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Everything posted by Greyryder

  1. Color me shocked. My local wally-world finally stocked new comic packs. They're not the latest wave, but still newer than Storm Shadow/Battle Damaged Snake Eyes that's still hanging on the pegs. Of course, I've long since bought the two from this wave I wanted, but I picked up a second Nemesis Enforcer/Falcon pack, for kitbashig. There was a black head Destro pack sitting right out in front. I left it for somebody who actually wants it, since I have no interest in Iron Grenadier anything.
  2. So, Hasbro is still using their "light-ish" red? Glad I picked up Encore Convoy, when it came out.
  3. Alternity Convoy is at least in scale with most deluxe cars.
  4. Hisstank has a rule about advertising for sites that aren't sponsors, but the mods there seem to have trouble distinguishing between blatant advertising, and simply recomending a site to other Joe collectors. I'm honestly surprised that they don't complain about all the discussions on Marauder's weapons, since I don't think Marauder Inc sponsors Hisstank. I'veseen it in a lot of threads, where somebody's having trouble finding an item in stores or on line, and some one will will recomend Entertainment Earth. They can't actually link to EE, due to "rule 19."
  5. Hey, I can barely remember how to spell the names of my own characters....
  6. Fokker shot first!
  7. I finally broke down and bought wave 9 (I think) Hawk. (the one with the bomber jacket) Who designed this thing? So many of his joints have the best range of motion of any figures in the line, and then his elbows are worse than Duke's. BTW, if you're going to paint with spray cans, Fusion is the first paint you should be looking at. If you end up painting with model spray paints, I'd suggest following them up with a good brand clear coat, that isn't a model paint. I've had trouble in the past with model enamel paints getting gummy, after being handled too much. Just make sure to paint a scrap piece of something, so you can test whatever clear coat you buy. You shouldn't need to prime, but I'd recomend lightly sanding the whole thing, with a super fine grit paper, and wiping it down with a bit of isopropyl alchohol, before painting.
  8. Yup. Broke a nozzle on my Aztek, that way. Took it out, to make sure it was clean, and it cracked, when I put it back in. I chucked the whole the thing, after I got my Iwata.
  9. Wonder if any one will comment on his uniform color. "You've got red, on you."
  10. I can recomend the Iwatas, first hand. I have a Revolution, and an Eclipse. Both of mine are gravity feed, because I hate cleaning out those spray caps and tubes.
  11. The whole thing reminds me of the Mazinger bots. The feeling I get from it is Mazinkaiser, with a toned down head. Actually, makes me want to see a Mazinkaiser OAV done in this style. Derivitive mecha design or not, the CG work is absolutely fantastic. There was a lot of work put into creating and rigging that CG model. The final rendering and animation is spectacular, and it doesn't look hokey like you'd expect those old super robot designs to be in a photorealistic environment.
  12. The Legends figues so far, are pretty cool. I still can't wait to find Brawn. Interesting to see that Wheelie finally got an alt mode. Not too sure about Warpath being a quad tank, though. Is it me, or does Hot Rod look like a cross of Armada Hotshot's repaint vehicle mode, and Alternators Hot Rod's robot mode?
  13. That's Classics Optimus Prime, with some custom paint work. And now, we break Vader's mind. (The catgirl is a heavily modified GI Joe)
  14. I wonder if that was realy 24, or just arandom henchman. A lot of them looked exactly like 24, during the fight. I've seen a theory where 24 finally got out of the car, made his way back into the cacoon, and sat down on the detonator.
  15. Finally got my BAT. This has to be the best torso articulation of the line, so far. I love all the detail in the arm peices. Thinking I'mg going to modify the backpack to hold the third piece, though. Really wish I could find the caped Cobra Comander, and the Nemy Enforcer comic packs.
  16. You guys are aware that it doesn't look like that all the time, right? That's just the attack mode.
  17. They ordered next season, the same time they ordered this season, so it shouldn't be such a long wait. Hopefully....
  18. Then, they'd have to do an episode about trying to get away from some TV car show hosts, who want to put wings on KITT, and launch him like a rocket, to see if he can fly down.
  19. No. The aquatic guy (who's name I forget) took Rusty out of the water, and handed him to HELPER, right after sending the pirahnas after the villains.
  20. "He's family, Brock. And, he's in trouble. He needs us." "Get the **** out of here!"
  21. Something about that teaser struck me as being a dream sequence. Like maybe it's not so much that Flynn's becoming a bad guy, he just thinks he is. Now, where's Bruce Boxlietner? He played the title character in the original. They gotta bring him back.
  22. KAAAAHHHHNNNNN!!!!!!!!! I believe he died of pnuemonia, actually.
  23. Okay. I didn't know that the two .avi files needed to be merged. I figured out how to do that with 7zip. I've got the whole thing in one piece, now. Thanks everybody.
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