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Everything posted by Shmitty

  1. It's now time for Shmitty's mini-review! Overall, I really enjoy this little guy. If I could find a ruler I could tell you for sure, but it's about 5 inches tall. The revoltech joints really give it crazy articulation. In all it has 12 rev joints, which I think is the most in the line so far. It has ratcheted rev joints at its shoulders, knees, ankles and waist. the others aren't weight bearing enough to warrant it I guess. The non ratched ones are strong though. They move very smoothly but it takes quite a bit of force to shake them loose. The paint job is really good, I'm impressed. There are however a few spots where there is paint on paint, and sometimes there are little bleed spots, but you can't see them from any reasonable distance. There was this tiny red bit of paint on the right thigh of mine, I managed to get it off after I took these pictures. For the most part the paint is very crisp and it's a very nice figure, especially in this size. It comes with 8 hands, right and left weapon hands, r and l gripping hands, r and l fists, and a right pointing finger, and a left open palm. It comes with the Pallet rifle, the Dessert Eagle pistol, the Prog. knife and the big katana. There's not a lot new I can say that hasn't been shown in photos in the past. One little thing I like a lot, is the ankle cover. It's a seperate piece, and to keep it covering both the top of the foot and the bottom of the leg at all times, its attached to the rev joint where it connects to the leg and foot, so it moves dependantly on the other two peices, and never looks out of place. It is unfortunately not made of a softer material, so as its connections bend, it may become fragile. Keep this in mind when posing multiple times. All in all, I really enjoy it. It's a fun toy and I'm super impressed with its ability to hold a gun properly. I don't think anyone who ordered one will be disappointed. Pictures, GO! (Got the A.T. field some time ago with another figure.)
  2. My Unit-01 came today. It's very nice, its kind of small but I enjoy the size. Everyone who ordered one of the Evas will be pleased I'm sure. I took some pictures, and one in comparison to a 1/48 VF-1, however my USB drivers seem to be missing, so until I find the disc with them on it, I can't connect my camera to my computer. Hopefully I'll have this solved by tomorrow.
  3. Oh my God, awesome! I didn't expect it to have the interior cockpit block like a PG too. I was just expecting the no polycaps thing. Word.
  4. My Unit 01 got shipped yesterday, hopefully it will be here by friday! I'll take some comparison pics then.
  5. Sweet, can't wait to see this one finished. It's one of my favorite MS.
  6. I'm with you on the glossyness of the Evas. In the show they almost always appeared to have a "just waxed" finish to them. As much as they're fighting machines, they wanted them to look good for the populace. And I think Evas get classified as 'real' is because in the show they attempt to explain their construction and link those methods to current or near future technologies. Not to mention, that when they aren't going berserk, they're limited in power.
  7. Because even though story is important, it's a graphic novel, the art is equally, if not more important than the dialogue. When it gets switched to the left to right format they have to flip the image, which results in any text being flipped, and much of the art can look odd when its reversed. Also, it makes all of the characters use the opposite hand, which is just annoying. Especially in a manga where they use guns a lot.
  8. Ahh, another of Dave's beat-to-hell-and-back mobile suits... I don't think there's been a kit you've posted yet I haven't enjoyed. Keep up the good work!
  9. From what I saw, the pics from toysdaily don't have any stickers applied. Everything in those images is printed on. So, it's quite the change. You still have to put the kites on the nose though.
  10. Truth. The Pyramid head scenes were all pretty great. They were spot on with its portrayal; gruesome and creepy as hell. And you can't forget Collin. Guh. 393338[/snapback] Thats a good point. *SPOILERS* As painful as barb wire skewers probably are, I was really expecting something more horrifying.
  11. Truth. The Pyramid head scenes were all pretty great. They were spot on with its portrayal; gruesome and creepy as hell. And you can't forget Collin. Guh.
  12. It was a really good adaptation, but there were a few places where if the audience wasn't familliar with the premise, they were probably confused. I enjoyed it though, the imagery was spot on from the game.
  13. Kinda like a squished Y-wing.
  14. There actually is a good deal of black showing through on the engines, but it's hard to tell because of the flash. And, I figured I would scuff it up a bit around the edges. ya know, bottom of the feet, elbows, hands a bit more. Probably the ends of the skirt armor, and ankles. I got this cool aluminum color for it. It's kind of a blue silver. I'll probably just dry brush it, it worked pretty well on my ground types. Anyway, look forward to some "use" marks later this week I hope.
  15. Thanks man! In other news, I managed to miss some of the cooler pics, I guess they didn't upload or something. Anyway, the "lost" pictures: And if anyone is wondering, I colored the eye and scope peices with sharpie. It works wonders as long as you don't touch it.
  16. PART TWO! And as Vash would say: "LOVE AND PEACE!"
  17. Some of you may remember back during the summer I had discussed my plans to do a Johnny Ridden custom of a PG Zaku acquired from Amazon's crazy sale. Well, it took me a while to finally get around to it, but I finally finished it a couple of days ago and wanted to show you guys how it turned out. It looks pretty boss if you ask me. It's not the best paint job ever, but its so far my best. PICS!
  18. Whoo 18!
  19. What the heck plane is that...?! It looks wicked! Definitely a strong resemblance to the 19, but I also see a little bit of the Mave from Yukikaze as well. 383998[/snapback] It looks like the Falken from AC3 and 5, maybe they changed it a little to "fit in" with the 15 year fall back. Took away the panoramic monitor cockpit and the tactical laser system, and changed the engines a little bit. I hope thats real, because I'm in love with it. The real Falken:
  20. I don't care how terrible this movie turns out to be, I'm going to see it in theaters and I'm going to own the DVD, simply because it has the best title I've ever heard in my entire life. Plus, now I have a new saying, instead of "Sh*t happens...," or "Well, that's life," I can say "Snakes on a plane, man, snakes on a plane..." And it will be awesome.
  21. TV 1/48 VF-1J (Miria FP): 001 DYRL 1/48 VF-1S (Roy): 001 1/48 VF-1A (Max): 001 I got three.
  22. I would take that with a grain of salt, everyone I've talked to consider the Gunbuster figs to be some of Kaiyodo's worst. The newer Evas (Movie 02 and the MP Evas) don't even have the revoltech joints and they can do a rediculous number of good poses. The new joint system, I imagine, would only increase their freedom. I think it makes them look more muscular, I like them a lot.
  23. I got mine in the mail, whoo!
  24. God, I hope these are real and get released. MSiA Quel and Hazel! That would rock my face off.
  25. I want some!
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