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H Kakizaki

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Everything posted by H Kakizaki

  1. But you can't give it back it's virginity just by putting it back in the box. Sure you can, that's what terms like "born again virgin" are for~
  2. H Kakizaki

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    I think i remember someone saying it was so it was less likely to scratch the skull...?
  3. YAY! that is really awesome. I loved using that model and flying next to skull leader, made me feel all bad *** thanks a bunch!
  4. mmm that seems about right but i think it was bluish grey and white, think jacks paints scheme with bluishgrey instead of red.
  5. hellohikaru, can you do one of the Wolf Leader VF-1S from..uh...THAT game? That'd be cool to see. I'd try to do it myself but i just suck at photoshop~
  6. What happened to http://vaxxine.com/BLAST/macross/schemes/ ? I really liked playing around with the blanks and figuring what color would look right for a low vis' fast packs. is there another site that has DYRL and TV blanks and scheme's?
  7. WTF! What’s with all those crazy glows and light source's on the VF-1A vlenhoff? The last one looked like your Super VF-1A Hikaru was ascending to heaven~
  8. OMG, DOOD! THAT IS JUST SO SO SO BEAUTIFUL!!! Chan, you ownz!
  9. for the love of gawd, where's kakizaki?!?! ahhh just playing, thats pretty awesome. i want to know that feeling of having a skull squadron.
  10. You mean, I'm going to see a third VF-1S reissue with a head that sits up properly in fighter mode!?!!?!?! 5W337N35555555!!!!
  11. The re-issue, i believe, is something like the end of this month. The changes are the improvements seen on the VF-1A MAX and the Low Vis (improved nosecone and flap design and, cross your fingers, straight skull squadron emblem) How can someone tell the difference? That is the question of the minute...ummm hour...errr day...wait, week..no, i mean month!~ (well last month) Although, you could just pre-order it from any of the kind vendors here that list it as the "re-issue" and pray.
  12. Are those copies going to be the "as is" pencil sharpener or are they gonna be modified to sit in the 1/48?
  13. The FFXII site is up (or it has for sometime, if so, then its been updated) although, there's not much there. http://www.ff12.com/ About FFVII:AC, here's a little snip-it on the plot from rpgfan.com: "At a hotel near Chiba's Makuhari Messe, Square Enix has confirmed that just like Final Fantasy VII back then, Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children is being developed by Yoshinori Kitase's production team 1. Advent Children will be a high-quality CG movie of about 60 minutes in length. Final Fantasy VII's returning protagonist, Cloud Strife, will face a new foe and his calm, post-meteor world [will face] a new threat in form of the Star Scar Syndrome. Plans for this new project were drawn up 1.5 years ago and members from the original Final Fantasy VII development team have been brought together again."
  14. TRANSFORM!!!
  15. just found these pics of smokescreen over the web~
  16. well theres always HLJ but i got my RX-78-2 from mitsuwa or what was yohan, its a japanese supermarket chain but it was 7 bucks~ theres no candy with them and they are packed with dogtags. I really wish there was an RX-79 [G] one or atleast a Perfect Grade RX-79 [G]. it doesn't seem like that gundam gets much respect~
  17. call it "GundamWorld." i used to go to gundam.com alot to just get information on mobile suits, models, and plot summaries. I recently tried to read a little about Gundam Z or atleast find out about the Gundam Mk. II "Titans" and found out gundam.com was gone, sad.
  18. was it the "Gundam Ultimate OP" figures?
  19. OMG…prime, you don’t know how long I’ve waited for your lower body to move like that
  20. hahahahaha engrish.com thats frickin' awesome
  21. man, thats one fugly bot~
  22. For a 14 year old you sure do have alot of macross dvd's~ I think when i was 14 all i had was "clash of the bionoids." Hell. that wasn't even on dvd, it was VHS (I don't even think they had dvd's back then...nope).
  23. Alcohol made valkyries look 5x more awesome then they really were back then but now that yamato and the 1/48's are here, I can kick the bottle.
  24. 1/72: 1 1/60: 1 1/48: 4
  25. None of the links are working~
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