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Everything posted by Greyryder

  1. NO. The VF-1 is awesome. I wish we could get more good small scale versions of it. I like my minatures to be.... miniature. That said, if they want to do something different, I would gladly take a VF-2SS.
  2. Those with hobby shops near may be able to get a plastic safe paint remover. My question is, has anybody tried an amonia based cleaner, like Windex? It seems like that might be safer for the plastic, than alcohol.
  3. Can't say that I've liked any of the VFs from Mac+ on. Mac2 had some great designs, especially with the VF-2SS. Then came Mac+, which not only wiped Mac2 from history, but gave us those... things for mechs.
  4. Those blue lights on Prime and Ironhide drive me nuts. I'm pretty sure a lot of states have laws against blue lights on non police vehicles.
  5. I think they're right next to the material safety data sheets for the dihydrogen monoxide. Snarky comments aside, I really can't wait to see more of this project.
  6. Would the M60A2 count, since it was also called the "Starship?" Functionally it sucks, but it looks cool. From science fiction, I'd have to vote for the Battle Force Tank, from the video game Recoil. I also rather liked the various Grav Tanks from Renegade Legion.
  7. UN Spacy does not answer to OSHA.
  8. Great movie. Lots of fun. Very underrated. I need to go watch the DVD again.
  9. Went to walmart earlier, and was surprised to see they'd restocked the Voyagers. I picked up Prime. I wasn't going to get voyager Prime, I'm far more interested in the G1 style repaint they have coming out, next year. I've been trying to set aside money to get leader Brawl, whenever I see him. In a moment of weakness, I bought Prime. I still want a Longarm, dang it.
  10. I want a Revoltech Soultaker.
  11. Where's the VF-2SS?
  12. From what I've seen, it's the original 1984 Japanese packaging, with a Takara Tomy logo in the corner.
  13. I think the camcorder look was just done for the teaser, and the movie probably won't be filmed Blair Witch style. I could see this being a Voltron Movie, given what I've heard of the leaked Voltron script.
  14. Perceptor's around, but he tells everybody that their wounds are fatal.
  15. It's not the robot parts. I have a few TFs that tend to sit that way. It's usually possible to just twist them, to get them to sit level, without popping everything out of place. Works for my Barricade.
  16. I've known people for whom that sort of thing is a hobby.
  17. I find the helmet makes him one of the few TFs I have with a proportionately sized head. Most of them look to me to have kind of small heads. Jetfire is downright pineaded, without his helmet. For some reason, Mirage's tiny lil' noggin doesn't bother me. I guess he's just that awesome.
  18. Not to mention how often Prime and Ironhide are going to get pulled over for those blue running lights.
  19. I'm still trying to figure out if Megatron is weilding a mace, or a Jazz flail.
  20. I always kind of liked stacks, on pick ups. It usually looks better on a step side, where the stacks can come up beside the bed, instead of going through the bed. In Ironhide's defense, he is really a light comercial trcuk, with a pickup bed, instead of a box or a flat bed. Not that those usually have stacks.... Stacks on a pickup still isn't as bad as slapping a huge yellow wing on a red wedge shaped sports car. I do wish they would have made Ironhide red. They made Prime blue, so I don't see the problem with giving Ironhide his proper colors. That does sound like a much better scheme for Jazz. I like the Solstice, but I still haven't forgiven GM for killing the Firebirds. I want to see a Ford GT that transforms like G1 Wheeljack.
  21. Is that right before he tells the secretary that he's expected?
  22. Never had any Voltron toys, so I can't really comment on them. The Toynami one looks nice, but how fun is it? Classics Prime is by far the one Prime to rule them all. Pity he lacks a trailer. I don't have one yet, but I'll list G1 Prime as my second. I know from my old Power Master Prime, that bases add a lot of playability to a toy. Cybertron Prime runs a close third. Two solid bot modes, and he turns into a pretty cool looking artillery piece. (and, I don't generally like sci-fi alt modes.)
  23. Actually, I hate that head sculpt. It doesn't mesh well, with the rest of the toy, and it apears to be based off of MP Prime who's head was probably less cartoon accurate than the original toy. The helmet brim above the eyes apears to be a constant thikness band, which screws up one of my favorite features of the original Prime head. I'm betting it's also got those notches in the sides of the mouthplate. I'm scared to death that they're going to put the same head on Encore Prime. Soundwave looks outstanding. Doubt it has much if any built in meory. I'm guessing that it's just a basic MP3 player, (play, stop, next, last, and volume controls) that also turns into a robot.
  24. I was starting to wonder tha same thing. Giant robots on a rampage in WWII, and everyone's nitpicking historical deatils about the planes. I thought the whole thing was pretty fun, even the barnstorming Mustang.
  25. Please sir, can I 'ave some more?
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