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Everything posted by Greyryder

  1. Thanks for the link, Morpheus. Also, it looks like somebody finally released a sub, for ep 4. It's not somebody that I've seen subbing it before. I guess they got as impatient as the rest of us, with all the other subbers dropping off the face of the planet, at once. (I know subbers have real lives, and all. It's just weird, that every single group subbing this show ran into delays at the same time.)
  2. This is killin' me. I have yet to find even a raw for ep 4, let alone a sub.
  3. Finally finished my Steel Brigade, and Major Bludd customs.
  4. They've taken the one franchise that would translate well to live action, with minimal changes, and turned into a superhero movie? I just want Iron Man to come swooping in, and shut down their "power suits" on the grounds that their illegaly using Stark technology. GI Joe: Armor Wars. Seriously? What happened to these guys just being really good soldiers? I'll check this out, when the DVD hits the bargain bin. I got turned off this early on, when they started dressing everybody like Snake Eyes. The high speed gymnastics down the street has done nothing to change my mind.
  5. Chrome faceplate is nice, but the glued on goggles and loss of the wicked rifle grip is utter phail.
  6. Only one I care about is that voyager Prime. I don't really see the point to that repaint, but I did always want to make a Motormaster out of that mold.
  7. I'd love a sequel to Mac2. But, it's gotta have the VF-2SS. That design wasn't topped, untill the VF-25.
  8. Funny, because something about Shia really annoyed me, in that movie. I liked him Indiana Jones, but couldn't stand him in Transformers. In all fairness, I think it had to do with how the character was written, which means his acting was great. Personally, I preffered the army guys.
  9. That's a good point, about that scene. These days, before the doctor drops to the floor, I'm sure we'd got a shot looking through the hole in his torso, with ragged bits of organs twitching at the edges. Sometimes, it's better to leave things to the imagination.
  10. WOOT! Finally found a Skyhawk! Okay, I am totally modifying this thing's cockpit. No pedals, nothing to even hint at a throttle control, and the (outdated) center stick is angled too far forward for any figure to actually reach. Now, I just need to find a CORPS Skyraptor, modify its canopy, and I'm set.
  11. I'd be the guy on the hill, sniping T-600s with a berret .50 cal anti materials weapon. What? There's a hunter-killer right behind me, isn't there?
  12. M4s? No wonder the human race is losing. Could they have picked a less reliable weapon?
  13. Can't say I've ever been a fan of super deformed inaction figures.
  14. If they do a Buck Rogers movie, no matter what version of the franchise it's based on, they need to bring back the guy that played Dr. Huer. (sp?) He still looks the same. Freaked me out, when I saw him on an episode of Firefly.
  15. Trigate and Broken Arrow are the only ones I know of. Unless, you want accessories, then there's Maruader Gun Runners.
  16. One of the third party places, that specializes in parts for customizers has already beat them. The mask is here, and I'm willing to bet they've got an appropriate head, as well.
  17. Got any hobby shops near by? See if they have panel line pens. Same thing.
  18. Is this just bikes that turn into robots/armor, or would it include things like the Stormhawks sky rides?
  19. I don't think the neck is as pushed back, as it looks. They extended the front of the engineering hull, to encompass the deflector (refit style) Adding a lot more visual mass in front of the neck. The back of the neck blending into the hull with what I can only call a dorsal fin, combined with the flaring out of the bottoms of the nacelle struts makes everything look crowded together. I don't think the center lines have actually been moved all that much. Not that any of that helps the curvy engineering section blend in with with the angular saucer....
  20. I still like it better than the refit/A Enterprise, but the TOS 'Prise is still my favorite. I agree with the observation that the saucer doesn't fit with the engineering section. The saucer looks like typical Starfleet construction, but the rest of the ship looks like it was grown by the Vorlons. Maybe they just haven't finished growing that part of the organic skin, yet. I really don't think the new bridge looks more advanced than a TNG era bridge. To me, the overall construction has a nice utilitarian look, with exposed bolts, and what not. I just don't like the white paint, all over it. It makes it look like something out of a 60s or 70s space opera. I never reall liked that look. I wouldn't want it to look liike the lower decks of the Nostromo, but I think it would look better in the grays of the original.
  21. Those motorcycle Terminators look like somebody started to build a humanoid robot then halfway through said (Screw it! Let's build a chopper, instead. That would be wikid cool!"
  22. I've had good luck mixing Future with Model Master, before. Worked pretty good, the time I mixed Future with Vallejo, as well. You could always just use regular clear coat, instead of Future. The only way I've been able to get a decent weathering coat on my model trains, is by mixing the colors with flat clear, otherwise it goes on way too opaque.
  23. The backs of his shoulders have parts of the vehicle mode windows on them. Not really a practical place, to put the screws.
  24. If you don't have a Banpresto, then you don't have a VF-1. *tries to keep a straight face*
  25. Is that a viewscreen, or a windshield?
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