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Everything posted by Greyryder

  1. That's not Ghost Rider's bike, That's Johnny Blaze's. The one from the photo look's like I'd expect Zarathos's bike to look like, if it wasn't made entirely of hellfire. However, I'm more of a fan of the newer Dan Ketch Ghost Rider, than of the original Johnny Blaze/Zarathos GR. Of course. I haven't read the comics in over ten years, so I have no idea what's gone on with the new GR, since then.
  2. No turret control, though I could probably cram a micro mini servo into the turret to turn it. It's just run off of an old two channel radio I gutted into a project box. It's driven off of a couple of standard size servos that had to be hacked up pretty good to make them (almost) fit. That Leopard looks great. I love it! That camo looks perfect. Will there be any action pics, once it's finished?
  3. I picked up Windcharger, too. I'm working on a custom barrel, that looks more like it might belongs on a modern long rifle. I don't really care if it looks like a drive shaft or not, since I never display my Alts upside down. Gotta make a mouth plate for him too, so he'll look more like Windcharger. I still can't believe all his joints are so tight, and his ankles move almost as freely as his wheels.
  4. I think all the generic can motors are called Mabuchis. I can't wait to see more of this project. I have a life long love affair with tracked vehicles. I've even gone so far as to convert a 1/35 M60A2 model over to RC.
  5. Said the same thing on SSM and it was suggested that he meant the Rudder pedal, but in space when you hit the rudder it would cause thrusters to fire to effect yaw. I hope that's what he really meant, otherwise, arrgh, stupid hollywood writers need to get time in a plane before writing about them, the controls are not like in cars. Yeah, that's I assumed he meant, since he said "thruster pedal" not "thrust pedal." I assumed he meant the pedal to control the yaw thrusters.
  6. But we already have Prime that looks good in both modes... and thats the 20th Anniversary Masterpiece Prime, or the Takara MP-1. Except for the fact that the truck mode is a mess that looks like it's been driven off a cliff. Repeatedly.... Yeah it does! It's all crumpled up and disjointed and it doesn't have windows or wheels or doors or... Waitaminute, yeah it does. Y'know, it's one thing to quibble about not liking a particular part of a design... but c'mon, the truck mode on MP Prime is fine to about 99.9% of the people on Earth. What kills me is how nobody seems to rag on how bad the old robot modes in G1 toys were. Now those were crap. For the price that thing goes for, it should actually look like a truck. I can't stand that thing's alt mode. The windshield section of the cab overhangs the lower section, and just looks terrible. The side vent windows are filled in with hinges, and the door detail doesn't match up with any other truck detail. Instead they tried to match it up with the shoulder hinges, migrating hte dorrs so far upward, they're almost on the roof. They didn't even bother trying to make the shoulder hinges look like part of the truck, they're just beig black bars that run back from the poorly placed door windows. Then there's Prime's cod piece sticking out from under the back of the cab. The extra seam lines wouldn't bother me, if all the extra bits were in there to make the thing actually look like a truck. I'd rather have a simplified design, that actually has a convincing alt mode, instead of a pile of gimmicks that was only designed to look good in bot mode. All I ask for in a G1 Prime toy is one that looks as good as a truck as the original, and has a well articulated, well proportioned bot mode. 20th Anny Prime just doesn't do it for me. I'm glad you like it, I'm glad that most of the transfans like it. Myself, I'm a little more picky. If I'm paying $60+ for a Transformer, I want it to look like what it's supposed to transform into. 20th Op just doesn't look like any truck I've ever seen.
  7. But we already have Prime that looks good in both modes... and thats the 20th Anniversary Masterpiece Prime, or the Takara MP-1. Except for the fact that the truck mode is a mess that looks like it's been driven off a cliff. Repeatedly....
  8. The word right now is that Cullen and Welker will most likely be back as the voices of Prime and Megatron. I don't think it's been finalized yet, but that's the way it's leaning. I figure it can't possibly be worse than the marketing run rampant that was the original movie. Me. I'm just hoping to finally get a G1 Prime toy with two good modes.
  9. Not something you want to run, if some one is trying to sleep. The nice thing is that the tank is so big, you can fill it up, shut of the compressor, and paint for quite a while, before you need to run it again.
  10. Some one on the 2005 forums had the same problem. Check the pictures in this thread. The pictures are a few posts down. He's deffinately a cool toy, but it takes a few times to get the hang of his transformation.
  11. For the sake of the poll, I'll have to say Grimlock. I dig the look and poseability of Grimmy. I've unfortunately only been able to get my hands on one, and I had to order that one, online. It's being turned into a custom character, with modificatons to preserve the fender paint. I'm certain that Wheeljack will be my favorite Alt. Dead end ticks me off. Sunstreaker was one of my first non minibot TFs as a kid. Hasbro left me with no choice, but to make my own. He's one of my favorites.
  12. I think he's saying that hte paint isn't drying on the sculpy. Sounds like one of those things like how lacquers won't dry on vinyl. I'd strip the paint, and put down an acrylic primer. That should create a barrier between the sculpy and the enamel, so that the enamel can dry.
  13. I've seen the car you're talking about. I don't know what it is, but it does look like an old TF minibot. It seems that Porsche and VW are very interested in having their cars in the upcoming TF movie.
  14. That's probably one of their all gray prototypes. There are a lot of us who think that it was originally supposed to be Sunstreaker, because the leaked test shots had an autobot insignia molded into the chest.
  15. Amen! She serves no purpose, that I can see. She strikes me as a throwback to shows of the 90s, where they alwasy had to have some character who's only function was to raise the blood pressure of the people watching. Can we please shove her in a missle tube, and launch her already!?
  16. Yeah, my cheap little Aztek can't spray Future decently. If I don't put it on so heavily that it runs, it leaves a rough surface. I'm looking at a Paasche VL or Millinium.
  17. TRU's biggest problems are that they don't get the new stuff in first, (you would think that the toy store would understand toy waves) they don't advertise, (a mailed flyer every month or two would keep them fresh in people's minds) and they charge exorbitant amounts for their exclusives. The big chains don't care that toys ship in different waves. If TRU would simply make an effort to get the newest waves in the stores, when they ship, they'd have a huge edge on the big chains. They can't compete price wise, having the newest stuff first is their only hope. Instead, they wait untill their outdated stock has finally sold off, the same way the big chains do.
  18. I'd like to see the flat top start producing new Vipers, but use a slightly simplified version of the MkII exterior, that looks exactly like the original series Vipers.
  19. TKR wasn't as good as the original, but it really started to pick up towards the end. I really wish that they could have finished out their cliffhanger, where KITT got stolen.
  20. I got myself starscream which rocks. ZOMG the LIVE CONVOY looks awesome! Autobolt....lame...=.= Decepticharge's rival? Keep in mind that Autobolt is the Japanese name, (Their not called Autobots in Japan) and not necessarily properly translated.
  21. *Dr. Venture voice* Wait, this is pesos. These zeroes are meaningless. */Dr.Venture voice* Seriously, tell me that's not U.S. dollars.
  22. KAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I still haven't seen an Alt Grimmy, in stores.
  23. I used Fusion on one project. I had to repaint the whole thing, becasue I started handling it, before it was totally cured. I found that I had to let it sit at lest two or three days, or would would get tacky from skin oils, and never dry. How's the wear resistance on the Plastikote? I'm doing a custom Tranformer, and it's got a few parts that are going to have wear problems. One will have some serious rub, during transformations.
  24. The original Jetfire was basicly just a Hikaru 1S with a red nose cone, red FAST packs, and Autobot insignias. The original Tokataku made ones, even had a UN SPACY kite on the wing. Still looks pretty cool. Nice ol' Jetfire getting some love.
  25. I think the only Jeeps I've seen in Swindle's color were stock. No large tires, or brush gaurd. I've seen Grimlock cruising around, a couple times, though.
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