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Everything posted by GianS

  1. Hi I know that everyone seems to ranting and raving about the extra decals that seems to be available for the Yamato valks. How di they differ from the stock ones? I would like to find out before I usr the default stickers. If there is anything better and more realistic available I would surely consider this for my V1S and V1A Low Vis. Thanks Gian
  2. Hi Thanks, I just ordered Macross DYRL Perfect Edition DVD whetever the Perfect means. Cheers Gian
  3. Hey I have the whole Robotech DVD collection but I am really interested to get Macross aswell. I know there is Macross: DYRL. Is this the one that Robotech came from? Also is this a movie or a series? IS this available on Video or DVD with Ebglish Subtitles at least. Specially looking for the DVD version. Thanks, Gian
  4. Thanks!!!!!!! Regards Gian
  5. Hi there I have seen the custom paint jobs and they are beautifull. I whish Yamato shipped some like that Thanks for all the comments. Regards Gian
  6. Mmm, how big is a Banpresto? Thanks Gian
  7. Hi Could anyone tell how tall or big these Nichimo 1/200 kits are when built? Are they recommended? Thanks Gian
  8. Hi I just got my first Yamato 1/48 Valkyrie yesterday. In fact it is my first Valk ever!!!!! I got the VF-1S with Fast/Strike pack. I have been a fan of Robotech ever since it was on TV in 1985. I always wanted one but was never able to find any. Since I was in South Africa in that time you can imagine that the Robotech goodies was extremely limited. Anyway, although I am not a kid anymore I am still extremely fond of Robotech and have the whole DVD collection. So, to cut a long storie short I have a neat Valkyrie now for display. At first I did not know which one to get as there is such a big selection of them available from allot of different vendors and various scales. I can hoenstly say though that I am not dissapointed. It is immaculate. The shape seems just right and I go on and on. Anyway, what I wanted to know: Is there a english guide fro the transformation process. Thanks and well done Yamato!!!!! Regards, Gian
  9. I know this might have been asked before, but do you fellow fans think that Yamato might release the armour for the VF1 1/48 series. Cheers Gian
  10. GianS

    Yamato 1/60 Range

    Mmm, so it seems that I have to pre-order my Macross 1/60 Queadluun Rau then Cheers Gian
  11. GianS

    Yamato 1/60 Range

    Hi I am very excited about the Powered Female Zentraedi Armor coming out. I really hope that they would consider doing an officers Battele Pod and also a Tactical Battle Pod. That would be great for the 1/60 collection. Come on Yamato, please!!!!!!!!!!!! Regards Gian
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