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Everything posted by gaogaigar

  1. Oh Yeah, I have known of this site for a while. The moderator is a metal slug freak. Download some of his videos and watch a metal slug master at work. Mslug 3 is still the best and most fun to play in my opinion. Still trying to beat it with one guy...
  2. Wow, that's great news! I remember watching this on cable tv a LONG time ago again thinking that it was such a great movie. "there is no ONE??..My name is Mok thanks a Lot" haha
  3. heh..you guys..
  4. Anyone have a PG zeta light up beam saber, built or unbuilt that they wouldn't mind parting with? I am willing to consider any price Albert
  5. Does anyone want to part with their light up beam saber for the PG zeta. I am willing to consider any offers.. Built or not built. Albert
  6. Thanks to jolly rogers, mechamaniac, and john wayne and the rest of you for answering my question. My original plight was that I had a box full of saber blades and had no idea which PG saber belonged to which. Your picture shows without a shadow of a doubt that the longer thinner ones belong to the zeta. Thanks alot for your help guys
  7. Anyone here own both the pg zeta and pg rx-78? I have a mix of pg parts that I need to sort out from a seller. What is the difference between the rx-78's sabers and the pg zeta's sabers in terms of length, size, and the size of the connection stub? I am asking about the regular sabers, not the light up.
  8. Hi Exo, Please put me down for a set please. Thanks GGG
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