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Everything posted by zerocool

  1. Halo Me want Can some one buy this and make a recast
  2. Well here we go agian
  3. sure y not add me to the list.
  4. is there a Yukikaze R1 D.V.D out all ready i don't think so well were can i get one lol
  5. Well i can guive all u r macross toy a good home.
  6. yep, nice
  7. Well were can i order a set
  8. i seen the game i have a dreamcast cd whit nintendo & famicon games and there is a macross game i think is a cool game is a side shoter
  9. Cool what are the odd's for you selling me one
  10. me want one
  11. cool me want one time to go to F & S
  12. yep i really don't like wen comp. do this you pay $50.00 fro a game whit 30 day's free trial and then you have to pay $12. a month, but what can we do just shut up and play and pay but this game rocks i'm on the beta for the ps2
  13. Can't Wait no more must have O.P
  14. Cool thank you
  15. Well i saw the movie last nite and i think they just went to much over board on the fights i will guive the movie a c- i still the 1st one is the best
  16. 7 years.... and still counting....
  17. Yes you can get the toy from toy'r us but is 80 plactic , compare to the takara comes whit more metal parts
  18. wellcome
  19. zerocool

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

  20. my wait is over , i will take one Rob
  21. well i'm done whit my 1/60 so far i'm up to date ,now i'm getting my 1/48 collection well how much do you love u r 1/60 collection how hard was to get them the what you shold ask your self .
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