for the bling bling wow factor, they're going for realism. And, they're doing it well. Analog clocks, when digital technology exists. Imagine that. Most people prefer analog cocks. I see a lot more analog watches, than digital ones, in the real world, even though digital clock/watch technology has been around for decades. Those Rolex watches must be pretty cheap, they're analog! The Galactica itself has low tech inside, becasue it was built for the first Cylon war. They kept it low tech, so that the Cylons couldn't use the colonies' own sophisticated computer technology against them. Adama has never allowed the ship's systems to be updated. This was all done on a pupose. Again, the interior look is for realism. They don't want it to look like a luxery liner, inside. It's an aging, 40 year old battleship. Look at pictures of the inside of a real warship. Looks a lot more like the Galactica, than the Enterprise. I don't care how well known the actors on the show are. They can act! That counts for a lot more than a big name. You're confusing realism with low budget. Real cars don't blow up when they get shot in the trunk, regardless of what Hollywood would have us believe. If you saw a car not blow up in a movie, when the back end got shot, would you think that was also low budget?
I said space fight, not flight. Look at Fri. episode, the special effect scene of that woman vs. those 8 ships are just crappy. It looks like a high school project film. The only reason I am watching it is because there isn't anything better to watch, which is the problem w/ sci fi. space ship type show, there is very few. Andromeda (good design ship, cheap special effect, a bunch of XOXO on the display screen ends the fight). The only good one is SG1 and Atlantis. I also said space flight. I thought her going into that vertical circle strafe, was pretty cool. As for the cinematography of the exterior space scenes; that's done intentionally. They want it to look like there's a cameraman out there, in space, with the ships. In the miniseries, they were trying to make it look more like a war correspondent was doing the filming. Thankfully, they quit with the oddball out of focus stuff. As much as I like the Stargate shows, BSG has much better looking space shots. The spaceships on Stargate always look CGed.
In the mini-series, you can even see a Cylon Centurion's sword hanging in Adama's quarters. In the mini-series, you can see an original Cylon in the museum, they built in the Galactica. Blink, and you'll miss it.
I didn't even get an error. I just got a "Page could not be found. Please the check the URL yada, yada, yada" message from my browser.