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Everything posted by Smaug

  1. hello. I need http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/uploads/post-4-1091074807.jpg for 1/48 roy focker..... now you can send it? thanks you
  2. ' yeaaaaaaah my 1º VF-1 arrive the last friday, it's great, i think to buy anoher early jejeje. i think it's very big and very difficult for transform.... i think that is better the 1/60 for play thank to valkyrie-exchange for all soon i buy some vf. i try have all vf-1 jejeje Por fin me ha llegado solo tardo 8 dias y es fantastico, estoi pensando en comprar el VF-1A o el VF-1J pero no se que hacer.... realmente es fantastico!!!gracias a valkyrie exchange por todo, solo me falta una base para poder lucirlo....un saludo a todos y gracias por todo
  3. for the falcon 4.0, I have the Saitek x-35, profile for flight and the last drivers, if someboy need it I can send, if you are interested you can visit : http://bluemonkeys.net/ (spanish) http://www.frugalsworld.com/ (English) For you is most easy tell about vf-1s/a/j than men in the forum, (I have to learn more English!!!!) ,
  4. I'm simulator pilot since 2 year with falcon 4.0,in mypoint of view it's fantastic, but my dream it's someday pilot a vf-1j look like a f-16, i don't know if anybody know falcon 4.0 and the work that make thee comunity falcon to make better, in the actual version of bms 1.03 and freefalcon 2.1 put in some aircraft new, maybe some day a vf-1j/a/s can be fly... If anybody know 3D and know the work in falcon 4.0 maybe can work for do it thank, and sorry for my English
  5. yeahhhh, thank for all my problem is out, tomorrow send my Order, and i hope that for the 1º of may i have my vf-1s roy focker. Desde España un saludo a todo el mundo macross, intentare poner mis dudas en ingles pero si me es muy dificil lo hare en castellano, gracias a todos por todo
  6. Hello from Spain, and sorry for my english I try to explain my problem, I want buy my 1º vf-1s 1/48 but here is imposible buy it... In internet I found a lot of information about this great toy but i don't have infomation about decals, it is in box???, and what are doing with it, cut and paste or i have to do anithing more???'. why look like different de picture of your web about the same model than this web???? http://micross.hp.infoseek.co.jp/VF/VF-1Shikaru48.html http://micross.hp.infoseek.co.jp/VF/VF-1SP48.html In this picture is wonderful, what do you think???? thank for all
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