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Everything posted by Shmitty

  1. Ouch, Venom's lookin' kinda weak there. What happened to the white spider from the trailer?
  2. That's pretty boss.
  3. It's wierd how I hated S-Freedom till this MG. Looks like I'm gonna have to get it.
  4. You've got PM
  5. Not my favorite VF, but still really inginuitive. I like how the side covers on the torso don't just magically appear, since they're the missile pods. Not that having explosive ordinance that close to the pilot really seems like a good idea.
  6. MMM... Animated .gif goodness. Enjoy!
  7. Both my dad and I both use Premiere for our stuff, but I've also heard pretty good things about Apple's Final Cut software. But since its from Apple, it will probably cost eleventy billion dollars.
  8. Holy crap! That would certainly be an akward situation to wake up to.
  9. I would absolutely love to see a GM Sniper Custom II, you know the one from 0080 and Rise From the Ashes. It's a thing of beauty and it doesnt get any love. Plus then I could do it up in White Dingos' colors. It probably won't happen though, since the usually do things in phases, and they probably won't redo their other 0080 kits any time soon.
  10. Ahhh! I just read this! I'm so excited! I mean, this is a dream come true!
  11. I can't wait to see it with the big MG-42 looking gun.
  12. Cool. I ended up watching it through NBC's video service though. No one do this if they can avoid it. The buffer sucked and the quality isn't so great. Good show though, I really enjoyed it, a bit stunned at how graphic it got. Look forward to next week!
  13. Damn! I missed both broadcasts of it! If they hadn't changed the time of the second showing I would have caught it! Guess I'll have to find a torrent somewhere...
  14. Looks like its gonna be awesome. Can't wait.
  15. No they haven't and I assume the reason is the same we haven't seen the Nightengale or the Jeagan Variants, they just never got around to doing the CCA MSVs when they did the CCA kits.
  16. This is just like what happened to me with the VF-0. I mean I loved both birds from the beginning, but the CAD renders and the resin protos never appealed to me. Seeing this helps me realize that it's perfect. Perfect enough for me anyway.
  17. Yeah, it's in Zeta. Its the Methuss. I don't remember it's production number though. It's transformable, and it blows up. A lot.
  18. http://www.celebsoundboards.com/videos/spiderman.wmv I was able to get it from here! Quality isn't so great though.
  19. It too is already down
  20. If anybody's looking for a squad, I've gone ahead and made one. Name is "Mobius Squad", right now its on the Morskoj side, everyone is welcome to join, just shoot me a message that you're from MW. My GT is Yushiro050 If any of you played Ace Combat 4, you may recognize something...
  21. Quality is better since the release schedule is not weekly and more OAV-ish being released on a monthly schedule with the DVD coming in November. The reason behind this is mostly because Bandai wants to try to post content directly to the web instead of releasing it to home video/theaters/TV, or so I've heard. Running at 15 minutes is fine for streaming media. Any longer and you might as well buy it off iTunes. 416591[/snapback] Yeah, I'd heard the same thing about its distribution. And I guess it makes sense that they don't want people to have wait hours on end to get their show, but still I wish it were longer. Just because it has so much promise.
  22. Awesome, can't wait to see this one done.
  23. GRAGH! [rant] I have to say I wasn't really looking forward to this as I was basically put off of SEED due to Fukada and friends inability to create a coherent and driven plot, and it wasn't that big of a deal that the eps were so short. However, I went ahead and watched it anyway after seeing some screens. Now, I'm pissed. How can something of this quality be limited to a runtime of 45 minutes!? Gah. It's not even long enough to be a movie. [/rant] The mobile suit combat was really well done. They seemed like machines of death instead of pretty robots that save everyone, as Destiny had portrayed them towards the end. Maybe Bandai/Sunrise can use this creative-production team on their next project. Maybe if Stargazer does well enough we can see them continuing it. I'm really wondering though, how they're gonna get all of the rest in just 30 minutes. Maybe it will fall terribly short in the story department after all.
  24. AFAIK, Kaiyodo has always paneled that line red. It adds contrast to the blue used on the mouth, and the open mouth is noticably different. ::EDIT:: not to be confused with "that line was red in the other reviews" but that in Kaiyodo's figures in the past.
  25. Continued... Some 1/48 comparison shots That's all folks. If you have any other questions about it, shoot! Enjoy the pictures!
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