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Everything posted by zerocool

  1. I saw this @ E3 And can't Stop waching the trailer i think is going to be better then MGS2 can't wait for the game to come out, hope we get a x box version whit beter grafics and 720 P Suport , but all i can do is dream the game so far is only a ps2 title well hope they use the progresive scan ps2 and make the game paly on 720 p , by then i hope i will have a new dlp tv .
  2. Cool keep the good work
  3. Cool , Well Soma day i will take the time to do Panel lines on all My valks
  4. zerocool

    Dirty Valk

  6. Looks like the planes from star Gate the movie , hey good job
  7. That this is ugly
  8. zerocool

    Yammies per user

    1/48 = 2 1/60 = 10
  9. yep G4 Tv Sucks we want Cat Back
  10. Hey was up i will take on Alpha & Cyclone
  12. Here is alink that work 4 me Macross O
  13. Yes it is and i whant to make that lego monster , i this he is using the starwars sets
  14. Cool is the a kit for sale or just some one made this one @ his home
  15. Ride Armor gets my vote too.
  16. i will like to be add on the list for one of each , thank you
  17. Can't Wait To get one !!!!!!!!!!
  18. Any play on the Phantom What yuo guys think i think is a really good deal For $29.99 Amonth you will get the system whit k board and joystick plus games .
  19. Cool
  20. yes we want pic. we want pic.
  21. Well i think we should have macrossworld E3 Day we should me one day what you guys think ?????????
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