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Everything posted by zerocool

  1. Well I'm a happy camper got it to work I follow this guide if any one need help http://digiex.net/guides-reviews/console-guides/xbox-360-guides/8109-xbox-360-vpn-setup-xbox-live-buy-dlc-games-demand-japanese-market.html
  2. i follow the lonewolf walktrue and i get is This item isn't avaible from my current location, any ideas
  3. cool i'm so there so if any one wants to carpool whit me i work for u.c.l.a so i have a parking permit so any one drop me a line a live in the city of azusa i can probably get permission to park some cars on the C.H.S building
  4. can some one close this topic thank you
  5. yes i want to match the color
  6. Well i'm thinking on buy a aoshima alpha and i was wondering if any one will paint the toy to match the toynamy color and do some panel marking i think that what is call thank you
  7. hello is there a picture whit toynamy beta and a Aoshima alpha i will like to see how much color difference is thank you
  8. hello i will like 3 xxl thank you
  9. ok i will ned you guys to pm me your info so i can guive you a total for the shirts
  10. ok problem fix sorry guys ok will place the order for the shirts on fry so last chance and yes there is no fee for local pick up
  11. ok orders have been up dated i will guive you guys one more week to order, so i can star collecting money.
  12. i'm taking over the shirt orders all i need is name, size,and how many, total is $15.00 + Shipping . Mechamaniac 2 xxl MechaVegeta 2 xxl Jasonc 1 xl UN Spacy 1 M BoBe-Patt 1 xl mechatek 1 xxl Stampeed Valkyrie 2 xxxl Malich 1 xxl Logan 1 M Dean 1 L
  13. sign me up for 3
  14. the new gbp/ i830
  15. ok final pic of the shirt hope you guys like it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. wend is the 2nd dvd coming out any one.
  17. the typing of the name look like the same tiping on the spiderman movies, well e3 on wed one more time, can't wait still have one more ticket any one will like to go on thursday just let me know
  18. link to bike Sorry my bad link fix
  19. Well if you have a 802.11G will suport B & G whit no problem i have a 802.11G router and have no problems whit my psp, if any one needs one the walmart by my house have like 10 sys. tonite just let me know.
  20. Well a friend toll me the he can do the shirts for this year in color for less then $12.00 will you guys whant to have some shirts made all i need is to some one make the logos,pic etc.
  21. Happy new year!!!!!
  22. post your opinions here, i'm still waiting 4 the email to download the game.
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