I bought the first two eps on DVD yesterday and watched them.
The good: The aircraft designs are sweet, the graphics are sweet, the sound fx are sweet, and as a whole the production is visually quite stunning.
The bad: Why are all the main characters such PUSSIES? The NPCs getting vaped by the wayside are more interesting than these pansy-boys. What's more, no reason is ever given for their clinical depression. Another thing: are those two estranged gay lovers, or what? They sure act like it. Is that where the planet gets its name?
The ugly: No discernable plot so far that I can see, aside from the vague references to the Yukikaze being alive and conscious somehow. There is no background info on the plot or the characters, other than the antarctic warp thing. No information on the Jam or their motivations, and nothing on what the human forces are attempting to accomplish on the green planet. Who the hell would name a planet FAIRY?
Basically, so far Yukikaze looks like an excuse to showcase some killer CG work at the expense of a story, characters, or plot development. Hell, a plot for an OVA about ace fighter pilots in sweet looking planes battling aliens would NOT have been too hard to develop. Nice eye candy, but Macross it AIN'T!
Visuals / Sound : 4/5 stars
Everything else: 1/5 stars and a big raspberry.