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Everything posted by Wheels

  1. Since not everyone is rank savy of the Army, Navy, & Air Force, IMO for the sake of not confusing those people, go with Admiral. It's as you said Hurin, most English speakers will be able to identify with Misa being a Captain and Global being an Admiral. Oh, and for the record, I fall under rank savy. And as for Global's name; Please for the sake of keeping DYRL separate from RT, have it as Global.
  2. Yes, I find version 3 would be the best one. IMO it would preserve the humor from the "lost in translation" to having an English flare. "Mr. Lootenant" works for me, as I can see a girl saying that as just to tease a guy. To me, Hikaru misidentifies himself. And Minmei being a flirt herself, would pick up on that and run with it. Just my take on that scene. Edit: spelling
  3. Who said Disney?! That's not what pops into my mind as I look at isamu5979 drawing. Speaking of which, I love your improved work! Disney indeed, BAH!
  4. When you punch holes in the side like that for screws, it's not cool. It totally detracks from the aesthetic of the trailer. Underneath the trailer, I don't care. But that's an eyesore.
  5. Wheels

    Latest 1/48 custom...

    Very nice Kurt. Since no one posted this yet; This is for you, Kurt! Man! Somebody take that Strike Parts off of him before he destroyes it completely!
  6. Can I get an "AMEN"! If I had the Flagg, I wouldn't have a kitchen table. But that's okay, cause I don't eat at the table anyways....
  7. Yeah, but if people scan the pages, what's the point of getting the book? I'd like to see more pics myself, but by people not doing it, and just talking about it sure is pushing me to get the book myself.
  8. Sweet! I was wondering about that avatar, myself. Thanks H-man!
  9. %*^&@# people! Don't they have any respect or consideration?! Of course they don't even have those words in their vocabulary. Unless they use it on themselves if someone wronged them.
  10. That's what kitbashers and toy modders were invented for Speaking of which, if anyone out there manages to pull that one off, it'd be nice if they lent their services to those of us who don't have the time or patince to do it themselves (see:ME) What scale is the Guyver I action figure? Or how tall is it? The pics I've seen makes it hard to tell. I'm thinking maybe I can get two, and mod one with the Female Guyver kit I have. Or just kitbash the kit with joints using the action figure as a base. I won't know until I have the figure in my hands though. Well, my brother and I were looking at Guyver III, but we weren't interested in him. We were hoping/waiting for the Guyver I, and now our patients have awarded us! I also want to get the Zx-Tole and maybe the Neo Zx-Tole too, but it's soooo expensive.
  11. When you use DVD Decrypter, it will remove any region encoding as it decryptes/demuxes the DVD to your hard drive. Your DVD drive can be set to any region while it does so. Then, when you compile the new DVD and burn it to your blank media, the new DVD will be region-free. H Okay, cool. Thanks Hurin!
  12. I have to agree with yellowlightman. The smile is straight out of the WB cartoons. This is not a bad thing, because I like the WB style. IMO its this pic's strong point.
  13. I voted, planning on getting one. Which one? Who knows. Depends on how much. And if there's a re-release or a new version in the future. But, yes, I'll get one.....eventually.
  14. Conversion Kit too?! What about the "D7" stickers for the Tomahawk? Well I'm in for one, for sure.
  15. This is the first time that I saw your sweet custom. I think the smiles says it all.
  16. Okay. Since I want to support Macross and buy the Bandai version, my next question will be; Can one burn a region 2 DVD on any DVD burner? Or does one have to change the region setting on any DVD burner to region 2?
  17. You're welcome.
  18. 1.5 to 2 weeks?! If only I visted this forum before making a bid an evilBay. Hmm....depending on the shipping cost, I hope I'll have enough by then.
  19. Well, it sure does look like the CM figures. Definatly ditch the hair. I like yours better, with the smirk too, VF-1James. As for Hikaru, something looks off, but I can't tell what yet.
  20. I couldnt agree more. (Am I sick or what?) Yes you are. But since I agree too, that's makes me sick as well. I'd like to sticker up all my valks with all the stickers, but I've only got one done, and half of the Fastpack stickered that's on the fished valk. So I guess I fall in the nekid category, for now. Bad image just flashed in my mind.
  21. That's for the model, right? If so, which one? And will it be for both the Carrier and Storm Attack modes? Or would I have to get 2 sets for each? In either case, I'm interested in getting a couple, even though I have no idea how to get a SDF-1 in that scale.
  22. Wheels

    Macross 7 VF-19S

    You should go and checkout this website; Valkyrie Factory. Then click on the Macross 7 button, and it'll show you all of the Bandai's Valks and the bootlegs ones, plus the differences between them.
  23. Hello Hurin. I just want to lend my support and say I think it's great what you're doing. I would like to encourage you to consider running a subbing business. If you do not know japanese I think it would be a good idea check around the forums and see if anyone either here at MW or at other anime boards would be interested in helping you with the business. I can tell you one thing here and now. If you could get perfect rips from the original Macross Zero dvds and put good to excellent subs on them, I would be the first one in line willing to pay around $20 for the dvd! I would also like you to consider DragonBall Z as well. The first season of DBZ is not subbed and Funkimation is taking their sweet time doing them, at like 1 disc every three months. At this rate it will be 2012 before we see the whole DBZ first season subbed. Think about it man. You could make some good money running your own subbing service Yes, it's a great idea. BUT That would be bootlegging, and ripping the Japanese DVD's to sell subbed ones is Pirating. And may be charged under the fullest extent of the Law. Now, how bootleggers get away with it, I've no clue. But if there's one thing that this board does not, is condone Pirating. Now, what Hurin had done is just provide the scripts, and it's up to us to get the DVDs (legit or bootleg), and to just apply them. Which is nothing wrong, since the risk if to ourselves only and not to Hurin. And besides, if Hurin would start up a business, then he would have to pay for the rights, like any other legit subbing/dubbing business. And you'd be back to square one, with things like delays, etc., and all the problems those other legit business have now. And if Hurin does not pay for those rights, then he's in for a world of hurt.
  24. Down payment already sent, last week. Yeah, I was working 12 hrs shifts, and couldn't post until now.
  25. Sweet! You guys rock! Thanks Chas & Rob!
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