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Everything posted by Shmitty

  1. This is the first of two MG RX-79[G] Gundams that I have just recently built (RetCon or not, the RX-79 is one hell of a suit). They are my first attempt at weathering. Just thought I'd share some pictures. Tell me what you think! (figured this place was better than starting a new thread.) (This was taken with a cellphone, sorry for the piss-poor quality) And here's a preview of the second one (pre-weathering):
  2. I can't seem to find it, do you have the IP?
  3. I started playing the demo, and all I can say is: "holy crap!" First of all, its effing gorgeous. Screenshots just don't do it justice. And the commander and squad lead actions are really cool and inventive. When you get "killed" the first two or three times (I can't remember), you can call a medic and they'll fix you up and get you back to fighting, unless you like fall off a cliff or something. I'd say more, but now I'm going to go play it again. Edit, there are actually times where you're jsut seriously injured, and when you're killed. That's what decides if you can get back to fighting or not.
  4. I managed to start a download, I'll see if i can't get my friend to host the file on his site. When it finishes... P.S. my tag is Yushiro, generally for every game I play online.
  5. I refreshed the gamespot link page and the link to Download.com was gone. I guess one of theirs couldn't handle the traffic or something.
  6. All the servers are hell of busy, so it'll probably take a while to get into one for a download.
  7. SpacePirateNeko beat me to it.
  8. Thats ludicrisly expensive. How big is it going to be that they "justify" that price. I remember the tread being a good deal bigger than the legioss, but jebus, the 1/55 legioss is hell of tiny. Since the tread is about twice as big, iirc, then it should be about as big as a 1/48 battroid, which is awesome but for 250 wingwangs, that's crazy.
  9. Nah, it's just broke, the leg is all he loses.
  10. I would jump at the chance, this is looking so great. The physics and the gameplay all seem to be going together so well. Can't wait for the 21st.
  11. This is easily the worst part about wanting another sequel. I mean, at the end of ZOE2 Jehuty is so powerful that it's practically invincible. They either have to tone Jehuty down (which would suck continuity wise), or have you run a different Frame (which wouldn't suck as bad as watering down Jehuty, but come on, topping Jehuty's design would be tough). Though, if Shinkawa can make another equally (or perhaps more) awesome looking Frame, there probably won't be a problem.
  12. Kojima said that if enough interest was shown, that another sequel would be made.
  13. Cool! If they're making an Efreet, perhaps we'll get some BD units...
  14. Don't worry that was only the second episode, all you missed was Mugen and Jin joining up with Fuu. Also, mugen did happen to cut that one guys hand off in the first ep.
  15. Wow, that is some well written stuff. Really enjoyed it, thanks for the find.
  16. Buggy as it was, it was hell of fun; looking forward to the sequel.
  17. As much fun as EiS is, I can't say that I've started playing it at 11:00pm and quit playing (simply because both I and my friend were passing out) around 8:00am, like I have with Fed v.s. Zeke. I can't freakin wait for Gundam v.s. Zeta.
  18. I have the Mk-II Titans EMSiA, and it's way more poseable and bendy (softer material) than the old one that's out. The weathering and paneling is way beyond the simple paint jobs on the old MSiA as well; especially the new SEED destiny ones with no panel lining. Also the size, its about the same size as a regular MSiA; actually smaller than some. Hope this helps!
  19. Woah, thats really cool. Congrats!
  20. Does anyone have a link to a higher-res version of the trailer?
  21. You have to pay an additional $100 to get backwards compatibility? That's one of the most lame things I've heard so far regarding these next gen consoles. It's M$, honestly, did you expect better from them?
  22. Or maybe the Launcher and Sword packs...
  23. Actually, this was the part I was talking about, up around where it wasn't fitting together very well. The red part is the little tab, and the blue part is the slit where it's supposed to fit it. The polycap needs to be rotated 90 degrees.
  24. Yeah, I'm looking at my PG strike instructions right now, and you have that polycap in the wrong way. There are slats on the sides of the leg where it fits in, that you have to put those little tabs on the sides of the polycap into. In other words, you got it sideways.
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