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Everything posted by Greyryder

  1. It bumped Family Guy? One more point in Drive's favor. I like the new car they gave him. I was wondering how long he'd be in the Uncle Jessie truck. I don't see where they've changed his character much, other than fleshing out a bit of his history. We saw from almost the beginning that he had a dark side. First he threatened to beat Mr. Bright to death, and slammed him onto a table by his throat, then he tortured that guy chasing Corrina. If anything, they've shown why this lanscaper from Nebraska has no qualms with the sort of Violence Alex seems to slip into so easily.
  2. I thin he got that shocked look stuck on his face, after some one told him Hot Rod had been charge.
  3. Starscream might be hard to find, now that Ramjet's out. Prime seems to be a huge shelfwarmer, so he should be easy to find.
  4. I want that sattelite. I could mount it on the roof, to shoot death beams at snowmobilers that cut across the yard. *begins laughing dementedly, and making "pew pew" sounds*
  5. Sorry if this has been asked before, but wehre's the best place to buy these things? I'm trying to find some place where I can get a Mazinkaiser for under $30, shipped.
  6. Mmmm, pizza! Nice work on that prop. I would never have known that that set screw wasn't factory.
  7. I just keep wondering how hard it would be kitbash Bumblebee into a 73 Firebird Formula. I never did much like Camaros.
  8. I want a Soundawve. I don't want a blue Sounblaster.
  9. Actually, I didn't use the flash. I have no idea how anything works on that camera. I don't know how to adjust the exposure time.
  10. And yet, the camera was telling me I needed to use the flash. A photographer, I'm not.
  11. Yeah. I've done some "color correction" on him. Too bad the silver paint winds up looking gray in the photos.
  12. I just started watching Mazenkaiser. The first episode reminded me a bit of Spy Vs Spy with giant robots. Sure was fun to watch Mazenkaiser beat the stuffing out of Mazinger Z, though.
  13. I've got a vintage Wheeljack, that would like a word with them.
  14. That's hysterical! My Bumblebee just runs for cover, when the big bots get down to bi'dness.
  15. I finally got a Classics Prime, tonight. The blue is relatively dark. I haven't seen bright red on a Prime in years. It would be a welcome change. At least ths one isn't as pink as Cybertron Prime was.
  16. Nah, this isn't based on a video game, with major plot differences.
  17. Megs looks fine, to me. Just needs some color adjustments. Can't say I'm fond of the two pack Prime and Megs. My alter ego has been picking on Bumblebee.
  18. I just got Astrotrain and Bumblebee, last night. I'm really surprised by how much I like BB. I've never been a fan of the character, but the toy is pretty fun. I can't wait for the Cliffjumper repaint. Astro train is pure love. His hip construction is a little odd, but it works. I still think using he nose of the bullet train as engine bulges was a neat touch. It's too bad the engine detail doesn't extend to match that. Now, if I could just find the others....
  19. Those renders look like something from a video game. Whatever they do, I hope they stay away from the Ultimate IM look. I always thought that armor looked like ass. Looking at those pictures of it, I just realized how much the legs look like something from an early Gundam. There's supposed to be several armors in the movie, so there should be something for just about everyone.
  20. If the blackout pictures are anything to go by, the toys are going to look much better than the movie bots. I'm waiting to see the toy for Prime.
  21. It should also be pointed out that chromosomes are the final determining factor for gender in humans. It's believed that most supermodel types are in fact XY women. Genetic testing at the olympics one year showed that many of the female competitors had Y chromosomes. Gender is determined by hormones, and developing body's reaction to them. When the body reacts to or rejects the hormones can cause problems with gender development.
  22. I homestly believe that Bumblebee not being a Beetle has more to do with Volkswagon being kind of pissy, and all "We don't want to be associated with war toys." I'm sure that there were mass problems with trying to get a tall robot out of an old Beetle, though. Still don't understand why they wanted to make him so tall.
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