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About GianS

  • Birthday 04/04/1976

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Destroid Armour Waxer

Destroid Armour Waxer (3/15)



  1. GianS

    Hi-Metal R

    I do hope then that they will release seperate armor and fast packs..any idea if that may happen?
  2. GianS

    Hi-Metal R

    I am a bit late on the boat for these and have been scrambling to get what I can for reasonable enough prices, not that it is cheap mind you. will there be more Armored GBP and Strike Valkyries released does anyone know so that they can be picked up for normal prices.?
  3. Many thanks for the info.
  4. Hi There fellow collectors. I was curious about the Weathered version 2 VF-1 releases in 1/60 scale. Does anyone know if these are suffering from the shoulder issues? Or were there a few batches of them released over time as in 2.1, 2.2? Also, am I correct in saying that there were no Weather GBP armour release but there was a weathered super pack? If so are these still around somewhere? Many thanks, G
  5. well, there are a few differences... like I mentioned it is probably not cannon to stick the D and P on like that,,,although I wouldn't mind... Take a look at the bridge betweent the two, on the DYRL version it is positioned in the middle of the raised hull section that it sits upon. The forward nose section is raised about a two thirds towards the front, top section as opposed to flat on the DYRL version. The nose section if you can call it that is different. Looking at them in attack mode will show some more difference, like the thruster section (feet area) etc. Anyway,,, I am still hoping that they might release DYRL compatible D and P's.
  6. I would love for Yamato only to release the Daedalus and Prometheus as extra attachment for the DYRL SDF-1 already released..I know I know.. it is not cannon but still...
  7. jeepers Frogze..sorry to hear that... I haven't transformed mine... but will be on the lookout for this and will be hoping to get tips from you should I run into the same issues.
  8. ha..thanks Renato..silly me.. @ruskii.. you're very generous!
  9. Can the Gold Book (is that the real title) and the Perfect Memory book still be found somewhere? Are there pictures of ther covers pages for both. Much appreciated Thanks, Gian
  10. Any one know where is the cheapest this can still be ordered from? Thanks
  11. yipee! I got the first of my orders today... big box sitting here at work..containing the VF-11C, YF-19 and Fold Set for YF-19 and YF-21. Rest of order stuff yet to be shipped...
  12. yikes... so I went a bit overboard and got the following... first order : YMT00182 VF-11C w/Super Pack (Macross) 1 02501311 YMT00187 YF-19 Transformable (Macross) 1 02501311 YMT00192 Fold Booster & Fast Pack for YF-19/YF-21 (Macross) second order: BAN958129 VF-25F Super Messiah Valkyrie Alto Custom (Macross Frontier) BAN958455 DX Chogokin VF-27 Lucifer Brera Sterne Custom (Macross Frontier) BAN958765 VF-25S Armored Messiah Valkyrie Ozma Custom (Macross Frontier) BAN960342 DX Chogokin VF-25F Super Messiah Valkyrie Alto Custom (Macross Frontier) BAN960999 VF-27 Lucifer Valkyrie Brera Sterne Custom (Macross Frontier) BAN961937 VF-27b Lucifer VAlkyrie Normal Type (Macross Frontier) YMT00168 VF-22S Sturmvogel II Gamrin Kizaki (Macross) 1 YMT00170 VF-22S Sturmvogel II Max Transformable (Macross) so much for having self control!!!!
  13. Do... had to get the YF-19, VF-11C and fold pack. I want more but have to draw a line...
  14. Any possibility of Protect Armor being released for the VF-11C?
  15. damn.... now I want to get a YF-19 and VF-11C... are they pretty safe? Thanks, G
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