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Everything posted by Greyryder

  1. TF:TM killed my inner child.
  2. Maybe Rodimus Prime? Just a thought ..... 417327[/snapback] Yes. That's who I was thinking of. Not highly, but that's who I was thinking of.
  3. I'll agree with the sentiment that that truck would make a good Motor Master. I really don't like it as Optimus. If season three taught us anything, it's that real Primes don't have flames.
  4. I've got the imortal edition, and I didn'tthink the image quality looked bad. It looks as good as any movie filmed in the early 80s. I was more interested in getting the scenes that they cut out of the original U.S. release. Things make a little more sense, with those back.
  5. VF-2SS. Mac2 had the best looking mechs of any of the sequels.
  6. Sounds like the acetyl plastic, they insist upon using on model railroad detail pieces. It can't be painted, either.
  7. Yeah. That Thundercracker mold is all kinds of awesome. Pity it gets so much abuse from the fandom.
  8. Dump it in the sales office? Sounds like you need to start selling it on eBay, untill they get a clue. Things like this upset me. I was raised to respect other people's property....
  9. You need this, more than I do.
  10. Because it's a Decepticon! I got no respect for bots that don't have the ball bearings to show their allegiance.
  11. For me, it was three Tranformers. Optimus Prime, Wheeljack, and to a lesser extent Thrust. I was kind of spoiled, when it came to toys, so I don't know where the communication breakdown was that kept Prime escaping my grasp. Wheeljack I saw once, and only once. If I remember right, I'd already gotten another TF that day. With Thrust, I was kind of falling away from TFs. The movie had come, and wiped out all the characters I cared about. The toys weren't as cool anymore, either. Even the handfull that were based on real vehicles didn't really look like real vehicles. They had huge hinges sticking out of them. It's not that Thrust was very realistic looking, but I was always a sucker for sleek VTOLs. While he wasn't as cool as the original Prime, and I was starting to get a little old to be playing with toys, I was so happy day I got that Power Master Prime. He's only one of two TFs that suyrvived my childhood. Sadly, years of storage have taken their toll.
  12. What, you want to give him this? 402953[/snapback] Yup. It looked better on the toy, than it does in that picture, though. I always thought the cartton face was a little dorky looking.
  13. I think the modules he uses are too big to fit in a 1/35 scale tank chassis. Anyway, we seem to be taking the discussion away from your model. A six foot long Daedalus is too cool, to do that to.
  14. That's not bad, considering that it's Bumblebee. I plan to get him, and give him his proper faceplate. Cartoon accurate = overrated.
  15. The hobbico one is made for regular old AM radios. I've got an old Airtronics Rival pistol grip radio I want to use it with. I'm currently using another Rival that's been reconfigured into a project box. I'm just not fond of the independant track control, since that not how real tanks function. (at least no M60s)
  16. I'm planning the same. Lose all the purple, except on his insignias, replace the yellow and orange with red, paint the end of the scope black, and put some transparent red on the inside of that gun shell, and the exterior parts of it, that stay transparent. On mine, his cheast and forearms will be light grey, like the rest of him. I've seen a photoshop that's pretty close to that, that put some brown on his grips. I might do that, too. I've still got plenty of panzer choco.... panzer chocau.... panz.... Tank chocolate brown.
  17. I'm scared of what you people are going to be complaining about, when you see Classics Starscream. I think he looks awesome, but I'm not as critical of Starscreams as some of you apear to be.
  18. Would an ellevon splitter work? I've been thinking about using one, on a tank I built. Hobbico makes a fairly inexpensive one, that works on regular radios.
  19. Yes. You can buy regulators seperately. You can get them for lower powered hobby compressors, or just go to the local hardware store/home improvement center and buy a regular one. You might have to pick up a fitting or two, but everything should be using standard 1/4 inch fittings. Usually only the airbrush itself takes a weird size, and you already have a hose that fits it.
  20. Can't say I've been too impressed with anything he's done since the VF-1. He certainly didn't win any points for mutilating Primes alt mode, either.
  21. I think I'd have found a different place to buy my airbrush. Even if they are made in the same factory, the different companies will still have them made to different specifications. I don't think that either of my Iwatas is designed to use diffent size nozzles. They're meant to be able to use one nozzle for everything. The short travel on the air control, is fairly common on double action airbrushes. It takes a bit of practice to learn to control it well. I usually just turn down the pressure, with a regulator. The regulator I'm using was bought at a Home Depot. Paint matching is a pain. I've never been any good at it.
  22. I have two faovrites. I wouldn't change a thing, on the Vf-1. All I would change on the VF-2SS, would be to make it canon, so we could get a good toy, of it.
  23. Both good movies! Monster Squad ruled! It definitely needs a DVD release. I always wondered how the kids in The Gate explained that gaping hole, where the living room used to be.
  24. I remember seeing some generic monster toys made out of the same stuff. 10 years later, they figured out that the same stuff could be used to make wrist rests for computer users.
  25. It's gotten beyond old. I can't even find Transformers that other people have been seeing for over a month. I still haven't found a second CD Hotshot. (first one was custom fodder) My local wal-mart is two waves behind on most size classes, and anyplace else is an hour away. The only reason I don't like to buy online, is because the online toy stores all jack up the prices. Only Hasbro's own online store charges retail price. This is the only hobby I have that actually costs more online. I honestly don't understand why that is. TFs and the odd Marvel Legend are all I collect. The occasional import is always bought online. Revoltech Dougram is so tempting. Distribution is horrid on everything, especially this part of Ohio. I think only the UK, has worse distribution. I consider myself extremely luck to have found a Hulkbuster IM. It's still the only one I've ever seen.
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