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Everything posted by Wheels

  1. where do you find these 6" men? is it just in their pants? Damn you... you and my shift key! LOLROTFLOAO!!!!! I laughed out loud for almost a min for that one. And I still giggle about it everytime I think about it. Heehee!
  2. I voted for the SD Cyclone Girl. But I'd like to see the finished product and price before I commit. So am I interested? Yep!
  3. I just recieved/picked up my 1/48 Roy, from Valk Ex - THANKS KEVIN!!!, a couple of days ago. Now being my first Roy, I love this toy!!! No crooked seat or skulls! Nothing loose, broken, unglued or unhinged! Very minor paint spills on the wing Macross kite, and some other paint smuges on the same wing. But nothing a little eraser can't fix. Oh ya, and a very loose head in fighter mode, but I'll try out all your suggestions to nail down and fix the problem. All I can say about it over all; IT'S A DAMN NEAR PERFECT TOY!!!!
  4. Yes! Put me down for a set of your fixed DYRL? hands too. When you get done, of course.
  5. Very nice pic, Nanashi! And very nice head swap, Bariaburu Faita! And I agree with mikeszekely. Well for me, I really do appreciate all the hard work you do. And there is no real reason to make the changes you listed, I personally don't have a problem with your web pages you post. And for some of you out there who can't do the already listed ways to save any pics on any web page that won't let you. Here's what I, and anybody, can do. -Have the picture square in the window, unless it's too big or after removing the Status Bar & Toolbars, just hit the Print Screen button. -Then open any Paint or Photo program and either New from Clipboard or Paste onto a black New File. -Next use Cut and Crop the pic, Save As, and done.
  6. Sweet! What the....1/18 Scale?! Thanks for that pic, UN Spacy. Now I'm so all over it!
  7. Now that's the rumor I've been waiting to hear! Alt/Binal Jets, YAH!
  8. Hey, thanks for pointing that out. You know, I'd never really noticed. Especially since I'm one to pick up on things like that, but your right on both accounts. I blame work related stress making me less alert.
  9. Very nice custom. Your future customs sound interesting. What the? Where was I when this topic started? Anyhow, I like the pic in the background on your computer screen. It looks like Max and Hikaru are playing "Rock, Paper, Scissors". Hikaru - "WHAT?! You picked rock again?! I order you to choose a different one!"
  10. It's been 2 years already, since Mac 0 came out?! Wow. Time certainly flies when your flying your Valkyries around the room.
  11. Holy CRAP! Hell yes! The re-issued bandai vf-2ss valks that you speak of, are they the 1/100 scale ones?
  12. This is a baby of true patience..., now we as individuals gotta learn from this example. Forget us! I want all babies to be like this! Oh BTW, THANKS KEVIN!!!! ....counting down the seconds..... BAH! This is talking to long , I'm goona play with my current 1/48 .....
  13. Simply BEAU-TI-FUL!!! I can see the little wiggle you guys are talking about, but it's no' thang. Now all you need is for the intake plates to close, and it'll be perfect.
  14. Wheels

    Latest custom 1/48

    MAN! You certainly know how to weather something sweet!
  15. WAY PAST COOL!!! I can hardly contain myself.
  16. Yeah, I was reading the Sun(local newspaper) when I came across a blurb about it, then I checked the movie listing, and was very pleased about it being played here. I'm trying hard as hell to see it, but funds seem to be lacking for this month. I hope it stays until Jan. At least it made me in a great mood for the rest of my shift.
  17. Same as phoenix01. Except I never knew "Clash of the Bionoids" exsisted, thank God, until I came to this site. And the part about having a wife, I'm still single , thank God.
  19. Very nicely done. You've made a okay Valk into a cool one. I think the red "eye" color ups the cool factor as well. Yes I know it was done by another member , but it does add to it.
  20. You just had to say it, didn't you? Couldn't let that opportunity slip away, could you? Meh, I'm just sore cause you beat me to the punch.......3 days earlier. Yeah......, I'm going to go over here now.
  21. Wheels

    Macross Jack

    LOL! Oh, that is awesome, dude!
  22. Wheels

    Dropping a deuce

    LMAOROTF I laughted out loud at that one. Everything I hold good and sacred has been ripped from me, and I'm not talking about those rock solid hard turds to evacuate. Okay, I gots me a story to tell. I work in a 30 story building, and the ground and 2nd floors are open to the public during open business hours. One day my supervisor comes to me and says that there's a trail of crap from the top of the up escalator, on second floor, all the way, and around the corner, to the Men's public washroom. The bathroom was of course empty. That in itself is pretty gross. But get this; Nobody saw who done this. I mean, it's in a public place, during regular business hours, and nobady saw anything, not even security. Come on! Anyways, to avoid or catch the person who'd done this, they(building manager/security) installed two cameras one for each escalator. True story done, now for my variation: FIRE PHOTON TORPEDOES!
  23. Yes I can wait, and I of course I want to see the final version. All i'm saying is that I'm very interested in this little project.
  24. Interesting custom. Though while not quite 100% accurate, you did say that this was not the goal of your custom. Hmmm....I like it a lot! I think I just got inspired.
  25. Wheels

    Macross Jack

    Hah! That's great. A nice little piece of work. Too cool.
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