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Everything posted by Greyryder

  1. I'm glad, they aren't clear. They've never been shown as clear, they just blinked when he talked. I do wish he had his original Ladyhawke visor, I always thought it looked better than turning it into a mouth plate. But, that's something that will probably never happen again in a toy, just like Trailbreaker's mouth plate.
  2. I have a cheap moto-tool from Harbor Freight I use more often than my actual Dremel, because I find the Dremel too big and unwieldy. It's fine with cutting burs and abrasive bits, but it just doesn't have the torque to properly run a cutting disk.
  3. Tahiti's not looking so magical, anymore.
  4. I thought it was going to be a "Who would win in a fight: Valkyrie or Scope Dog?" Clearly, where the future is heading is dogs remotely piloting planes that turn into robots. Tanks that turn into robot squirrels will be their weakness.
  5. I'm not sure if this is a step up or a step down, from when NASA was trying to make their robots look like Boba Fett.
  6. I'm a sucker for that kind if of neo-fantasy imagery. I'd watch it. It's almost like Agent Franks from Monster Hunter: International got his own movie. MHI really needs a movie. Or, a cable series.
  7. They need to bring Stryfe. Just because I want to see an actor wearing that helmet try to go through a doorway.
  8. Is that hand guard on that lightsaber? HERESY!
  9. Thanks. She's 1:2500 scale. I modified some model parts for better detail a while back, and made molds. This size is real easy to recast for playing around with.
  10. Early version of the Wrath of Khan script called for the Reliant to be a Constitution class of a different configuration than the Enterprise. I decided to build one. I've got it primed, and temporarily glued it together for some pictures.
  11. On the plus side: First Need for Speed in years, that won't data mine your hard drive.
  12. FitzSimmons? They were okay, when they weren't talking over each other. They became incomprehensible, a short way through the argument over the "night night gun."
  13. I've seen a trailer for this. I love that the android comes across as more human than the human character.
  14. It doesn't look as good as the original. But, the bit with the computer taking control and making him think it's his decision, then him overriding it renews my interest. Feels like it might be worth checking out.
  15. Which, as we all know, is Sharkticon for "Please don't eat me, take the boy instead."
  16. Hasbro decides to just buy Harmony Gold outright, and create its own line of Macross toys. Yeah, and then I woke up....
  17. This isn't even everything. I really need to finish some things, before I go starting other projects....
  18. Every time I think they're scraping the bottom of the barrel, they move the barrel, and start to dig.
  19. Just like the ones I had when I was a kid! And started collecting G.I. Joe instead, because of the better articulation....
  20. Ah yes, Maximilian Schell in Maximilian's shell. One of the images from that movie that has always stuck with me.
  21. Haven't had a problem with my Tamiya paint lids getting stuck. But then, I mostly only tolerate Tamiya paint, for colors I can't get in Model Master. I hate those cardboard inner caps the Model master bottles have. The plastic coating on them always peels off. For stuck bottle lids, I've got a pair of channel lock pliers with textured rubber grips. I put the lid between the handles where their farthest apart, then squeeze the ends together. Gives me enough grip to open the bottle, without developing enough force to break anything.
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